0057 ORDINANC:B~ ~JO. 57 AN OI-lDIl\TAJ:{CJ:J REGUIJ\Tll~G 1\.1\ID Rl~STRICTI!\IG THE IIEIGBT OF STIZUCTURES l\JJ1) OBJr~CTS OF 1!1'~TH1JA,L GROVVTI:I, 11}JI) 01'FIERINISE REGULt\~T II~G rrHE U~R OF Pl(Oi:"~RTY, IN fr'fIE VICn~ITY nJ? 'rIlE LITTLE ROCIC All( FORC:E BA.SE AIRPOTI.T, JA,CKSONVIIJIJE, ARICAJ\TSA,S, BY CRF~A,TI~TG .l\~}~rr)OI:T 1~PPR01\CI1.. TRA.NSITI()]\T, AIiD TURIJI1JG Z01fES J\ND gSTl\.BLISIII}JG ~e~'IE BOUNDl~.R.IgS TJIEREOF: PROVII)IITG CI1J\.NGES IN TIill RESTltICTIO~:fS 1\1\m BOffiIDf1.R.IES OJi' SUCII ZONES: DEFII\JII\fG CERirl\.Il.J Tl~R!lJtS lTSED m;Irr~IIL: rnOVIDIl'JG li'OR ENFORCE!j~{I~;r\T11 : A.1;[) n~1POS ING ,pJ~;NALrr rES. BE IT ORDA Ix-lliD BY 'rI-IE C IT Y C OUl\TC IL OFT '~:E CITY OF Jj\. C 1(S O}\Pl ILI.JE.. l\.RlCA,J\T Sf\. S : SECT I01T 1. Short Title. This Ordinanoe shall be knmvn aJ.1d may be cityed as the "Airport Zoning Ordi- nanoe of Jacksonville,l~rlcansasn. ~~.cTION 2. Definitions. .A.s used in tl1is Ordinance, unless the context otl1erwise requ,ires: (1) "Airport" means Little Rock Air Force Base ,I.~irport. (2) nAirpor't ht~tzardtt means any struoture or .tree or use of land which obstr'ucts the air space re- quired for the safe fligl1tof aircraft in landing or talcing-off or maneuvering at; or in the vicinity of the airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing or taking-off of aircraft. (3) tt}Ion-conforlning usetl means any structure" tree" or use of land l,vrlic}l does not conform to a :regiJ.18;-t;ion prescri.bed ill tl1is ordinaJ:lce or EUl amendment tl1ereto, as of the effective date of such regulation. (}-f..) "<Person" loonns any individual, firm.. co-partnership" corporation, oornpany-, association, joint stock a.ssociation or body politic" and irlCl~.lc1es a.ny trus't;ee" receiver" assignee" or otl1er similar representative thereof. (5) tt Structurett means any object constructed or i,nstalled by nan.. including but withotlt limitation" buildings.- tmvers" smolcestacks" and overhead translu:ts.sion lines. (6) uLand area" means ft11Y land otttside the govermne.uL reservation. (7) "Treen means any object of natural gro1Jifth. (8) nLanding areau means tl1at part of tl1e airfield th.at is used or intended -to be used for landing and taking-off of aircraft. (9) "Clear Zonet~. Clea.r zone is an aree. entirely within the government reservation and begins at the ul'tima.te end of an existing or proposed runlNay and ends at a line 1,,000 feet beyond the ul.timate (~nd of an existing or proposed runvvay. The cloar zone extends 750 feet eaoh side of the projected center line of tl1e run~ray. (10) ttApproach Zone". T11e approach zone is an a.rea beyond each clear zone, extendil1.g on the f~ro'und for a distance of 25" 000 feet alon[~ and syImnetrical about the extended center line of the runvla.y. The widtl1 of tIle s.pproach zo~ne at the end of the clear zone is 1500 feet. i-c flares to 1+000 fe(:1t at 14,000 feet from tl1e end of the clenr' ZO~rl.e; and i.t rernains 4000 .feet wide for the additional 11,000 feet. (11) uJ\.pproe.cl1 Surfaces',!.. Trle approa.c11 surface is an, ima.ginary plane covering the approach ZOY10., begin...n.ing at the end of the clear zone at the eleva.ti~ of the end of the rummy and rising over the approach zone on a slope of 1 on 70 (knmvn as the glie~ angle) for a horiziontal distance of ~+,OOO feet (200 feet above ele"lation of end of ru.nvvay). '.'From tl1is POiXlt the controlling elev'atiol1. of t118 approac}1 surface vvill rema.in at 200 feet until the end of the approach zone (25" 000 feet from ~bhe end of the clear zone). (12) "}'Lirfield Ileference Point". The 8tirfield referenoe point is a desi.gnated poiXlt 011 an airfield from'V{hich distances rel:::tting to specifi.c criteria referred to i11 this ordina.nce are measured. For the purpose oi\ this ord,inance the airfield rej~erence POil1t will bo t~nc; co~ntrol tOltver w'icl1 is also described as the same point as th.e radius poi:nt of t':.'