0077 atnirAncW I'7,tR1 It 77 x:3 2.,. AN flUIWIICE ACCEIrIX0 ATM ANtiall;C CEIMAIR TERRITORY TO THE CfTY OF ,EtCHSO !VILIR. ARFAr.SAS; ASSTCrlrC SATE TO 711WD TWO; Affil FOR O HER PRPS'OSES• WCEREAhl, on March 29, 19.56 there nes filed in the orrice of the County Clerk of Pulaski County, • Arlmnses, a petition signed by a majority of the real estate oonore who own more than 50, of the here- inafter described territory praying that said territory be annexed to and made a part of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas. end aTmEAS, on the 2Itth day of f„y 1956, after notice of the filing of the petition and the intention to present same on unit] date having been given for three conoeoutivo woke in the Aricansns Democrat, a newspaper of general circulation in Jacksonville, Pulaski Canty, Arkansas, and it appearing that the petition had been an file with the County Court for period of more than thirty days, the County Court found that said petition va oignod by n majority of the real estate owner who own more than 507; of the said territory; that said territory was contiguous to ani ndjoins the sold City of Jacksonville, Arkansan. that nn accurate rap of said territory has Leon f Sled with said petition, and that all things had been done in oonectiont with said proceeding an is r-quired by law; and - - WHEREAS, the Pulaski County Court has eland an Order granting the petition for the annexation of said territory, subject to the acceptance by the City Counoil of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, es is provided by law. New, T1ihR1FtRF, BE IT f41OATNED BY TIN: CITY COUNCIL O' TIE CITY OF JAOI CAVJLTII. ARKANSAS: - SECTION 1. That the following described territury contiguous to and adjoining the City I.iate of • the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, is hcreby annexed to and made a part of the City of Jaokeanvillo, Arkeneas, to -wit, Reginning at the Northwest Corner of faction 31, T-3 -N, R -10-W, thence South to the Southweot Corner or the North of Northrest } of Seotfon 31, thence; East to the Southeast Comer of the Northwest i of the NW a, Section 31; thence North 100 foot ;‘thenoe Enst 810 feet along a line which is in the West i�of the Northeast a of Section 31, to the center line of Highway 67; thence Northeasterly along the center lire of Highway 67 to the intersection of Highway 67 end the Northwest right -of -ray line of' Military hoed; thence Northeasterly along the Northeast and North right- of-way line of liilitery Rced to a point an the North right -of -way line of Mili- tary Bird which point ie tpproaisetely 30 feet north of the oowon corners of Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32; thence East along the North right-of-way line of Military Road to the East Section Line of Section 29, w0ioh point !e approximately 30 feet north of the Southeast corner of ti Section 29; thence North to the Northeast Corner of the Southeast , Soctimetst y. Section 29; thence Abet to the Southwest Corner of the Northeast a Southwest y , Section 29, thence North to the Northwest Corner of the Northoasb , Southwest y, Section 29, T -3•41. R- 10-14; thence • West and South along the present City Limits to the point of beginning. That said lands are hereby annexed to and aucepted as, and trade a part and parcel of the City of Jacksonville, Arhmnsr e, are the inhabitants residing therin shall hive and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the original limits of the City of Jacksonville, Atlwasas• SECt1ON 2. That the above described territory shall be and beoo®o, and le hereby deolared to be n part of Ward Two of the City of Jacksonville, Arlmnsas, as fully as any other part of said Ward• w arION 3. THE FAS, rotor and sewer 1'aoilltien and fire protoctien are drastically needed in the above described territory and, whereas, these services cannot be rendered until this „ordinance area into Stull force and effect and this urdinrnoo being necessary for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and those in the effected territory, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full faros and effect fa-emend after its passage. PAS''ED AND APPROVED THIS 25th DAY OF JUNE 1956. 4 • LT•Yal ATTEST; ,•'� 1 C, ,' 4 RECORTTR