0052 . -.<' ORT>INANCE NO. 52 AtJ ORDINA.1'JCE VACATING A,tTD l\Bj~NDONI'NG TH/'l.T POPTIO~N OF 1r.:~l\.II\T STR,EET (SHOWl\T ON PI.JAT ,A.S LOCU;~T STREET )T-JYING1NIT'QIlJ FIFTEI~~N ,b,~;~:~rr OF IJOTS 28L~ TO 290, IN.... CLlTSIVE, SlJNNYSIJ)E }IIIJLS .ADDITION' TO TIlE CITY OF tJACKS01'NILIJE, ,ARK1\.~rS}lS, .A,'ND LOTS 6 .AND 7 BIJOCKS 5, GALLOVilAY j\DL'IT IOlJ TO J,ACKSONVILIJE, A.R,KA~NS.liS, !tND '\~nICH IJIES BET'W1~EN ELT~1 STR.l~~J~l,TA,ND LOT 290 OF S'UNNYSIDE IrILLS .l\.DDITION TO T:HE CITY OF Ji\"CKS 01J'1 Il,LE , A.I{K/\}TSA,S: V.l\.Cl\.'rINGAJJD 1\.I31\.1~DON']~'NG TII.AT POH.T ION OF T EIE .AIJLE:Y LYING BErrWLh 1~ LOT S 3, L, J 5 Al'JD t) .A.ND 1,OT S 7, 8 JJ 9 A.1\JD 10" BLOC K 5" GAIJLO~VAY ItDDITIOl'J TO J.i\CKSOrNILIJE, l\.EJ(AJ\TS.A.Sj pr~OVIDI1~G FOl-: THg RECOHD,ATION OF' TIllS OFDIl\.ANCE ,AJ:.JD FO}?, OTIIE'R P1JHPOSBS. VfHERE1\.S, a petition was duly filed vvith tlle CitJr Council of the City of Jacksonv'ille, A.rl{ansas, on the tenth day of June, 1954, askin,g the Cit:y Cou:ncil to vacate and abandorl all that portion of lJ1ain street(shovm on, the plat as Locust Street),lying 'i;vithin fifteen fer"t Q,r Lots 284 to 219, inclusive, Sunrlyside Hills A,ddition to the City of Jacskonville, Arkansas, and. Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Gallo'?/ay l\ddition to t-Tacksonvi.lle, Arkansas, vini.cl1 stree't is designated on the plat of the Gallovvay l\.c~.dition to said Ci.ty, now appearing of record in Plat Book 80, Page 130, in the office of the Recorder of' Ptllaski County; and "vYHEREAS" a petition 'VEtS duly filed vritI1 the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Ark:a.YJSaB, on the 10th day of June 1954, askinfs the Git:y Cou,:ncll to vacate and a band on all that portion of the alley lying betllveen Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 arle1 Lots 7" 8, 9 an(~ 10, Bleck 5, Gallo"\vay Addi.tion to Jacksonville, ,A.rkansas, which alley is (~esignated on the plat of the Gallo1Jil8.Y ,Addition to said Ci.ty, now a.ppearing of record in PIRt Book 80, Page 130, in the office of' the Recorder of Pulask:i County; and 'r~111~RE.t).S, after due notice as required by lavr, tlr}e City Counc il lIas at the tirne and place Inentioned in the n.otice, neD,rd all persons desiring to be h.e8.rd on the question and has ascertained that the street an,d alley, or the portion thereof J hereinbefor c3escribed, l1as heretofore been dedicated to the public use as a street and alley herein described; ha.s not bt:'(;rl actu,ally used by the public generally for a period of at leEtst five year S s'ubsequent to the fi ling of the plat; that all the ovv:ners of t he property abutt ing upon that portio11 of th c street and upon the portion of the alley to be vacated have filE3d 'with the Co'uneil their 'V\rritten CO!lSerlt to such abandonment; a.nd that public interest and vlfelfare 1Nill :not be adversely affected by the abandonn1ent of said street and al]ey. 1T01}\r, TIlliREFOFcE, BE IT ORD1\.INED BY rrIIE~ CITY COUNCIL Or' TIrE CITY OF' JA.CKSONVILLE J .;~"RI(AlqSAS: SECTIOIJ 1. The City of Jacl{sonville" ,Arkansas hereby releases, vacates and aba.ndons, all its rights, together wi th the rig,hts of the public generally, in and to the street designated as follo\l\fs: All that portion of 11,ain Street(sho-W11 o:n the plat a.s Locust street), lying vri"tl1in fifteen feet of Lots 284 to 290, inclusive, Sunnysi,de fIills Addition to the City of Jackson- ville, Arkansas" and Lots () and 7, Block 5, Galloway l\.ddition to Jacksonville, .A.rkansas. SECTI:iN 2. The City of Jack:sonville, J\.rka'nsas, hereby releases, vacates 9.11d abaI1dons, all its rights, tog;etl-10r1Nitl1 the rig;hts of the public generally" in and to that; portion of t11e alley designated as follo'vV's: Tnq,t portion of the alloJ''' lyir1g bet-v.reen Lots 3, l-J., 5 and 6, and Lots 7, (3, 9 and 10, Block 5, Galloway .A.dditioYl to Jacksonville, .A.rkansas. Said porti.on of said alley is desie;nated on the plat of t11e Gallowa.y A.dditioll to said City.. now appearing iJ1 Plat Boo.k 80, Page 130, il1 the office or the Recorder of Pulaski CountJ". SECTION 3. Ii. copy of the Ordinance d1.11y certified by the Ci.ty Recorder shall be filt3d in the office of the Recorder of the Coun,ty end recorded in the deed records of the Cou:nt:~r. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. AI)OPTED JU1fB 28, 1954 APPROVED IV!A YOR .A.T'I'EST: "l{~CORDER. t '\