0075 P ORDINANCE NUII71G?:12 75 ' • of A11 C DINAVVCE ACCEPTING AND MWEXING C!BBTAIN Tl'NCUITORY TO TIM CITY OF JACKS ARKe SAS; ASSIGNING THE SAl2 TO tl'RDS, AIM FOR OTWOR'PVRV0sES. WHEREAS, on February 21, 1956. there ems filed in the office of the County Clerk of Pulaski County, Arkarees, es petition signed by a majority of the real estate owners who own over 50 i of hereinafter described territory, preying thetsaid territory be ennexod to and redo a part of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and whereas, on, the 28th dry of March, 1956, titer notice of the filing of the petition and the intention'to present seem on . said into having be given for' three oonseoutivo weeks, es required by law, by publication in the Arkansas Democrat, e newspaper of General oirenletion in Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, and It appearing that the petition had been on file with the County Courb for a period of more than thirty days the County Court found that said petition was signed by a majority of the real estate ewers who osm over 50 % of the said territory, that said territory was contiguous to and ndjoine the said City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, that an acourote rep of said territory hes been filed with said petition and that e11 things had been done in connection with said proceeding es is required by law, that Joseph W. Vestal, Jr., Puled a protest against said anneention and his lands together with property own& by the First Eleotrio Cooperative Corporation have been deleted end; Yffi(RtAS, the Pulaski County Court hes signed an Order granting the petition for the annexation of all other lends in the petition subject to the aoceptance by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, as is pro- vided by law. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAISIED BY 1 CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARAANS.''S: SECTION 1. That the Following described territory contiguous to and adjoining the City Limits of the City of • Jacksonville, Arkansas, is hereby annexed to end reeds a part of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas; to -wits Beginning at the intersection of the Little Rock Air Force Base South Boundary and the North South half section line of Section 18, Township 3 North, Range 10 West; thence South 88 degrees, 13 minutes "East, 2653.7 -feat along the South lino of the Little Rook Air Force Base, then South 89 degrees 29 mdnutes East, 440J4 feet; thence North Cfl degrees 56 minutes East, 901 feet; thence North 41 degrees 57 ndnutes East 541.5 feet; thence North 25 degroer 17 minutes East, 5(O feet Co a point where Little Rock Air Foroe Bass line makes en offset to the 1te of ;.thence East to the Southeast TI/IV line . Highway Hf; thence South- west alone the Rig lino of Highway 67 to the Northeast corner of Mk of the Miter Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 10 Wert, thence Best to the Northeast corner of the SE: of Section 17;. thence South to the Northeast corner of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 10 West; thence South to the Southeast corner of Section 20, thence South to tho Southeast corner, El of SE+ of Seotion129, Township 3 North. Range 10 Beet; theme host to the Southwest corner NE' of S7 - of Seatioa29; thence North to the Northwest corner of NE3e S70 of Section 29, Tormsbip 3 North, Range 10 Wert, the existing' city limit line, thence East to the writer of Section 29, Township 3 *forth, Renee 10 West; thence Worth and Wont and along the present City Limits line to the point of begineing, ell Lands desoribod being generally East of present oity limits of the City of Jao'.s orvillo, Arlrnnrn s, rnd bounded on the Nest limits of said lends by the exist- ing oity limits of the City of Jaoksonrillo, Arkenses, Pulrski County, with the £once nn exceptions therefrom: The property owned by Joseph W. Vestal & Son, Inc., described to -wit: That p.rt of the E,*,, of the SO- and the SEs of Section 20 lying N & W of the Missouri ?stifle Railroad right-of-way containing 33 acres and the of Section 20, Township 3 North, Renew 10 Nests except 7 acres out of the NYk of the earm, used as a cemetery, containing 155 acres more or less, and the following territory belonging to First Electric Cooperative Corporation is else excluded, to -wit: A pert of SDI of the leSk of Section 19, Townahip 3 North, Range 1O Nest, Pulaski C , more particelerly described es followst Beginning at a point on the E line of SE$ of the of said section, which is 660 £o -t S of the NE corner thereof end runs thence S along said E line 630 feet; thence 17 parallel with the N>lino of said Section 530 feet; thence N 630 feet; thence E 530 Peet to the point of beginning, comprising 7 2/3 acres more or less, Pulaski County, Arkansas; All other lends in the original petition are hereby annexed to and accepted r•s, and nude a pert end parcel of the City of Jaokco•'ville, Arkenees, and the inhabitants residing therein shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the original limits of the City of Jacksonville. Arkancaa. SECTION 2. The above described property le hereby divided to and a ssigned to the following wards of the City / of Jaoksonvi.11e, Arkansas: All of the above described property lying North and West of the l.bissouri- Pacific Railroad is assigned to and bloom part of Ward three (3); ell of the property In the above described area South and Bast of the Missouri - Pacific Railroad and lying North of a center line extension of Roosevelt Rued' to the Eaat Boundary of Sunnyside Hills Addition, thence East and parallel to Graham Road, to the boundary of the above described territory, shell becon n pert of hard One (1); all of the above desoribod territory lying South of the South boundery -line of Ward Ono (1), dooribed above, shall be and become a part of Ward Two (2) of the City of Jacksonville, Arkennes. - SECTION 3. WHEREAS, Water end Sower fe.o`lities end fire protection ere drastically needed in the strove desoribed territory ard, flhereas, these services cannot be rendered until this ordinance goes into full force and effect end this ordinemoe being neoessary for the preservation of the peace, health end safety of the inhabitants of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and those in the effected territory. on emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in fell force end effect from after its passage and publication. PASSHD AND APPROVED THIS e , Jth DAY OF JUNE , 1956. HAIM ATTEST: ' IC Ott