0066 ( tV1 i y,q ORDINANCE # AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING A FIVE (5) HILL TAX AGAINST REAL AND PERSONAL 1ROPFRRTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF'TBE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS. FOR TIRE TAXABLE YEAR OF 1955. BE IT ORDAINED BY T BE CITY COPRCIL OF TAB CITY OF JACKSONVILLE. ARKANSAS: 1. That a tax of five (5) mills on the dolllar is hereby levied by the City Couaoil of the City of Jaokaonville, Arkansas, ahlnh is for the taxable year of 1955. 2. That a Certified Copy of this Ordinanoe be delivered by the City Recorder to the County Clerk of Pulaski County. Arkansas. whose duty it shall bd to extend said five (5) mill tax against all Peal and Pornonal Assensoeuts made against property within the oorporate limits of the City of Jaoksonvillo, Arkansas. 3. That an emergency le deohred to exist and that the public health, prosperity and peace of mind will be served by passage of tbis Ordinance to be in full force and effect from date of passage and approval. PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF Sept:mber. 1955. ATTEST `/ I • APPROVED: ,�oC ■', Ol >I . Y B. SOHEilTT^ NAY yv 1 •