0061A A1IENDVENT +1 TO ORDINANCE f61 • ✓ . 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACFSO'NTLLE, ARKANSAS: THAT so much of Suction #2, Ordinance 141. se reads, ° the term of this Franchise shall he for the period of five (5) years, dating from the date of its passage by the City Counoll be amended to read: 'The Term of this Pranohlse shall le or the period of twenty (20) years, retroactive to 1 April 1 955.' THAT this amendrent shall be in full force and offeot from and after its passage and approval. PASSED. 2 June 1955 I ATTEST: APPROVED; VAitm REC ER,, • 1 1