0050 50 ()l~DII,rANCI~ NO. $-~ ~%!~J.i'_''''~, to! ~ .~ 4!'.>Il"""_""'_''''~ AN ORDItJ!-\}JCE ORTn~:~Il\JG THE cnl\mFMrIATIO~J OR P1ITtCI,{/\SE OF AN EASEM"E~IT Fon TIiE 'EXT]~I~SION' OF TILE CITY SYSTEM ,ACHOSS CERTl\IN I.lA rJD Be It OrdainedA,nd Enacted By rrhe Gi ty Council Of The City Of Jacksonville, I\rl<ansas: 1. Tha t the following fa.cts w'ere found by the Council: a. rTI1e T~I\Ja ter & E)e}J'er ,~orr1nli ttE:,e of Jackso11vj,.11e has entered into a contract 'wb,icll provides for tile con,struction of an extension of t:he City E:ew'er System, at the cost of tlle land owners in the area to be served an,d w11ereby' the Ci ty agrees t 0 accept title, to opera.te and to lnaintain. said extension on its completion. b. The construction of the proposed, extension will rrJaterially improve ttle general sewer system, making it possible for a. large area within ancl adjoining the City to connect to t:he system, whereas it w'ould othE:rwise be impossible. E~'ai.d area includes numerou,s ex,isting residences and land on which e.x.ten,sive new' con,struction. is planned for the imrnedia te futl1.re. c. To connect a. sel>Jer line serving this area to tlle existing system j_ t is necessa.ry to cross the follo1tfin.g des cribed tract of land wi tr.l sa.id selver line: Beginn,ing at t:he S .r~. corner of E;,ecti.on 2Lt, T-J-T',J, R-Il-Td, There E:1 North along the East line of said Section 24 a distance 433 ft. to a point of begin~ing, said point of beginning being on the North r.ight-of-wa;l lirle of vJesson ROEtd North; Thence on an angle of 1310 .39' to tl'le left a di.stance of 307.5 ft. alon,g the N"orth right-of-way line of t^Jesson Road l~orth; ThEnce on an angle hoD 46' to the right a distance of 449 ft. along the NC)rtrl right-of-way line of V}Jesson Road to tIle .Ga.st rigllt-of-way line to l"J"arsllall Itoad; TIlence on an angle 970 00' to the right a distan,ce of 1071., ft. al()ng the East rlght-of-'t^Jay of ~!Ta.rshall Ftoad; Then.ce on an angle of 82 degree 4.31 "to the right a distance of 550 ft. to the Bast line of Secti.on 24, 'T- 3-N, :?-ll-~'\J, T1h.ence South along the East line Section 24, T-3-N, R-Il-W a distance of 867 ft. to the point of beginning. Containing 13.3 acres, more or less. )\11 being in Section 24, T-3-N, H.-ll-i~J, Pulaski i:';ounty,Arkansas i '1 ~ 2. That an easement for WEtter arld sew'er lin,es across sai.d land, described as follows, be acquired by condernnation or pl1rchase in tIle name of The ~~ity of Jacksonvi lle: J\. strip of land ten feet 'v-Jid,e llaving a line of center as follo'tvs: Begin,ning at the S011th boundary of sa.id lancls at a point 225 feet fraIn the E:ast line of said lands or th.e East line of fection 2).+, T3N', }tl11-;; thence Nnrtherly al1d parallel to sai.d bast line of said lands for a distance of 710 feet; tllence 39 degrees 00 TIlinutes to the rigl"lt to the E:~lst bOllndary line of said lands. 3. Tllclt the Ivla.Jror and l'iecorder are a11thorizecl and sba,ll do all things necessary for the acquisi tion of the said easemen.t in trle name of the Ci ty of J'acksol1ville. 4. Tha t the l(lJ~-Lter &: ~'ew'er Committee shall ad.vance the costs of every' nature necessary for the acqui.sition of said easement. s. Tha t the vlater & Sewer Committee shall have charge of sa.id easelnent when acquired. 6. J~nd t}1is ordinance being neeessary for the imrnedia te preserva tion of the public Ileal t:h, an emergency is 11ereby declared to exist an,d tIle same shall be in fU.ll force and effect irnrnedia tely after its passage. ItplJroved this day of 1954. r1ayor Attested: -'-Record,er l f \.. . ...~ ) ?\." ~ '. / \J({, ~ y \, /' \ K' ,,-:. .\,,~.. ft ' / . ~. //_,1.... /' , 01' //G)~/O ' _I_ "D ' '-...... I'P j 1 i,v o~ .A/.1 ~' r;../.~. ~ j. 7 II' 0 " ( '.' '~\ "'" .. :..