!e Little Rock l\.,ir Ii'orce Base .Airport IIazard .A.reas as d "b d. ('1~. 4 . e scrl "Ie l.n i.)ec \.I1on . (13) "Established }),irfield Elevation". TIle esta,bl:ished airfi.eld el'9vation is the ele\1ation" in feet above mean sea level" of the hif,;11est poirlt 011 the landing area 1nlll:1.ch is used or intended to be used for 'take-off and land ing operations. (14) ft}-'irst; IIorizontftl Stlrface l\rea". The fir s.t h.orizontal sl.1rfs.ce is 8.)1 imaginary plane loca.t:ed 150 feet a.l)ovo the established ilirfield elt9v1;ttion. Tl1e extent of tl1is surface v;ill be lirnited to a.rl area included within a circle ha.ving a rad ius of 10" 000 feet measured froIn tl1e airfield reference point. (15) "Conical SurfacetJ. The oO!lical surface is an. irnar;inary stlrface extending upvmrd and outvlard froln the periphery of the first horizon.ta.l surface area for ~1 dist;arloe of 7000 feet and terrninating a~t th,e intersection vlith the second horizontal surface area. Th.e slope of t11e con.ical surface will be 1 on 20. (15a) nSecond Horizontal Surfnce.A.reat1. Tl1e S(3C011d 11orizontal surface is an irre.ginary plane located 500 feet flbove the esta.blished airfield elevation. The extent of th.i.s surface will be lilnited to tl1e area enclosed by tliVO circles.. tl1e sJnaller havirlG a radius of 17,000 feet, tl1e la.rger l~laving a radi'tlS of 50,,000 feet" botl1 radii originating from tIle airfield reference point. (116) "Transitional Surfaceu. T}le approa.cl'l surface an.d the lal1ding area 1vill be joined to <th.6 first horizontal surface area. al1d th,e secoJ1d horizontal surface area by a transitional SllrfBce slopi.ng UIJ1NB.rd al1d outvva,rd from t11e approa.c11 sttrface 8"nd from the boundary of the lartd f.trea. T:he bou..ndar:v of the landing area is parallel to -the rUl1liVf:ty cen.'terlin.e 8.J1d 1)()gil1S 750 feet at rir;11t a.l1t.;le to botll sid,as of t11e run'v\fa~y centerline. Tb,e slope of tll,e trfln.sitional stlrfaces TIleasured at right angles to the a.x:is of the runvray involved is one o:n sevell. ~rl1e transitional surfaces terrnine.te at the of the first end second h.orizonte"l sllrface areas 8.11d the conical surface. SECTION 3- EstEtblishing l\.irport IIazard Area. Illor tl1e p'Ct:t'pose of tIlis ordinance all of tlle lan.d withi:n tr16 'bou.11daries of't:h.e CJ.:ty o)~.Jaci(s-ol1viile".' j~rl{a11sas" vrl1i.c11 :ea11 vritllin tr16 50" 000 feet radiu.s frOlll i.:;h.e reference point" except land witrlin the boundaries of Littlt8 }1oel{ .Air ~Force Base.. is to be in tl1e h,azard area and is sl~l).jeet to linr1:co.tions of l1eigxlt and use control establis!u3d by th.is ordinance. SI~CT IOl~ l~. Refere~nce PO:il1i; of th.e Little I{ock J\.ir Force B~lse .P~irport IIazard A,rea. 1-\. 1~ftlicl1 is 1966'-feot"'.e'a tl:nd' 750 feet'north of the south';est (.7,or:ner SeCB..ori 1, T-3-N;"R...ii:'1ffj is heroby establish- ed as the radius poirrc of tbe Lit,t,le Rock Base IIo,zard Arce". Ii'or the purposes I1f~reof .t118 of sa,id point is declnred to be 311 feet above rOea!l sea, lev'E}l. SECTION 5. Division of }\.irport lIe.zard [\reo. i.n,to ZOlles. .T}l~) I\. :hs.,za.rd a,rep. outside of the [Go'ver:n,- rnent reser"'v"atlo:n "66undary :is;~divl..ded il1:tO llelr;ht Illniting ZOT18S as follO"tV"s: l\,irport ones., firs;; and second :horizol1tal St~rf8.ce ZOllG S, and eoniea.l surface zones. Such ZOYles are deterrni11fJd 1JY to tIle airfield referen.ce poirrt. and este"blislled airfield. elevation. -1.