96 FEB 12.doc (2) CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 6:30 P.M. - 7:05 P.M. OPENING REMARKS: Chairman Gray opened the meeting and expressed appreciation for those in attendance, adding that the regularly scheduled meeting time was changed in order to accomodate a special public hearing being held at the Elderly Activity Center with regard to a proposed overpass for the City of Jacksonville. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Rudy Reid, Connie Foster, Kenny Elliott, Mark Perry, John Hardwick and Jack Patton answered ROLL CALL. Chairman Bart Gray, Jr. also answered ROLL CALL and declared a quorum. Commissioner Brannen arrived at approximately 6:38 p.m. Commissioner Dornblaser was absent. PRESENT Seven (8), ABSENT (1). Others present for the meeting were City Attorney Robert E. Bamburg, Deputy City Clerk Susan L. Davitt, City Engineer Duane Reel, and petitioners. PRESENTATION: Plaque for Mr. Lester Piggee Chairman Gray expressed appreciation on behalf of the Commissioners for Mr. Piggee's service on the Planning Commission from 1-1-90 to 1-1-96. Mr. Piggee was presented a plaque honoring his six years of service to the City of Jacksonville. Chairman Gray explained that after two consecutive 3 year terms a commissioner must leave from service for a period of one year, adding that Mr. Piggee's name plate would be held in hopes of future use when he might be able to return as a Planning Commissioner. Mr. Piggee related that he had enjoyed serving on the Commission and is looking forward to service in the future. He welcomed Mr. Mark Perry and Mr. John Hardwick as new members of the Planning Commission. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Commissioner Brannen, moved seconded by Commissioner Patton to APPROVE the minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of January 8, 1996 and the minutes of the Special Planning Commission Meeting of January 29, 1996. MOTION CARRIED. It was noted by Chairman Gray that the Annual Planning Commission Report would be reviewed and considered at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on March 11, 1996. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 6:30 P.M. - 7:05 P.M. REQUEST TO SET PUBLIC HEARING(S): a. Request to rezone property located at 900 Ellis Street. Chairman Gray introduced the first of two public hearings to be considered, relating that the property is located at 900 Ellis Street. He related that the petitioner is requesting that the property be rezoned from R-2 to R-4. Mr. Harold Parker owner and petitioner addressed the Commission, relating that the property located at 900 Ellis Street is flanked on both sides by property zoned R-4 which accommodates for mobile home use. He stated that the property had a mobile home which has now been moved and a newer one placed there. Commissioner Elliott moved, seconded by Commissioner Brannen to set a public hearing to be held during the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on March 11, 1996 with regard to the rezoning from R-2 to R-4 of the property located at 900 Ellis Street. MOTION CARRIED. b. Request to rezone Block 3 & 6, Original Town of Jacksonville. Chairman Gray introduced the item of business to be considered, giving a general location of the property and the request for the parcel to be rezoned from R-2 to R-3. He related that while the petitioner Mr. Buddy McMahan is not the current owner, he has letters of request for rezoning on his behalf from the current owners. Mr. McMahan related his desire to rezone the property to multi-family housing in order to accommodate construction of an apartment complex. Commissioner Elliott moved, seconded by Commissioner Patton to set a public hearing to be held during the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on March 11, 1996 with regard to the rezoning of property legally described as Block 3 & 6, Original Town of Jacksonville. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Gray informed the petitions of their responsibility to post the property fifteen days before the public hearing in a highly visible place adding that the office of the City Clerk will provide petitioners with the necessary signs for posting. REQUEST TO APPROVE BUILDING PERMITS: REQUEST TO APPROVE PLATS: PUBLIC HEARING(S): CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 6:30 P.M. - 7:05 P.M. DISCUSSION: Hampton Inn Commissioner Elliott moved, seconded by Commissioner Brannen to bring the item of business off the table and open it for discussion. MOTION CARRIED. City Engineer Reel related that representatives from the Hampton Inn have requested waivers from the Board of Adjustment with regard to front and side setbacks and the maximum height requirement. He stated that if the waivers are granted by the Board of Adjustment, the petitioners desire to move ahead with the building permit request before the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Brannen, City Engineer Reel related that the petitioners would seek a sign variance at a later date. Discussion ensued as to the presentation of a sight plan and the need for a height variance if the construction exceeds the 35' height requirement. Commissioner Elliott moved, seconded by Commissioner Hardwick to approve the issuance of a building permit contingent on compliance to Jacksonville Municipal Code or Board of Adjustment waivers with regard to (1) side yard setback, (2) front yard setback, and (3) height requirement of the Hampton Inn to be constructed on John Harden Drive. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Gray adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:05 p.m. Respectfully, Lula M. Leonard Planning Commission Secretary CITY CLERK-TREASURER