0059 .; OEDIN,Al.lCE }\l\T ()'RDIN..A.'NCI~~ PPOVrrlINCi. 'F\()E./\N' :\J!~~NT BIDT\i\TEEN THE CI1ry OF' tJl\.CKS O"<TVILl.IF:, 'P1TIJ/l.SKI C r\rrNT'r, T Pl~~ C T T~{ (}F }JOF~.TIT L ITT L'L;.~ I?, OC K ;\1~D TI-l1~.; CITY OF LI'rTLE POCK, .i\J?K./\N;S.l\,() ,'.;'OH TTU~-; tJOI1rr CO- O PF~P A ~r I 0 ~ I T'J j\.l~El\. PL/\J'J'"~J IJ.J G /\N r) THE r;.: S T ./\J3 LIS TTl\lf; iJ\TT it J\ij"E; T R. 0- POll IT 1\,1'1" ARE}\ PLANl\r I HG C OJ.11\~I S S I (\r~rrJNTJER r:e-HE 'PP_ ()V T 8 I o~;rs OF ACT 1\T1Jli[BER OF' T I\SSEtTBLY C)}7l T'I{E; ST! /\.TE o Ii' "i\J~K/\I\TS\ S f Il.'l'TI) '.POH. OTT.T]'~) T)TJR.POS E S . B}~ 1T O"F~r.\ TNT~n BY T ~TE C IT'/" C OTTi\fC rqil JA C lC S n l'T\! IIJ.J"::" A1" K.r\.J\f f:; /\. ::::; : a SECTION 1. In order to cooperate joint in area uner the sions of 1-\,8 ~~elnb of tbe StatE; of l~r ka,nsas jl w'ith F\ll::lSlc:l of North Litt le Hock, and other c bod :1.Il r)u1 D..S]I..J" i').rJ(~lnf)~:ts$ a~nd to establish and 111Eli:nta,in :Lta:n l\.reaF'l!:lnIl the City of <Jael([)onv'i'11e apprc)'v'(0S arld EnTters 5rrto t'~le fol Agreement for joint l~J AGH>j~}!~j\itli~l'IT FOI? <JOINT 'PL/\Jrf\~I1\JG C;OOl)l\~1?~.ATt ION BE;T\'vEENPlfLi\SK J COTJJJTY, TOfTE CITY' (IIi') (.T/'~C}(S(~1"TVILLT~, rrrrF: CI"ry O.? 'F10HTH IJIT'TLE HOCK, TJ{F~ CIfry" OF LITrrLE porv "NT) OTi-i.F:FPUBLIG BOT)IES O.Pi-;.a~./\T I},TG:/.:TTIIIN P;JIJ,'\.SKI COtTNTY!I ~";'rATE ()l? .i\.F:KA'i\~S.i\.S.. A.rticle 1. .Autl1oriz.ation. Under pro'vi s i on8 County., the City of tJaeksonvi.llc, the Ci ad the s to the agree to join c .Area Pla.n.11iIJ"f~ Comrn:5 s s iOX1. .P\. ~3 S f) nib J I)ulaski Little herein call- Itock:, tb,e i'\re In. arf~ a. and to establish ita:n. As provided in said Act - any other civil isdictioD, or a~ency operating within, or in , the Area of isdiction of the join. in this , and becorne i ~) to tJ18 8.f;rOernent. or 0.1\)1 lie author ies to this may Article 2. Little Rock i t, an A.r e ~::l C oTInni s s ion. In order to establish and jn t1'1e ern ()Yl of' a le~) to tho ~5 !TlO t r of t1~le sta e o:C The C sian shall itan area or re~ional COTI~~SSlOns, s .... t C) be the p O.\NO r s, d ui::~ i \3 [.J ,)nd r: Yl d as fu r t}l () r .p r 0 'V i cJ i ]"] t } lis -- for Article ..r./fe!ubo r s 11 i o.e tl-16 C olnrrd s s i 01:1 The oitan a Cornnission shall be constituted as follows: Ex-Officio elected officials. frhe COUll. c.,Tud{;e, Jacks i Ie, one rnernb()r of t:h.e C i of North Little Rock shall he ex-officio me~bers the of Little Roc the of North LittIG COUYlcil of IJittle L\.nd one nlerriber of the C Cou.ncil f:trJ.d shttl.l [Je f~ntitl()d to V'o"t~e on all matters. Ex-Officio appointed officials. tr18 "'8.g;r'eemBnt shall 1 se The ch6.irrnerl of any cxist~ cornrrd s ion or board of the ex-offie 0 rrlernbers and shall he errtit1ed to \Tote on all rnatters. s of irhe C t.T1Jd~:~e shEtl1 or office other than she..]