0043 OT?D IN.i\]\I' CE /\}J 0 It D I N.h..N C E T 0 .I~" I:v~ TIlE F1J G'U 1.; AT 101.,1 S G OVI~It NT tJG T () eus TOT/fEJ',:{S (iEi ir~T.8 C IT:( OF Lt\.C}{S(~TT\lILIjT~~, CE ? F . ~ .. . " & SE'\:t:~E r~ J97~ lJ8J),:1.1-{T~:/:L TIfT; TITE '\,J"'~ T n rT.~J{ C ED FO 1{ A\.Iva~.: j'i:hJ D PE Nl\_ L T IlZ S . ng 111' nr'DAINI~D BY TIrE; IT~~- ounCIL OF THJ!: CIT'Y OF f.Jii.CKSCYN'JIIJLE, j~,.El(Li"N' pers T'l1~.Llt.. 1':;\,11 lNtlt (} r s up P 11. e d "f~.;}le C it ~J 0 f futu.t'e aY: d is'Lribu,tioJl 1 in.E:: S, r:; o:n'vi 11 e ,1;',:a't;e r sJ1.Ltll be I l." Sl~ CT IOJ:J 1. ex i st line tC) each Cl1stoiner j e~i(G~)pt~ thfrt, 'wa.ter used for for flu of street and n"P \~ .J. t,}} e '7 fl, ~tt (~ r /~; i~') e 'i:ve r slla1.1 bE.~ i 1:.1 c~ () f '\.:Jl t~ t~ 11 e Tna, :in L (~r: aD c e tho Jnet;ers. 'the 'Ct)r distributio11 1. I\}Je r;1'1 FlIT b E~ YiO. C Irl[).. iYJ,t',h e p "ftI it 11 in 1. irni t s up t; 0 a.J'Jd 1.11G 8ECTIOIT (.... c:::. T1lat t,he fol r[:'4. to ~3 of C ()s t f or Jrl.~ tered for -"]';.ll" i ou S rrle l~f)I' 1. f) ,D.~nd vvat e r to the t: 0 11 1T(;~ 2l.sured se S :~1 b to L he TIlirl iUll.un r a:t c~ s lIe x".e i.nafte:.r f~1(3t f'ort11 ~ F~r the first 3,000 rnon..tll lo:n.8 For' t}le~:'1E~xt 000 For all usaGe i~ exec The rni.nirl1u:m c}'larf~e per TT10l'ltJJj Hli:n f() r '\rar .~. ()tt S 'i z e t.,e r S s.hal1 'be f 01. OV{s: Siz e of UIeter !:I in ilnuln pe r STlOfl"Lh ,To 1 u.Jne o'\j\jeo. n.t. themiIl,i:FtUrn a.no ':U; 1. tax ~), 000 I1nT1S ITt ~) * 00 H 1f ,000 OIlS l}tt 10.00 11 H 000 /", rt s rdt ", ~.:~o. 00 f! n ,000 1. CYl S CustoTc.ers who, for an;/ reaSOTljl use "iNater for 1e :3S t"ha.:n t,vvo.....thJ.rds ) o:f' .pel"iod bet'Vv-eeJ] lreter rE^3Cld e.c., tlNO thirds of' a. vd.ll "b(;.} ehar prOI)ortiol1ate alnc>un-t of the reeter nLl.11 :irm:nn yo the ~tetU2:"t]. rnet (3 r'(ld arnount C}Ulr Ce, "'\IV}' iclH:~v'e r i s tl':tf) [jre Lrte r surn. C'us't u \!v~l.te:c for t.'1Mo,,""tY~irds or rnc)re of a rno:ntl1 1Jc.t:1Neen neter rf~,~Jd vri 11. be the full n:e1::,er rrrir.irnu.Ft cree actual rneterf::<3. 1:3J1J.Cn;n>rt Chcl:r.[~e, vkd.cheve is t.hJ~~ gre;:<ter surn.. s(:X"'vic(-; ~3hal1 plu.ce upon deposit, rnet;or sit rate for rnetf3r 11 e 'W 'J t h :i. s rne t e r d po s ~i t D,Jld se'.ve r servic e, 'UPOll c1 is c ',.'J. c," be issued, each new def)()s:i.t) the vvator custorner for l!'j',.:rl:, e r ~:.; '.F CT IOI'f ";0 :) . Tbftt before an, order to t~urn ()n 1i\'t::L ter 'wi t h t l'le C it:/ C Ie sh 1] c>:r t be co rre se r'\Tic e :1 :Lo.t; vri.t,h the 12.<='; in of the t,C) be :r'ctu.rned to the cu.st.orn.er, Ie s a.ny DJI10U:rl"t :for st.t eh s(;1r'v'i ce.. fTll0 :rnete r d ()p os it r titc s s ha1l be as VTF\.ter f () 11. C1f,f s lEeter S iz e 1\ilet~e r :>;/(3 and 3/L+" 1" IJH r~~r i.:, 5.00 per Jneter 10 .. 00 pe J" JI1C t (} r 00 per rneter ~~~O.OO per ':rneter l)r i OYU-ltC? 1::, 0 "L'he S 1 Z e 0 f t~}1 e rn(:;t er LarE;er sizes / /" SECTI01J L~. Thflt, 'V\,t1ene-r'ler i.t is nece ssar:y to rnak1-J anevV' conrJ.cctio:n to (-1, ''\NEt'ter Inairl distributio:n pe, in order to su vvn.ter 'Lo cust()Ir~er tLlere sha11 be rnin.inn;un Severl and O:ne-lial f' Doll ars ( or actlJ.e,l (D ::rt: 'lJV}"J ieh E.~ver is t'he eonnectio:n or trtpp of the belong: Lo the D.