0056 .J j: l<rJ~l"J C E I~'O. 56 ,;~")' i IC~ L.\ .!",\; ('i,:~:; ri" IT'\'!' l~ T,! (1"E1 FC~'L:\..,) I)U) 'C) "t) ',' \ 61 ~;r i .,l.~.,.. "",I .., ....~ .' "", .J;.",J.. ....., . :.J J ... \ J.. i..t ~,.,1 1..:.1 i~ 11\1 CITY OF J llCICSC)I\rVII.;.LiI~ 13Y DIVIDIl\TG ~tjJ\FJ) 3 Ir~TO T~\t;JO \']J\Ft])S J TO :mE !(!'!01:11J AS 3 aJgD 4.:, F;ll0"\lIDIl\JG FOli, iI1FITG ELI~C'IIOIJ OF OI,JJt:: .ALDl~I{l{G~~N' FF{()lJ J~~ACII J.~1.T ;.\ S~PE;Cli~LELEC'llIOl'J Ira BE :tIEL}) 01\1' 14th DL~Y OF DECElv1:E:";ER, 1954, A.I>JD FOll ALL 0 P'UI~lPOEni~S,. vl}I1~~FlJ~li.S, the assessed v8..1t1.8,,t1011 of" 'T/lard 3 1s i11 eJccess of tIle total assessed valLlatio!1 of 'f!Tare],s 1 and. }2 &11(1 vJl1eJ~eaS tIle l)Ol)ula-- tion of 1rJard, 3 is gJ101tvi11g vel'lY raI)idly, and w11ereEls tl'1is ar~ea Sllould have additional representation in the City Council and it will be to tl:le best inteI'est of tb.8 entire 01 ty of Jacksol1viJ_le for vilarcl 3 to rJe 0..1 \lld,ed il1to t1,\JO vJards, known as 1r1ards 3 ar1(1 4 . IIJO 1:v 1 'I\ I~li;P~FORE , IT ORDAI:t~ED BY TlrE CITY, C()Ur,JCIL ()F TI1E CITY 0 F J ~~CICSOI~J'TIIJIJE~, l.u.lI{.t\l~S~~S : S cation 1. Vla!ld 3 of the oi ty of Ja,clcsorlvl11.e is hereby ctivicted into Wards 3 and 4 as follows: 1'Jar(1 3. Beginning at a point on present Oi ty L1mi t s ~ei-F.. '''''~1:-1~aQ)at the ~ntersect10n of an east'tvarc11y projection of Brewer stree~weBt to the westward end of Brewer street: thence on a Jline projecting westward to the western city li~:n.its; thence counterclocl~1I1]ise along t.r16 1rlesterrl al1d southern boundaries of the city limits until the city limits line intersects the U.O.P. Railroad; thence along tlle l~i.C).:P. Fi.c~ilroac1 to t11e irltel"tsectiorJ. of pl"esel1t city limits, n.e. side; thence north along city limits line to a point of intersection of Brewer street eastwardly projection. Ward 4. Beginning at a point on the east city limits at the line of intersection of the eastwardly projectioD of Brewer street; thence westerly along Brewer Street to the western end of 13:t'81tTeX1 StJ~eet; t11en.ce a1.011g tll.e I)roj ectecl line of Bl"'l61!\Ter strleet 1rlesterJ.~y to tIle C:L'ty lirnj..tsj tJ~lenoe clocl{'ltJise nOl.,tb.eaBterly along the city limits line to the point of beginning. Section 2. Alderr~1an lIoel T'relJb sIlall ho:ld tJ:le offiee of .LU(~l.el"1rllan 1:10.1 for Vla4rad 3. Al(le:t~nlan ])t1J'igl1t Beard s11alJ.. holel tIle Office of .Uo"el" Inan l>'JO. 1 f Ol;'} \FJ'arcL 4. Sectio11 3. A speciam election s11aJ_l -be lleld 111 tIle oj. t3' of Ja<<c~:sollvil.1,e, Arj.~ansel.S on TuesdB.J'Ji. tIle 14r:tl'1 (lay of Decernl)er. Tl1e poll:l.l1g l)lace for ~i!je~rct 3 slla,lJ- 'be ctt tlle Cornrnu!li ty Ce11tex~ Bt1.ilclirlg J the polling place for Ward 4 shall be at the Fire Station. Electiol1 s11Et]~I.tJe hela. f'or alo.errnan i\}o. 2 f()r t118 3rcl 1\Tarcl alderman No2 for the 4th Ward. Candidates for 88 positions shRll reside within the lward whioh they seek to represent all. tJ:le q,l.lulj..f1ed electors of tlle 1r!a,rcls s11aJ_l e11titlecl to vote in this special election. Canc1ic1Eltes for~ Al<lel~m[ln . 2, Ward 3 and Alderman No.2, 1ftlarct 4, shall fiI.e 1311811:1 C811tificates of nOfllinatiol1 vIi th tile County Boal'1a, of IGlec.tion COIIHnism1onel"'ls at least f~ift;een days 1Jefore tl-le (tate of tllis election. Section 4c. In order to give better ancl r.aore ct il"'8Ct rll)er(~SentEltio11 to tl1e Ijeople of Jackso nvl.J_le, tllis ne~l 't\rarct is Cl~(~a tecl arlcl in oI\cler to protect the public peace, hellth and safety, an emergency is l1ereby a eclarecl to e:<:1st, and this ordinance shall. lJe irl full force and ef~ect fronl and after its I)EtSsage ana. al~l)roval. ~~7C-~ MAYOR, i\,rr rrE~ S ~r : 7z~ /!~ /9.11- ~) ~J);4 a.Ltf~ ...~/) I PASSED: I I