..1. be appoi11ted for a, terII1 of 3 shal.1 be 1, 2, and 3 years. t11ree ni'"bers "\Nho hol.d no othnr lie or appoint~1.v'e C onHTLi s i 0'1') or boo.x'e].. ter!ns of the rnf)mbersr:i.rst~ ','he rna,;lor of -t of Little H.ockvvith t}-l(~ Rock shall appoint 3 rno!nbers vv~ho hole] rID othf~r lie or aiJpoi1'rt~iV'e c 1l1enl.ber on a, con1rn-i. ssio:n.. The se rne:Inbers s.hc;..11 be appc ted for a terms of the members first shall be 1, 2, and 3 years. of tIle C Counc i1 of l~i ttle TI1UJl 1. c:l offi ce other t.ha:n. Q,r ~.: '.ldq~~ {\.;'.~A .. j f,;,.j (.A, J.. v, ~ ! ! '_ T'h.e TIlay'or of the C of IJorth LIttle R.ocl-: shall t"V"ro Hi.euibers viho hold no other 1TlUYli_eiY)al office ot;"her trlan appoirlt~ ve rnenlbnrf>h on a cOInw:i.s rrhese rnem.bers s11D,1.1 be PPof~~rrtec: for a t(~rm of 3 years thtJ.t the re ive .terr08 of th.e ynembers fi:rst appoi.:nted shall be 1 L. :;/8 ar f; . for a term of 3 years. The ITJtt ~l 0 r of t lIe C 1. of J a c 1: s crr.nri 11 e s lUl11 01'1 erne nib e rvvh 0 holds no 0 t 11 e r office other than af)po:Lntiv'e Jnoxnbership on a pI cornrnlss:tOn. This DjOnLbc'r shall be a.ppoirrted rnD.}1 i c T er1TLS of rdlernbn r s. The te rrns or munici s, ex- off i (~ i 0 rneTnb~; yo s l't o.f t.l; c of ex - 0 ff i c i 0 Tne Plbe r s s h fl, 11 "b e f o:r t lie r) e r tbat in the (~-'.u::)llt any cha,'; r!narl of St.lc.h e ormni s I(]n sll.all be OG ].11. lNh i c h their the All members of the Comm~ssion shall ~crve without compensation. Ii. rneln'b():r o~^. the C ornrni s s ion, o.nce ified., s}lcll n.ot o.p.r'ice exec fc)r ca,u and fLr; r 1,}f' n r :1 n rlf~ IcJ f Ol'~ e the body vvl) ie:h t () Y"lE the ro:' tf}rrn Vacaneics the ofCi.u 18. 1. 'j-'l(,;rINi t,han t~:hr expir~;ttio:n or t~ er.ms S}Hl,11 the or inal holder of said f:i.l for '1'hc JneTnb(:r 1 o.:,C this Gorn.mi s i<)Yl n.l:~i:Y' 1)(1 a.sed autornt;l,t. other 110 as prov.) of the ser::Cb 1 any other of the State of Ark~ C orl'.c orrn .t 0 ?T!:3_l( e f3 U c h :reC"i.J,ir<:.:ln8JIL s of Sect5,OJl i t~ on::l1 E\.pp o:in trl.f"J,':'l ts as r:a,y be :i. s :b~aob such ~~:p p OJ rl 'c un e r. e JIlb () r .L 0 t lH:) C 0 rnmi s i (Tn. vn'iC::J f3 u C 1'1 su e h. ad (~ i t j on a 1 i -,r e If1 e mb (~-:) r S }'l B rnFt .Y. o r;iairlta:1.TI. t~hE.~ shall request the s to ..t,}'t8 :nt to Lt- O:ff :Loe r s, HIe et D.11d Ftu.le s 8hajrrnElTle Tlle Cornrnissio11 sh~:lll elf3et B. ChairlilE\.l'1 f'ro1Ti. :its ;ne.v The terr~E; of Cha.i:r"wa.:n Llrld Ot.11(:\]", officF:r r~l"u~).ll c OTfun it t f~ e s sit.:; 0 e n.tS :n e 0 e S S elr;yr tot 'b. e pro p 0 rex ere i S (3 o:f its rnenlber s, aDd sueh other offieers be Orlt) :year. fUIlotioT1S. The C s ion sueh "Ex,ecuti'iTe Gornrn.ittee. IT} the i.nter"est of effeetivefunctio:n1n!?; of t}.!.e Corn:m.i s:;Lio:rlJ the snf.tl E:~'\{~eCiut .'.Je C ; i the s s i orl Gon s ist ()f se.