0076 • • ORDII1.110E nUIt)EE 76 AN ORnvA'G: ESTABLISHING Aii OCCUPATION TAX TO B'.; CN ARTID F 7 w0'; ?IRGS CT. CORPOIUTIOUS EN- GAPr;^ 111 TIM BUSINESS OF DISTRIBOTICU AND S7$.11i1G AT RWL% l NATURAL GAS TrrI nT THE COIN POISTE LITOETS OP THE CITY ^F JACI:SO;)V1LLE, ARKANSAS, AND FOR 71Tfl :IMPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF JACY.SUWPJ.R, ARKAiWAS: SECTION 1. The business of distributing and selling natural gas to domestio and commercial consumers nithin the City of Jaols-nvill',, Arkansas, is hereby declared to be a privilege and all persons, firma, or corporations so engaged shall pay an annual license tax of iet of cross Collections excepting collections from ineustrie.l oonuumors. Payment of said license fees, charges, impositions or taxes ( ether than automobile license loos, special mil].a& taxes and general ad valorem taxes ) which may be icponed by the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas, under authority oonforred by low. SECTID17 2. All licenses under this Ordinance shall be for a period of one year. beginning 1 July 1956 , and the annual license tex of LC of gross oolleotions ( excepting oolleotions from industrial oonsnmers ) shell be due and poyable thirty (30) days after each quarter. beginning 1 July 1956. SECTION 3. All Ordiruuncer or parts of Ordinances in oonfliot with tide Ordinance is hereby repealed. As the provisions of Ordinance ,63 expire 1 July 1956, an emsrgenoy is declared to exist end this Ordinance shell be in Pall fordo and effect from and after its passage and ap_eroval. PASSED, THIS 7th 'AY OF June 195 G APPROVED: ATTEST et RE ORDER ,