0045Tnl'!; Fnfi r,!S"i'CTTnra OF PPrrISES FOR CMT"ITIONS H17.7 f. T° '. I P•r: 0••rt.. IP v • Trirq _em r ,r „ y vF„$Pr M: •,r a im SUS.F'>1'TRILIt . TO FTvi? TN'PPF ,.ITV Oc •T.'-VVr1TT,t.>•:. WY -'",43, RY THE FIPE ^r;p'�T*.!•NT Or Tq? ^ITV rr. J.':CF:Pn'"'I*r,c: TO `'XE IT THF: hOPY OF TPP. PIPE'FVVT1-rT TO T"SPEC' 31J. I vF`: , IP T -T: CT1 Y nF J CKWAnrI' LE, sRK.LNSAS: 70 L';CV FF;" n•' LL. vitt, IrP.S In Tvg nTY OF .Tn':%8nA'VILLE, SRKANSsS, TOT"E1s AY r"RR . nST Oa• S-1'"! IF'BF'i:^T I"": 14r TO RF,PEAL OIthINArCE rra, 42 OF THE CITv nm .T1,':F.SOr"jILT,E, 1RK:1N3A3 ?ziJP ORDIN,NCP:S A''ENL`TORY THEROTO; ANC' POR OT3tuT? F°7"�POCF, ;. NE IT OTINTM-T BY Tcm CITY IfUMTL n^ THE "tTv OF JACVCOT??rILLR, ARwANShS: SKCTTON 1. It shall be the duty of the rmm•ers of the Fire Department of the City of Jacksonville. Ark,"sen, to make or Canso to 1,o made monthly scheduled inspeotions of all buildinre located in the City of Jacksonv311e. irkans e, and ascertain whethrr there are conditions with rospeot thereto rhich are hnaordoua by ransoo of eanving unreasonable and unusual susceptibility to fire and e.re dan ;prous tb the h1alth +nd safety of the citizens and residents of the City of Jaeksonvillo. Ar'<nnnav, and to report the results of such Inspections to the City C•unoil of the City of Jacksonville. Prksns s. SECTION 2. Regular insreotions of all bulldinre loaatad in the City of Jacksonville, Ark- ansas, to detorml.re mhvt er fire hazards —tst with reaped therote shall be schedul=d at least once each month but with n fre,atonc•- prenortionn., to the pot^ntinl fire hazard olaeses defined 'Aa follows: FIRE Ill.",..FP 0W.S3 DLFINIT:%! A. Rr.STP. ,",IAT. Single Faa31y docking or any portion of a building used as such. R. LIO4f 11AZ%0D Places of buainess serving as wholesale or retail outlets for rerehandise •.^here no patroloum products or other highly combustible products are being used, stored or sold. C. Si"IrA' IATA" Places of business which tend to promote the gathering of people in groups. P. HEAVY TLiZARr Places of busies as which sell, store or use petroleum products and other highly combustible mater nal a. E. INPUSTRIAL Places of business which would be classified gen- erally as manufacturing establishments or which are en;;aged In the conversion of rag: or se+ -i - processed materials into finished or sari -finished products. ' SECTIOH j. For the purpose of defraying the expoase of administering this ordinance. there is 'levied an inr,:aection fee of Forty Cents (SO.40) per month for each residence and the out buildings used in connection therewith located in the City or- Jacksonville. ,Arkansas and a am corresponding to the appropriate inspection fee so shorn herein Por each business establishment located within the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas, irrespective of the member of such establishretne boosted in any one building. Susi fees shell be as follows: CLAS' OF WSINESS ESia!LICT MITT FEE a. Light Hazard 10.60 per month b. Medium Hazard $0.80 per month a. Heavy Hazard 41.00 per month d. Industrial i'2.00 per month or ' 0.140 per building whichever is the • larger am. The inspection fee shall be paid by the occupant of such building or ostablishmant, or, in bho'evant a 'bulldin" In not 000upies, the person, firm,partnership or corporation using or maintaining said building or establishmmnt shall pay said inspoetioe fee. SEM, 01 4. All monies collected ander the provisions of this ordinance shall be deposited in e separate fund to be known no the hire Hazard Tnapection Fund, .•nd to be used solely for the purpose of supplementing or paying the salaries of personoel'obarged with the administration of this ordinance. OP.DIMAW'E9 115 Pale 2 SECT'Iell 5. The inspection fee herein levied sh:.11 be duo and payable on the first day of each month horeafter, end any person, firm, partnership or corporations theri agonts reprosentatite, or manager, who shall fail or refuse to pay the inspection fee herein levied, within ton days after the due date thereof, ohnll 6e da+mor+ guilty of n misdemeanor, ,md upon conviction, shall be fined to any sum not. to exooed T,-onty-Fl-e T'ollare M25-01)), and each day that any such person, firm, partnership or corporation. their agent, reprosenbati-e, or cana.fer, shall fail to pay each inspection fee shall eonstitue a separate Wer se, and moreover, the a^ount of such inspection res may be recovered in a Civil action in any court having compotent ,jurisdiction. SE^TIO" F. Ordi^mue No. h2 and ore inanros amandatory thereto are hereby ro-eoled, but this ordinance shall not oparnte as a rspoal of other existing ordin^noes affectin; the Fire Pepartmont of the City of J¢ckscnville, arkanar,s, but shall be cu^ulvti•re thereto. VC -Vin 7• If any pert or parts of this ordinance shall be held invalid, suoh invalidity shell not affect the validity of the remaining; parts of this ordinance. The City Copnoil of the City of Jackson- ville, Arkansas, here*•y daC]mro.^, that it would hero passad the remaining darts or this ordinance if it, had lnlotn that suoh part or pits thereof would le declared invalid. SCMOP 6. It is foaod to be. a Fact by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville,-arkansas, that oafoguards for the platneti.on of the proport;; and l"ll,bitnnts of said city a,;ainst the hasurds of fire have not kept pace with the recant accelerated ;ro:vth of the City of Jackso•vi lies „rkansae, and great dander to the property en% inhahitante of such city nO- exisi.e, and that this ordinmme isnecessary for the proper protection of the h- lth nne aafet of such propnriy end inhlleitante against fire ha>ards. TEr,➢FFOPS, an emor;;onoy is dncicroe to exist earl this ordirmee shu11 ibe fn full ',r,o ane effect eftcr its passn(;e nnO approval. PASSED January /' ,_l."% ATTESTa ,i.PPP072D; 2/2 J p �' ua.rcm