\,7C;r1 n~onlJJfJrs., i:ne :1nd .the Chcvirnlarl arld other officors of the COIDJnission. The Jnernbers of the I~~xE~cuti'we COHUlrittee other tha:n t~bE~ officers shall be des .the ~m.an -vlfith tbe a;)proval of tl.'le Corrunission. ~:~~~iE:4i m~:~ Commis incide at appropriate iO!1 as a'TNhoJe 'meet ly. t least OJ100 CfiCh t s -vv:it 1'1 t,lie r C.l at; least o-:tlce ev'ery t~h:ree rno:nths" rrhe 'E~xecut,:i.ve C omlnit.- t.I.tat, .the THee t~ o,e the Conrrnj. ttee ma:/ C 0- of 1::;/-"0 C01l1Inis slOB as a. vV}-lo1e It .All opel:! t () L }'le 1 ic., T'he C ouun is s i 011 sha 11 ad rec()rd of its functions 8Yld Ctct:i\lit~i.esJ ru 1e s for the transf-\c+',01. \rill. 1. c h r e cor d s } ) ~J 11 b z<~ a I:) us .ine ~) ~),nd 1.c record. io:n J!j"rt i c Ie . 1\le :~lrtS of C The les to this shall e the i.t:an I\.rea PlarlIJ C01Xltnis;:;ion, [111(1 t;}-lu.,11 fllrnish t~.hf~ Conrcrission, on :1"0 OC1.1F!en t~s in the ir po sse s lOtl or C ont,t'o 1, and ShfJ" 11 l{id \li}lr'lte~ler pos sib Ie the 'Nork cooper'Jl.ion of their offtei.ctls, de , an.d ::q~;(.~nc.ies. o:n a reEL thr , a,n;] inf orrnF.:\ t i }<le C ornrn:i s s on iIl th,e As eel i nAct ~: t }If:;~ l!fotr C ornn1i s s i. on Flay the COImni si,.on effeetufltion or local olans or p' in. JJC; out etn:y area. '~\lan or 1<::; 8 o:C Lh is a ~.~r e f:."l~lent or ot~ he r ]. i c b oCt :1..t;.~ s .irlpr crrn.si ste.n"t .vvith "t.:,he pro[;rarn and means of the CC)1Dnri.ssion,. assist the parties to this may assist any of .t\rt ic Ie Powers, FiJ.Y)ctions:; artd Duties tal1 /\.rea COlnrniss:lon f3l'Jall hfi've the .povvers, io:n o~f area.-viid j,.n ir.lforlning reCOTDJnenda,.tions t,o t o 1J.C ].0 S and functions a ed ~ct assist the to this inter(~'st l)nd understa.ndin , a.nd 1.I1 parties to this The) J}le t:r in, C OYl.n.e Gt~ i01'1 Ll--e field ~; .f>'" .1... \.,.; rn al< ~1 of l' 5.0 ~'i. a 1 the In further i.cll1ar ofthe rnea.ns aXld Tnethod of on and ftlr1Ct i on , the C ornrnl s s i 011 a. appoint a Director of itma;i reouire. and. sueh. S ~lS ~i t. c oems ".flee e s sary, anrj er12;a::;e con su 1 tant s b. Shallprepare an annual re for the s in onnection with its work. s t',h s J and prepure and 1 sh studie ~.lnd e property and materials appropriated by the leG arId l:rlcl,lr ne ce s sary expen s 'wi-Lrl ~nd rw~s .?rovided. t 1'1 (::; 1 i 111 j t S 0 fit s eJ .. 1" e c e v.e .1'" 0 r it" r.; OVJTJ. 1). and purpo see (.lrty fUXld s or rnonc:ys 9!" o.vid ecJ und E;r Soc.t ion '!1 j,\. 0 t (; . S}l(.~~ 11 C oopo rf.-;l,t t;llro sand prepare an:nu8.1 In.:td to be sulnni ttec;, c 'it:i.e s a:nd a{;,:ene s; th i fj 1)1).( for special funds ~ nd itures_ for 'be appro\ral bod ie s an.o of t i- f. 'VIr-lorl reauested r:lt3.Y, under p\rt.,icle (~) above" .prepare, earry 01Jt L\.nd enforce uj~liJ'o.rrn di.\rision of la.nd, prepare ~:;tandard.s and 1na}.e reO(}mnl(:Hlda iCIJ,s for z.onj n~; ot.herw.lsi:: c of ~)01NerS cLnd duties in ac(;ord, vvi th l~ct for t 1-1e su b- the ex()rcise f~. Cletor:mine the area aqpropr1.ate for the preparation of ftletr appro ;Jr iate p di s t,r 1. c t s V'J"i..t~hin t }le f.