0096 O?OINQANCE NO. 96 Of Fri 'IF 1 1 l)r( j1 - k� AN 0tDINANCE DIRECTING THAT THE QUESTIcA OF ISSUING BONDS FUI THE PURPUu& OF PUMAS/TO A SITE FOR, CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A CITY HOSPITAL BE SUBMITTED TOME VOTERS OF THE CTTY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; PRESCRIBING MDR NATTERS MATING THERETO; AEW DECLARING AN EMFRGENOY. WHEREAS the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas is a city of the emend clans; avl WHEREAS the City does not have a hospital and there in an immediate need for the providing of necessary hospitalization facilities to the inhabitants of the City; and WHEREAS it has been determined that the cost to the City of ouoh a hoapitol will be $150,000, including architectural, logal and other nsoamsary expenses heel- dental to the oonatruotion of the hospital and the issuance of the bonder it being understood that in addition to the said $150,000 the City will utilize suoh Tondo from other sources, including the Federal Government, as say be available; and WHEREAS the City can obtain the fends for the cost to it of the oonstruation of the hospital by the issuance of General Obligation Bonds under the provisions or Amendment No. 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas; NOI, TIEtEF(RE, BE IT QtDAXNED by the City Connell of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas': Section 1. That an °laction be. and the same is hereby, milled to be held in the City of Jaokoonvllles Arkansas on the 4th day of November, 1950, at which election thorn shall be submitted to the electors of the City the question of issuing 3150.030 in General Obligation Honda for the purpose of paying the aunt to the City of oca- atruating a city hospital. The bonds shall be negotiable aonpon bonds. shall be dated December 1, 1956, and interest thereon shall be payable semi - annually on June 1 as December 1 of each year commencing June 1, 1959. The bonds shall be sold at publio sale and shall bear interest at such rate so is fixed in the bid accepted by the City at mid sale. The bonde shall be sold with the privilege of'conversion to an issue bearing a lower rate or rates of interest, the conversion to be in accordance with the Univernal Band Values Tables and upon such terms that the City receive no lea4ti& pay no more than it would receive akitd pay if the bends were not converted, and the bonde to be sold shall nature on December 1 of each year as foliose, but shall be callable for paysent prior to maturity on soh terms as may be specified by the City in the notion mf sales Year Amount 1961 t 2,000 1962 2000 1963 3.000 1964 3,000 1965 3,000 1966 3.000 1967 3.000 1960 3,000 1969 ,000 1970 14,000 1971 4,000 197 4,000 1973 4,001 1974 4,00O 1975 4.00 3976 5.000 1417 5,000 1970 5,000 1479 5,0Do 1980 6,coo • -( ! J • • ALOE 2 ' • QIDINANCX N0. 96 (C@Yl'1iu o) Vim' Amount • 1981 0 6,00° 1982 6, COO 1983 7,000 1986 7,000 1985 7,000 1986 8,000 1987 80000 1988 80000 1989 9,000 1990 9.000 Section 2. That acid question shall be placed on the ballot for the *Motion In substantially the following forme Vote on msasere by placing an ° B ° in the square above the measure either for ar againate For the issuance of bonds in the amount of 0150,000 Against the lanunnoo d' bonds in the amount of $1500000. 7-7 It is proposed to issue 9150,000 in bonds payable serially on Deoember 1, 1961 to 1990, lnolunive, for the purpose of financing the cost to the City of oonstruoting a city hospital. The bond° shall be sold with the privilege of conversion to an issue bearing e fewer rate or rates of interest. in the event the issuance of the bonds is approved by the elootir s, the City Couuoil will levy a continuing annul tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the bonds as they nature. Section 3. That the election shall be held and conduoted and the vote canvassed and the results dealered under the law and in the manner now provided far municipal sleet /one so far as the sane is applicable, and the Mayor of the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas and having a bona fide circulation therein, the last publication to be net less than ten days prior to the date of the olootion, and only qualified rebore of the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas shall have the right to vote at said election on said question. Section k. That the results of said election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor and his proclamation shall be published one time in a newspaper published in the City of Jaoksonville, Arlannns and having a bona fide circulation therein, which proolena- time shall advise that the results as proclaimed shall be eonolunive unless attacked in the courts within thirty days after the date of such proolaovation. Section 5. That the Mayor is authorized to advertise. according to the Pulaski County Board of Election Cemm,issinnere so that the necessary elootion officials and supplies may be provided. Section 7. That all ordinances and pmts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Suction 8. That it is hereby ascertained and declared that the proppo°ed Im. provement to be votod upon by the electors in the °lootion called by this ordinance ie immediately needed in order that adequate hospital facilitie may be made available to the citizens of the City of Jacksonville, Arkanana, without which the public welfare, safety and health of the oititone are greatly endangered. Inasmuch as said facilities can be made available only by the issuance of bonds, of which the election called heroin is the initial stop, it is declared that an emergency exits and this erdinenoe being necessary for the preservation of the public peace. health and safety shall be in force and take effect immediately upon and after its passage.