0053 ~~; ;:~ ORDINANCE NO. 53 " ( ;~tu,k~ ~.' , ~! ^ \' . /~L04 ~ )MA;lt{H;v~ r: / 9( ~ lk0 ~ ~ AN ORDIN1U~'C1~ :,\,i'\OH rrBE CREATIO:rJ 01? A P.:J1KS l~N'J) RE~CREATION CONDV1ISSION; TO E~N1J~m~.RAT:E ITS POvVEr~S/1 DUTIE~S, i~NT) (:'~UALIJ?ICATIO}JS Of' COl\!TIVIISSIONI~F~S BE IT ORI~A.INED BY ~rBE CITY COUNCIL OIi' TTn~ CITY OF JAC}CS01'rvII.JLr~, l~E:,K1\J\jSj\,S: SECTI01J I That a Parks and I{ecreation Connnission, be, and t:he same is, created. SECTIO~N II Tha.t said oommissi.on lJe con-rposed of five members, -wT10 s11al:1 be citizens oft11e city lN110 are qualified elec"bors of the municipality. SF~CTION III ffhat the commission shall have tb.e follo1iVing povrers and duties: have full and conrplete cO!ltrol ctnd autl10rity to build" Taanage, operate, m.aintain and lceep in a good state of repairs any' m11nicipal building deemed necessary to carryon a Parks 8J.ld recrea.t~~on prograrn for said TIlUnicipa.lity, i.ncludin[; t:he buildin,g of swinuning pools" field houses, sta.dium, zoos, or oth,er buildings and play grounds necessary to carryon a parks and recreation program; an,d shall llave full right to control a:nd pernlit or refuse to permit such pu,blic gatl:lerings or other Ineet- ings or affairs as the Co~~~ssioners shall see fit and deem best. SECTION TIT Additionally" the COJJ.lJ.u.issioners shall have the exclusive right and power to make purcha.se of~ all supplies, a..pparatus, and ot11er property and things requisite and necessarJT for tb.e manageITlent and operation of said parks a.nd recreati.on pro- gram, including t:he construction. of such. iterns an.d repairs and additiollS tb.ereto. Tl1e Conunissioners shall :not [laVe aut110rity or power to sell, mortgage. or otller- wise encu~mber ~aid property unless oth,erVfise auth,orized b:y the statutes of Arkansas. SECTION V .P.dditi.onally" the Commissioners sllall have auth.ority to enter into contracts with persons, firms or corporations or organizations for the use of building of parts of the parks ~~d recreation program- S:gCTION VI Tl1e CO.HlW.ission.ers shall adopt such rules and regula.tions as tlley :necessary and expedient for the proper operation and management of said parks and recreation program. SECTION' VII The Commissioners shall aubInit quarterly reports on the operations" incl'l1ding tIle recei.pts and disbursements, to tb.e llIayor and Council, and SllCh other reports as are req'uested by the ~;[ayor an.d Council. Said reports shall be certified correct by the Co:ulluissioners. 1m annual audi t shall also be submitted to the Mayor and City Counoil. SECTIOI\T VIII The Conlrnissioners S}lall have tile autllority to tltilize all revenues derived from the operation of :the parks al1d recreation progra1Tl in the opera.tiol1 of~ the parlcs and recreation program. Such funds sh,all be segregated into a Park Fund, which fund shall Ilot be used for any' other city pllrpose, bU.t s11all be l1a11dled e~clusively by th.e Co~issioners. Tlle Commissioners shall furl1ish a $5000.00 reputable corporate surety bond to i.nStlre the City against any TIlisappropriation or rn.isl1,;:ndling of fu,nds, tre prenlium for said bond to be paid frorn moneys from the Park Fund. COIIunissioners shall receive no P&y, but may' be reiml)ursed for actual expenses incurred, on specific authorization by the Commission, in the performance of tl1eir duties. S]~CTIOI~ IX. The City Council may appropriate funds froL1 trle Gen.eral R.evenue 17und to m,alce up any deficits Sllown on the quarterl~r reports of tb.e Co!!uniss:l.oners a"nd for the purpo~e of maintai:nirlg and operating tJ:le parks and recreation prog;rt1.me SECTION X On appointm.ent of the COlnmissioners tlle l~ayor a:nd Council sh.all eXeCtlte SUC}l in- struments and pass s'Llch measures a.s vvilI vest cOTIlplete charge of ml.lnicipally ovm.ed parks and recreation. facilities in tlle COIl1l11issionQrs. SECT I01~ XI COluutis sioners s~hall be appointed by the I\flayor arld corlf~i.rmed by a nlajori ty' vote of t:he duly elected and qualified nlelobers of t he city council, and shall hold office for a term of five years; PROV'IDI~D: t110se commissioners first appointed shall each. be appoirlted for terms of one, tlVO, three, four and five years, to be designated by tlle Mayor end City Coun.oil. Vacancies sh(;lll be filled by the ~l.ayor ~tnd Council in the san1.e manner, to -Pj.ll on,t onl~T 'the 11nexpired term of the vacancy_ Eac}1 cOlnmissioner shall file the oat}l req'uired in the state of Arkansas of Public Offioials- SECTION XII Any CoItlluissioners may be ren:.oved for a cause onl~l on a tvvo-thirds 'vote of the City Council. SECTION XIII ATTEST: PliGE 1/:2, ORDI~Ji\.NCE NO. 53 Employees necessary in the operation of the Parks and Recreation program shall be selected as prescribed by law, through competitive examination and certification by the Civi.l Service CO.ull!J.ission, including salaries and classifica.tion. ADOPTED JUNE 29, 1954 AP,tJJ:{OVED: MAYOR REC.ORDER