\1"8 a. itarl or pla,:ns ano .A,rt ic le 7. i. OY1t:1.te Sh.E:tre of Go st s of tLe ~\r~etr Dr ion,Ctte The i e s f.j<:~~ r c e t () pro v ide f\xn d s f. 0 r t1., f~ :i.tanrires. Cornrnis i.on and to carry out Ll'tf; recu,irfHHc'Ilts of shflre or eosts ~'\.nd expnnses s}olB.l1 tJe as far as poss 1. 1e rele.ted '(-:0 .i. s diG t ion s; t.1~ n (1 s 1'1 .').11 'h e :p r 0 rD.. tlS f 011 0 VI S : ize of :ion of the; sC'leral :Pu lEl sk i Little f{oek N'o. Little Hoek Jac l{s Ol'1."J":1. 11e V\jhene\TC r an~y other C iv-.S1 811 bd i',;r-i. j orl or 11.c Q,l,..rt nor::i. , n.r:.:en.o~r, or prov:i(~ed inAct thoi.r' share:, of costs or contributIon,s shall be: S}'lf1 11 t t t.h (; in tb V'lt. I!. V Feb ( /\..rt :i 7 .., C 0'(1 t ' c] ) to'? Of' ., . ( contribution, behest, o.f ,fun(~ s " t~ 0 Lrl e C 01nr:.l j 0:1'1 :m.>l:Y l 1 ie l)oc.~:y ()l' u" ;'l)J" 0 or I}'fOr k 6' \\Jor 1: 0 f 1 1 ar t~ ;:) ]. s.tl)d ie: G or la.te' B.u;eY1GY o:r rn -1.rnbur S6:Ji10 Ylt for s1,leb stt'tdies Article 8. Addition of other Public Bodies bO~J,rc:, eornrni s sion" or ag;ency, or b e OIl Tna~y join tb.is In accord with tho vrit lei j. n, 'uv"b 0 11y . or ill rosolutiOIl. of Its c;O'VC1"t.} o..rty otber Ie authority, [:3. rea e 0 v (~ r e cl t 11 i S 'i 0 in t bod~r, board, or commi ss io~n. 1. on bee cyme a be f:3.Inel'}d eel, rnoc:! if i.ed or ad ded to" in :Cor stleh vri t"hot,tl re L:t.ny n. E~~ "\lii.] ot reo ]..lJt, i (in fj D, n:y ot; he r orG c.r or ot~l1er a :~) pr 0 ::):r i ate Fie a:ns . ic the rnernb n r o:f the C ()rrnni s;:) i om may be increased as e under ie 1e 3 .~:lbove. n..\... .J.. V J\.rt ie le Amendments to the This the re C orrrm.l2;ndat i011S of' ~lny' o:f i o:n tat s, and u "~)Oll( "pr oVD.l from. in vih.icb. this a[;re(nne:rrt s or Tria:,,/" be rnod J:fied a~nd a:me:nd.ed otlle ]:"vvi se tha.n cd for ~3 of the D,cre (:~rf1erlt, or t'tJr re cOIDJnendat i on o.f the t 11 e i est 0 t }t e and sue f1 D. i) pro -va '1 s1'1 t:111 be ly a~proved th0 Co TII.rn-j, thf; f' o_~ Article 10. Effective te of' This shall t a 1<~e fu '1 effeet vihe t lJ e r 1 }'irive upon the approval ordlna:nce, rosolutior, appropriate rule or order, aet;ioIl of ,t ies to tlle aJpropriate action, S0ction 1 of Act 2 Qnd t.I"VO Planr!. Gormni::3 or rnore of 1)0 C OTIlt3 .t-ive irJ t,he ir there shall be the a;~~rE:er;e Ylt If.. s1': orl 'I .r '\ ,e no V] <.luthc:r ized of f.T a e k s () n vi 11 e i~l s e~-" ST.~CTi I ('J1\f ~~ ~ rIlh(~ (; of ()f' ~Tc\(:;ksonvil1e iT1. ctGGordu..nce VI,: 1 ;'~ I\~ C rr T (IN" is c1eterniined t'hat the J1:etr v\rh i e h. it an a rr.-, , of I) 8 t 0 Xl ""'" ('1.t1d rrany otticr oroblf~'rns\Nld.eh lavc:? rG2ult(~(' :1:1 the:; of' the :tretr 0 :)0 1 it <.In is strl.l(~t 1 :~;, 1"1. d t~ eve] () "C..ie rr;e n t such lJlotro.po'1_itt3..!l. area Ore;} et t:mmed l upon pas St1.I;e aprro',nl1. ]?eb cF. () ", ..../ )- \ (. / :, ... ... ~----tx ~f?[;+v"J~J jiJ r ~~f.:~t.c (./.11 AT T~f.!; S T : ~. (; i 1 ~ .~ ---~~-\\:L-t: . / .t. ..., '~,-,. I I , I