00 NOV 27.doc CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. - 7:40 P.M. OPENING REMARKS: Chairman Brannen opened the meeting at approximately 7:00 p.m. expressing appreciation for those in attendance and requested roll call. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Bill Corroum, Bobby Lester, Bart Gray Jr., Dean Wilborn, and John Hardwick answered ROLL CALL. Chairman Brannen also answered ROLL CALL. PRESENT five (5), ABSENT (1). Others present for the meeting were City Engineer Whisker and Patriot Reporter Peggy Koury. GENERAL: ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS: City Engineer Whisker reviewed the zoning map and noted classification changes, asking that the Commission report any additional corrections to him. Discussion ensued regarding the property posting for zoning changes and designation or classification changes. City Attorney Bamburg clarified that designation changes that occurred because of the addition of zoning classifications need not be posted as long as the intent for use of the land did not change. City Engineer Whisker questioned if manufactured homes, which were classified as R-4, but will now be designated as R-6 and R-7 regarding subdivisions require posting. City Attorney Bamburg stated that while debatable the status of what is allowable on the land is not being changed. He clarified that any classification change that also changed the status of allowable use would require posting. City Engineer Whisker related that the largest changes were in the Wells Fargo area zoned R-4 and Carver Lane which has a mobile home park but was zoned R-1/R-0. He then related that Linda Lane has an R-1 zoning but currently has an apartment complex, duplex, and a manufactured home that has been rezoned. He stated that he is aware of some additional discrepancies regarding zoning changes that were not updated on the map, but would be corrected before final approval. Discussion ensued and it was determined that the Wells Fargo area would be posted as a subdivision and not by individual properties. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. - 7:40 P.M. City Engineer Whisker requested input regarding placement of mobile home zones. In response to a question from Commissioner Gray, City Engineer Whisker stated that there is not a modular home area designated, adding that the developers of Jordan Acres have said they do not want a modular home zoning as they previously thought. Discussion ensued and it was mentioned that while the AHOD District encompasses the entire City limits as the overlay district, it was originally intended for the southeast area of Sunny Side Hills, Graham Road including the Railroad Tracks, Loop, and Military Road. Commissioner Hardwick questioned an R-5 designation for the southeast quadrant regarding existing subdivisions, pointing out that mobile homes in the area have been granted in the past. Commissioner Gray suggested that any tracks of land yet to be subdivided might better be served by the owner bringing a request before the Planning Commission to work toward a uniform subdivision. He stated that using the AHOD approach in this area allows any lot owner in an already developed subdivision that was passed over in development or remains undeveloped to use the AHOD designation to accomplish additional development. Commissioner Hardwick mentioned spot zoning regarding AHOD considerations and questioned if the R-5 designation was to be reserved for new subdivisions or on a lot by lot basis in R-1 subdivisions that has not experienced new development in 30 years. Commissioner Gray said that he felt that was the reason AHOD considerations were established as an overlay district, to be achieved without actually rezoning the area but still enable development on single lots. Commissioner Gray then clarified that the Planning Commission created an Affordable Housing Overlay District for areas that were developed 40 to 50 years ago, but may have a few vacant single-family R-1 lots undeveloped without reason to redevelop the area. He then stated that in some instances it may serve those neighborhoods better by having a manufactured home that does not go conform to the zoning but meets the purpose for creation of the AHOD. He stated that by public hearing request process on a spot by spot basis it does not change the neighborhood zoning but does allow for some affordable housing. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. - 7:40 P.M. Chairman Brannen questioned the rezoning of areas near the proposed Railroad overpass to accommodate apartments. Commission Gray stated that a re-development district was discussed that would commercialize that older part of town from residential to commercial, adding that he is unsure if it was changed on the land use map. Discussion ensued regarding if it was to be commercial or zoned for apartments and if the commercial strip would be located from Graham on Oak and Elm back to Main. It was noted that discussions occurred during revitalization considerations for mixed used and the possibility of crating an overlay district in the downtown area which would enable a mixture of residential and commercial. Commissioner Hardwick offered minor corrections for the final map presentation, pointing out the corner of Steeple Chase and Northeastern which was originally designated as for multi-family but is all single-family. He then noted an area behind Foxdell Circle to show R-3, but was rezoned to R-1, which allows for Parks. Also noted was the Northwood Acres area which experienced some change at the end of Arapaho. Commissioner Gray noted that the area on Gina Circle was R-3 or R-4 but is now showing an R-6 designation, he then suggested that since the area contained duplexes it should carry a zero lot-line housing designation. Commissioner Hardwick noted difficulty associated with zero lot-line duplexes from a mortgage standpoint, which is extremely hard to finance without a firewall. He suggested that the Code be amended to require a firewall. City Engineer Whisker noted the street name change from Industrial to Municipal Drive and stated that area needs to be changed from M-2 to a C-2 zoning. Discussion ensued regarding a change to C-2 zoning on West Main in the area of the GTE building. Commissioner Gray pointed out that it would require a change in the land use map, whereas the area on Municipal Drive would be more apropos. He then pointed out that a commercial setting could allow for the possibility of residential. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. - 7:40 P.M. Other discussion ensued regarding where the M-2 area begins off Redmond Road, future development considerations for General Samuels and commercial considerations for the property on Municipal Drive to Odes Drive and to the east of Municipal Drive. It was noted that property close to Oakley Estates zoned R-3 has been changed to C-3 regarding a car lot located there but is not reflected on the map, also noted that Oakley Estates should carry an R-7 designation. Commissioner Hardwick requested zoning line clarification regarding property north of Graham, and Loop Road in the Nixon Farms area, mentioning concern for the R-4 zoning depicted in the area along with other zoning questions regarding the area of the Senior Residents on Martin Street. In response to a question from Commissioner Wilborn, City Attorney Bamburg related that changes will be presented through the public hearing process including property posting before recommendation to the City Council for a map change ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding the time frame and it was noted that including legal process it could be finalized and presented to the City Council in January. Discussion ensued as to the area outside the City around the south bypass and City Engineer Whisker related that because it is in the County there is no zoning and if annexed it will come in as R-0 with a 30-day period to request a different zoning or if the County asked to be annexed under a different zoning. The question of spot zoning in the area was brought up and City Engineer Whisker said he would research that possibility. It was noted that an island in the bean field may have been annexed separately and came in as R-0. Changes will be presented and posted. Other concerns were voice regarding vacancies on the Planning Commission in the coming year. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Brannen without objection adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully, Susan L. Davitt Planning Commission Secretary