0055 ORD I1JANGE ,~b55 ^N ORr'I'T\T" MeI;' tS{"l'''-'S(~Il\H1 A y'IVEj\ (h') tlll'TIl Tt\X" rG,j\T'I~Tc:~T 1=('l,'/'L j~1\1D p.[i"T)~ONJ'\L .ti., ~/ >, Jj", 1 \LA. L. ,),..J ,L 1.. i.) b L" ..1\ ,r . . r _'j .r~ ,..J I ,. L. ...~, 1 ,il.L. ,! ..... '. 1. _ ,) ,.:1. \J. \ . ..'.. L 1J'1 ~,~ I ,\. P'ROT)EPTY\NITTTIN' 11Hr< COI(POHATg LIlV1I1'S OF' T}n~" CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, { P K ^ 1\T C f! S 'G"()l'''' rr'r.-:rH" T ^ v ~ BI G"! YT;l 'I T" (.... F' 1 qt:. J . ,1'1",". ..I\.i, UJ.~ A , L ,-,""; ,,_) 1.,,).!:'~.,J\,It _, ,Jel. I ~.:.ltI~. '../ ; )L{.. BI~ IT OFDAINEI) BY TBE CITY GOTJNCIL OF' TIIF:; C"'TY OF' Jj\CKS01nJILLl~, AJ<KANSAS: SF~CTION I - Th~it. a tax of five (::j) n1ills on the dollar is hereby levipd by the Cit.Jr Cou!1cil of the City of ~Jacksonville,Arkarl- sas, v'V'hich is eor tl-,o taxable y'efi.r of 195L+- SECTION II - Thlt a certified copy of this Ordinance be el:i.v'erE~d by the City' Hecorder to the County Clerk of Pula.skie COUIlty, i\rkansas, whose dutJ1 i.t shall be to exterld said f1.v'e (5) rnill tax against all b'€H.ll and Personal .A.ssessments rnade et property 'w'ithi11 thE~ corporate limits of' the Cit.:y of JacksOTI\ril.'J e, l\rkansas. That t.his Ord.inance be in full foree an.a effect from and after its passage and aporoval. PASSED THIS_Y~~ DAY OF Oc,...:fg)~!:::_, 19r-;L~. ATTF.~ST : Recorder