- ST~CTION 6. Sc:herDHtic Dra:vlTings J\t"l'''fJ.clled - furposes tb.ereof. J\ttacrled fl.ereto and I01?de a bereof for I1nl:l.te.d ptlrposes is a scllernRtic"dra.vlirlg. Exhitl.t ~-- re'la,ting to the Little Rocle .Air Fjorce .A.ir- port. Its ptlrpose and use i.s restrictoc'l to the r Yld this ord inance as to the general pla.n 2;.nd prin.ciples inv'ol'led in det.ernlilling the lOCf.ltiorl alld areas of the zon.es. It is dre,,"Wl1 onlJl' to e~n a.pproximate scale an.dupon a:n assmn.ed 1e"\101 of surf~"'tce elevations" Hnd SIlall riot gover:n iT:. establishiIlg 0.11 exact poirlt or l)oundary lir1e. S~~CTlo~r 7. !leigl?:.~ Linlit8.t~~ns. Except as otl1ervvise provided in this ordinance 1;vl1icl1 is ere, sed:in i.g}ri~ or trfJG ftl10vled to crovr so 8.S to pro abov'e the he of the con- trollin.g ilnaginary sllrface 8,8 specified l1ereunder irrill be considered a flig}1t fl8.Zard and iJvill be ~held in violation. of this ord inance. a. Approach Zone S'urfaces. There are two (2) run111JE,y's at Lit;tle F~oc1: Pj,.ir Force Base. TIle rurn'\i1?t;Y" ~has a true nort11 bear of 70 degrees, rninl1tes, 41 seconds east arld the trl.le nortl1 l)er,r of" -t-:he secol1dar:J1 rlln!11'\lf),y is 59 degrees-, 1..!.2 lnin.trbe S il\rest. ll1B.gnetic decling.tion a.t t.he Little R.ock: Air Force Base is 7 degrees" 12 'nlin,utes east. J\. he li.rrJ.itatiol1 vvithin eac11 approach zone is hereby este\'blished which '(lIfill provide St cl€~ar space Etbove the en.tire surfaee Etrea of the appro8.ch zone, the height lintitatiol1, being represented by a sloping plant), tl1e base or which lJegins at the end of the zarie loc8.ted one thollsand (1000) fer=:t beyond the ultima.te length of the prirnary and seco:ndary :runvvs.y and extends outvve,rd and upvro.rd on e. rel,tio of sev'enty' (70) feet horizon:cal to one (1) foot verticnl and to a tote.l horizontal projected distance of fourteentllousaIld (14,000) feet fronl the approach end of the clear zone and a tot€ll height of tvro hundred (200) feet above t:he eleve.tion of the approach end of the r'L1l1VlEty. The rnaxirnum permiss i.ble heights within a ru.nv'\lay approac}-l zone" based on the daturn referred to the end of tl rUI):Vvay, are given in tIle fol1olivirlg te..l)ulation: Section Distance from end of clear zone (feet) lJ\fidth ofl approac}l zone (feet) ~~ximum permissible height (feet) ..1:70 .A A .1:'1- A .A A A A A A A F_ E o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7500 8000 9000 10.,000 14,000-25:1000 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3375 3500 3750 4000 4o~o o 14 28 44 57 71 86 100 107 11L~ 128 143 200 b. Transition Zoria Surface. 1. IIeigl1t linlitations for the tre.ns:i.tion zo:ne witrlin t.116 fir st horizontal s\.lrfe"ce are given in the follow'ing te.bula,tiont Diste.nce fronl near edge of a ~.ndi!1.g ~rea._~ 100 feet 200 300 L~oo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1050 Maximum permissible , he ~~~h~ 14 feet 29 43 57 71 86 100 111~ 129 143 150 2. IIeight lirnita.tion for the transition zone outside trte first horizonta.l surface are given in t11s following tabulation: Distance from 200 foot _~~ntrolli~~~. ,.olevdtion o feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2100 ]ilaxirm..tm permi.ssible he ~~ht_" 200 feet 271 31.~ 3 414 486 500 c. First Horizonta.l Zone SU.rface. The he:i.,;::;ht linlitation. in this zon.e is a horizontal surface 150 feet above tl1e este.blisbed airfield elevation of the referen.ce point a.s defined herei11before. d. Conical Zone Surface. The height limitatiOIl in this zone is an imaginary truncated con.ical surface betvreen the outer periphery of tl16 first hnrizontn.l zone surfa.ce a:nd the inner peri phery of t11e second horizontal zone surfe.ce. T11e lowest e..nd highest points on th.e conica.l zone surface are 150 a.nd 500 feet above the esta.bli.shed airfield elevation of the reference point a.s described hereinbefore. Tl1e TI18.xinlura permissible heights at itermediate points betvTecn tIle lowest and higl1es points on the COIlical stlrfs.ce shall be limited by the conneeting conice~l surface which l1as a slope of 1 on 20. e. Second IIorizontal Zone Surface. 