0051 i~ ORDINANCE NO. ....r-I AN ORDINANCE ORDEI~ING THE ACQ,lJISITION OF EASEMENTS NECESSARY FOR AN EJCTENSION Or"' THE SE"WER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILlE Be It Ordained And Enaoted By The City Council Of The City Of Jacksonville, Arkansas: 1. That the following facts were found by the Counoil: a. The following areas of the Ci'ty do not have acoess to the existing sewer system: Crestview Addition; the area bet~en Crestview Addition and Marshal Road, extending North tOw~rd Brown Addition; part of Jones Addition; the area between Jones Addition and Crestview Addition extending north to Braden Addition and southward toward Main Street; Braden Addition. b. In said areas there are presently numerous residenoes which are forced to use septio tanks to dispose of sewage; there are numerous new houses under oonstruction and more planned for construction in the near future which wlll 'be unable to conneot to the sewer system. c. The construction of an extension of the existing sewer system vtltich could serve these indicated areas by direct oonnections and latterals would materially improve the sanitary oonditions of a large part of the City and protect the health of all the residents of tie City. d. To construot a sewer main and to furnish water whioh would serve the indicated areas of the city it 1.S neoessary that easenents be acquired across the following tracts of land belonging to the indicated persons: all in the City: Tract A: All of the SEt SE'~ of Section 24, T 3 N, R llW lying south of Wesson Road (Main StrEf3 t) and East of Marshal Road. Owner: Pulaski County Speoial School District. Tract B: Begin at the South East corner of Sec 24, T 3 N, R 11 W, thenoe north along the east line' of said Sec 24 a sistanoe of 433 feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the north right- of-way line of Wesson Road North; thence on an angle of 131 deg 39' to the left a distance of 307-5 feet along the north right-or-way line of 'Wesson Road North; thenoe on an angle of 40 deg 46' to the right a distanoe of 449 feet along the north right-or-way line of Wesson Road to the east right-of-way line of Marshall Road; thence on an angle of 97 deg 0' to the right a distance of 1071.5 feet along the east right-of-wa.y of Marshall Road; thence on a.n angle of 82 deg 'to the right B. distance of 550 feet to tre East line of Sea 24, T-3-n, R 11 W, thence south along the east line of Sec 24, T 3 N. R 11 W a distance of 867 feet to the point of beginning, in Pulaski County, Arkansas Owner: Redmond Compan~l' Inc., a corporation. Tract C: TtlS North half (N!) Southwest quarter (S'Vvt) of FrI. Seotion 19. T 3 N, R 10 w. O~f.lJ.ers: Ruth N. wilson Ewing M. Nixon Tract D: Lots 6, 7. 8, 9. 10 and 11; Block 9 Braden Addition to the City of Jackson'ville. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 8 Braden Addition to the City of Ja.cksonville. I.lot s 6, 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Blook 7 Braden Addition to the City of Jacksonville. Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 6, Braden Addition to the City of Jacksonville. Owners: Bartus M. Gray. Anna E. Jones Gray, Frank T. Brodie and Hazel Brodie 2. That an easement for water and sewer 1:ines over the above described tracts of land be acquired by gift, purchase or condemnation, i:n the name of the City of Jacksonville ,w'hioh easement shall be as hereafter described: A strip of land tw~lve feet wide having a line of center as follows: Beginning at existing Man Hole Number 31 as shown on the pla.t of the ?resently existing se\ver system of the City, which plat is on file with the City Recorder. said Ma.n Hole #31 being located on the tract herei.nbefore designated as Traot Aj thence in a straight llne for a di.stance of 200 feet to a point on the north right-or-way line of \Vesson Road which is 225 feet west of the east line of Sec 24, T 3N, R 11 W; thence parallel to the said east line of said Sec 24 for a distance of 710 feet; thence 39 deg. 0' to the right for a distance of 385 feet; thence rii~ht 4, deg 31 t for a dis tance of 405 feet; thence right 7 deg 20' for a distanoe of 350 feet; thenoe left 1 deg 24' for a distanoe of 2t3 feet; thence right 63 deg 1;' for ~07 feet; thenoe left 29 deg 4l~~' for 1155 feet to a point which is 9 feet west of 1the east' right-ot...way line of James Street and is 10 feet north of t}~ south right-or-way line of Brewer Street; thence 10 feet north of said south line of the right-or-way of Brewer Street and parallel to said right-or-way line for 1121 feet; thenoe left 90 deg 0' along the baok lot line of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 Block 9, continuing aoross Braden Street and along the back lot lines of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 Blook 8, continu1.ng across Harpole Street and along the back lot lines of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Blook 7, continuing across Martin Street and along the baok lot lines of Lots 7 and 8. Block 6, all in Braden Add i.tion to the City of Jaoksonville. 3. That the Mayor and Recorder are authorized and shall do all things necessary for the acquisition of the said easement over the above described tracts of land in the name of the City of Jacksonville. PAGE 2 - ORDINANCE NO. {\ 4. That the Water & Sewer COlluuittee shall advanoe from its funds all expenses and costs of every nature required for the acquisition of the easements over said limdse ,. That the W'ater & Sewer Committee shall have charge of sai.d easenents 'when acquired and shall procure the construction thereon of a good and sufficient sewer line extension to serve the genera.l area above indicated in paragraph la hereof. 6. And this ordinance being neoessary for the i.uJuiediate preservation of the public health, an emergenoy is h.ereby declared to exist and the same shall be in full force and effeot i.uulI.ediately after its passage. Approved this /8 r.:Ct. day of h(t:J.A.-11954. I tJ/ /l ~ Mayor Attested: -If?dJ~ Recorder r