+',er & SOVJeT" .. r V,IEtter of (., D~e h SllCfl SF~CT ION 5- That 1J\T1e:uever it is Iloces stlry to TD.OVe a 'Nater rrBter" eitl-ler t\t tl'1E) roe st oJ' C:l custorner, or 'beeauf;e a custorner bU.ild~:~1 constr.u,ets or pc:r:rnit.s 1vhich i.Aould :in a:ny vvay' inter- f~'eY' -P'J'1"Y'1 or cev'er Y():e.:).t'er +11E'')'r.::''l, ~1....,;.:1"1 <~"e "l'<"'V'.l"(:..ti n ()'f". I~'l~.v'e:':l "'l-)o11':,;.v',(~ ( ...c.Ole)) f')()r i~;,{C~.}'.\ t;;,~1,,:1(..1,.1 , _ ",' . _ v" ~ ) , .:. ,co." .I..J , V I ..' _ ,.... W J I. ",A..L .....~.J . . t." . _J 'V< ".... .,. . . . .I . (.;,0" ,1. t..) ... ~ - .", . '" "".".. I r!10-vElrnent of c.'). TIleter. SECTION t). That a sevver ser"'ri.ce of One Dollar ( r (.:; S C O1'Ln e e t i 0 Yl t 0 '1:; he'C it y S e1ve 1''' T }1f3 sha 11 bo i:n the sr:une prcrpcyr t on riS defirled for rnorrth tiTneused if used 10 ss ti:'<ian t'wo-thircJ s of rneter ren.c1 l,nG t 1-.', i r d s () f a Tne t e 1-' :r. e fi. d od .. .00) per lTlOJlt.b. sha,ll be rnade for e,j1ch Jrlonth, use f():t .t,hc seINer cO:!.1nectiorl v'\lEtter service, 6lt;f\J ioni~.te t~ the p(~:riod or .00 if used rnore tha:n. t1JVO- I SeINer connectioIl s f():r" seVler U;30 of specific each such user, use e tlC'~") :3UC h 1.l ser. (~nnCerT1S and. :industries 'v~/ill be upon tho basi s i.~h crt th () all r e.fleet; the ext~ent of sei/vcr T 1'1 frt (,t Tn.in. i I:1Urn 0 f for e a C }'t n e\N C () rr.t"\ e c t i on i crt. 0 t sha.ll r !,~'; fer to 0 orrne cti o:n. s rncuj e or aettull cost exist SU1I1 COlLrlCJ ctiorl s}"l.illl lJG !r!ftde the rrn 11ev,r carine et 1011 froJI1 11.:ne & a:.Cter C OTLne eti (yrir:; ~xt. t. hut i Tn e 0 r iI1~)tt~11at~ i on or 'btJ,cJ(fl11 ov(~~r a 3ECTIOJ:~ 7. Thu.t :;~.n d S 1"113 11. '1') e du e or- O~I)) Ill' ,. 1~ CE f:Lil Jl!::1 ci e 1:, u i 11 P f:X';l 'tvat 0 r) in tlle ,.. l"" bills, l)ut, be I{e D. S o:n a't) l.e serious i 11n0: s s or :(3F: CTI 01<T to t/.11e Cit''';l trncl to to r'.\oy'ks 'er :J e f 1e ,," .l. r'G nor T;}.or (,1 . ,.) 1. t}li s I "';1 ~ , . /~,M. 'VJD_\/ .". "(,~, ftl of /~~ ., , L ~JC<" d tf'c~~~,;~;I~157rl;R. ~ ~ " ~l J G .. J.J. I. ; ./ )..JJ. , 'x-y-- , v , r.~ J,' 1,4 ',. lq 711 , \O~~' l~~) Jff70f A1VIEIID.flJJ!jI~T NO. 1 TO ORDI:NANCE NO. 43 BE IT ORDP~INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF JJl.CKSONVILLE, JARl{Al~SAS: TIfl\.T Section 2, of Ordinance No. 43, be amended to read as follows: That the word CLASS be inserted in parenthesis, following the various sizes of meters as follows: SIZE OF TtdETER ]J!INll\!U!vt CHARGE PER 1~ONTH VOLUI~ .AIL 01\iED P.T THE -- MINIMU];1,' CIIPR GE s/en a.nd 3An ( CLASS I) $1.50 plus tax 3.000 gallons 1ft ( CLASS II) 5.00 " " 13.000 gallons 11:." (CLASS III) 10.00 tf tt 30,,000 gallons 2 2ft ( CLAS S IV) 20.00 ft " 63 . 000 gallons All Others (CLASS V - S~ecia1 Rates) THAT, Se\Jl,ion 4 be revised to read a.s follows: SECTION 4. That, whenever it is necessary to make a new COIll16ction to a water main or water distribution pipe, in order to supply water to a oustomer there shall be a minimum oharve of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) or actual cost whioh ever is the greater sum for each such connection or tapping of the pipe belonging to the V'{ater &: Sewer Department. THAT this amendment sllall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approva.l. PASSED: S; A fiR \ \ \ ~ i-~ A'l-l' EST: ) ~/f:-',) . ~/~, ( c 'it t7l/ j!; lili COR nEH. . APf-IliOVED: CD . r;. ' ..... - . ~ [I .. , ,,' , - .,' / 0 - J.,' ,~ / ~ A /L L' ;. j> ,...l-~, .f It _ ~ ,.or[ .. _ r~~ tif