'rhe hei€;11t liluitation in this zone is a horizont::tl surfH.ce 500 feet above the este,blished airfield elezv8.tion of the reference poin:t as defirled . -2- SECT I01T 8. Use Restrictions. 1~otvvi-t11sta.rldiD.g arty otxler provl.sJ..orls of this ordlnance" no use may' "be Ire.de of 1'8.11.0 wit;11in'tl1o airport hazard a.re~l in. such a rrs.nner as to create electrical interference \tvith. radio cornuunications bety{een the Airport and aircra.ft" malce it difficult for flyers to distinguish be- tvtfeen ail"port lights S,11cl. ot116rs, result in glarE:; in the ey'es of flJters using the airport, impr:tir visibilit~r i.n the vicinity of the airport, or otb.eMvise endanger the lanclir1.g" taking-off or man.euver- ing of airore.ft. a. III ~tddition to the height linlitations whicll apply ~bo the approa.ch zone surfaces, use of the land in, the llrea defined as the approf~ch zone shall be corltrolled so as to prevent location or con- struction of places of public assembly, sCIlools, o}lurches, hospitewls, b~\rracks, and apartnlcnt housirlg. SECT IOI\J 9. Non-conforming Uses~. The regulations prescribed irl Sections 11 to 15, inclusive" of t:his ordirls..nce' shall not be oonstr'ued to require the removal, lovferirlg or ot:her cb.ange or altera.tio!l of any structure or tree not conforluing to t:he regulations as of tIle effective date hereof, or othervvise in- terfere Vllith th.e contin.uance of an.y non-con~orming use. Nothil1~ herein cO!lta.ined 811111 require an.y change in the construction" alteration, or intended USf~ of allY' structure the constructiorl, or alteration of vlhich ~(,,'as bGgun prior 4.:;0.t11e effective date of t l1is ordinal1ce, and is diligent.1Ji" prosecuted and completed 'vlithin tvvo yea.rs thereof. S}]CT ION 10. V's.riances. A.rlY porso!! desiring to erect any structu,re or in.crease the 116 ight of any struoture" or pennit the gro'V\fth of' 'any tree" or tlSe {lis property" 1101:; in, 8.()cOrde.rlce wit 11 the reg111atio:ns prescribed in tllis ordin.anoe" :rnPA.y apply for a varia.nee tllerefrom. An~r application, for a variance frorn this ordinanoe shall be coordinated wit11 the COUll1LB.Tlder of Little Rock. J,\j~r F'orce Base and t'he acceptetnce or rejection of the applicE,l,tion shall be subjeot to t:he ruling of the Civil AeorrH3.utics ltdm.i.nstration. SECTION 11. Permits. 1. Fut'ure U,ses~. No Imterial cha:np~e s}1f:tll be made in the u.se of 16.nd, and no structure or 'tree sh~llt 'oe erected, altered, planted, ot:heMrise established" in the airport hazard area unless a perrrllt t}lerefor sha.ll hRvn been applied for and gre.nted. Each suell applicat.ion shall i11- dice,te the purpose for wl1.ich t11e pernlit is desired" with s\lfficient particularit;l to pernlit it to be determined vl11etllor the resultin.g use, strueture" or tree llvould conform to 'ttle regule,tions h.erein pre- scribed. If such determination is in the affirntativ'e, the perrnit a.pplied{'~or shall be gre.rlted. 2. Existing Uses. Before any exis.ti:ng use, structure or tree may be ced" substantially' €tltered or repa.ired, rel:ruilt" al1o'w'ed to gro\iv :higrler, or ~ ill tIle airport haza,rd area, a pernlit must be secured c1.uthorizing such replaCe111k3nt" c110nge or repair. J'Jo such, perrnit shall be f;ranted tl1at 1Jvould al10vl tl1e establishraoxlt or creation of 8Il.Y airport hazard or perrnit a n,onconfOTrni!lg; 'use.. st.ruct.tlrE~ or tree to be ITh9wde or beCOTIle higrler, or become a. greater hs.zard to air navigation, than it lJvas or) the effective date of tt;is ordina,l'lCe or than it is when. tJle application for a permit is TIlade. E~xcept as indicated, all applications for a. pernli t for replacerne:n.t" che~nge or repair of existing use" stru.cture, or tree shall be granted. SECT IOI'J 12. IIazard ~.1'8,rking and Lighting. A,n'Jr permit which grants a va,riDnce to tllis orc;inance shall be so conditioned' as to require th.e ovmer of tr~e .strtlcture or tree in .questi.on to install" operate a.nd main.tain, at his own expense~ t11ereon ha.za.rd :mark~ers and lights wh.ich cOllforrn to the Civil Aeronautics !tdmin.istration stan.de-.rds as nay be necessar~,r to in.dicete to pilots .t:he presence of an air- port hazard. Upon conditions rntltually el,greea.ble to the United Sta.tes Jiir Force and to t:he ovmer of an structure or tree, th,e lJnited States Air :Force shall be granted a pernlit to a.Iter the :heiglrb of tIle haza,rd or to ins-tall" operate and tl'lereon hazard rnarlcers a.m, lights" at its o-wn expen.se, a. s rrB.y be deemed necessa.ry by the United Sta.tes J\.ir Foroe 1:;0 indicate to pilots tbe presence of an. a.irport hazard. SECT I01T 13. ~.~m~n,strative .1\.g;ency'. The City CotlllCil of the City of Ja.oksonville, is hereby design8~ted the administrative agency charged 1\fith. t:he duty of adrninistering and enforcing; trle regulat.ions herein prescribed. The dtlties of the City Courlcil shall i.nclude th~~t of heari.ng end decjdin.g all perlnits and to be gtlided by the rulings of the Civ'il A,eronautics l\dminj.stration on any applice.tion for a variance from this ordinance. SECTION 11-1-_ Judicia.l Review. P"ny person aggrieved, or taxpayer affectedj) bJ'~ any decision of 111e City Counci 1 IPliy appeal to trle Circuit Court of Pula.ski County' as provided ill Section 6 of tIle J\irport Zoning Enabling A.ct, J\.ct Ilt:'J Aots of .A.rkansas.t 1941. SECT I01\f 15. Penalties. Each violation of thi S ordill9..nCe o:r any reguJa tion, ord.er or ruling pro- mulgated llereunder she.l1"'bt9 punis}led a fin,e of Ilot 'ntore 't;}lan ;;t>100.00 or ilnprisonrn.en,t for no'c Inore t~}lan thir'ty days. or lJoth SllCh fine and imprisonTnent.t and eo.ch day a violation cont:Lnues shall be a offense. SEeTlO}l 16. Severability_ If an:y of the pr()~V'lsJ.ons of this ordinance or "bo any perso~n or circ'umstances 'is l1eld invalid" such invalidity shall not affect other prov1.s~ ons or cations of t110 ordine.:nce V;11ioXl 08.11 1)0 give11 effect ''vVi'l:;}lout the lnvnlid provisions or 9"pplications" and to t}lis end the prov"'isions of this ordil1.8.nC(3 are declared to be s{~verable. SECT I01~ .1'7. Em~r[??~,~<?ll' CIH,~~e. It is ascortai11ed and declared tha.t the of <the creatiorL or f3sta'bl:i.shrnent of a.irpor"c l1azards is il1'mediately neces:3ary for protecting~ the Ii"ves and property of users of. the Little H.ock .A.ir I~orce Base .l\irport, a;nd of occupants o.r land in i~t;s vicinity a11d for pre- venting; destruc.tion or impairmeni; of the utili.ty of the airport; that an e!nergency exists; and "therefore for t11t3 il1:uu.Adi.ate preser'vation of t11e l)1..lblic peace, l1ealtrl a:nd safety -this ordinance s11e.ll be il1 full .rorca and effect iJ.lllllediately UpOl1 its passage and approval. Pa.ssed f:1J..d approve(i}1 12 ]l~ay 1955, with le..ter ruling; to effecti've da-ca. Ruled effeotive 4 J\.11gUst 1955- AP,PROVED: . r. .~~J"""'''',... (r~ . ..~> ij ,.,. ~ ' ) w....... /'1 ~ /f1r-I~lr~:/ l _ . fILA. Y ill l\.TTEST : ytJ ~~or~ ~_.-