0042 O}\~LI}T CE 0* I. is .' \ ~ ): (}\j' :::.~ rJ;~ i:i"O}\ Il\r:::~: D IT '\;:n.TC I1J n Tii '\ : ~[ ~~rl ~{~ TIll; ;.j J E:r' ,:'~TT n~J 2 tI It, sh 11 of the ftl1 bU1.1d~L ~ ';s lcento(~l f 01 J.rt o 0T:.L S1:. t l'l(; 1;li :ce '! C\.1"t1'\"\o rr.t . CTT ON i). or r fuses t 1l::~~ d 9':VS, S tlO h r)er so n 1T1JndrC'd T)oJ...1Ctl's ( f iD.ed ot 1e O.ne I cor 1'" t:;: e'~c \\'l'1-;h in "'tJirne rlorrthr: 1(': ~J Sl:'i f.lY1 Ten Do 11~:t rs ( Si) orl :ff~l i 1. u1"c: n:c refuna 1, upon 1:)C C(;rl"8ct; or el:Lnlillate irc7 hazar"cj lNitl:liYl }Iu:ndrec1 Do11~.~~rs ( Ino.re tYIOJJ Tili'vo 00) " SE C::fI n~'J 1 t.. detern1L 'JC f' r.3.11 b~,_l lId Ineatec3 i:n tbe of Jtlck son "I.li l1e, /\rl(arlsa.s, to e.xist~ sheIl 'he scheduled with freque:ney pr ionate to the ial fire haZ~;i.rd ela,sses dnfi!l.f:d ~:] fo'1.1o~vvs: F'ire Da.zard Class Definitio11 a. J{esidential s e farli Iy dVJe 11 o r 8..n,y 1. 0 I1 0 f a l:nJ i 1. d i DC use d a. s 81.1 C fl .. b. Li[~;ht }iazard Placos of business s or othor h H. f.; v\;~}}.o 1. e s a 1 (} or r () to. i 1. 0\. xt 1. et s for u\e r e ht:t:n d i s e vV lle re no Gorn1Justiblo s are ur.:;eds stored, or sol (1. ole U111 c. I'/Ied iur{l IJazard f'laces of bus iIl,e Sf) 1'\Thich terld to the f^ "1 o ,- po op .~e il] ~~r Ollp s. d. He:1v~y I-Iazard Place s of' bu sine S 8 \/v11 i eh se 11" 13t ore or use oleurn sand otller 1-1 corripu.stible rnat,eria.1S611 e. Industria.l Pl~3~eo s of bU.G i.ne S S villi ch'vIlould be classified t;erle rally' c;,lS D"re 0 :in "tl1e e onver s ion. of rD..1N l)r ~~erni- proce s sed. lnate r :Ln.ls 1.:tCt s . e Btab 1 i sh:rtent SW'll ich, i:nto finisll or senli-fi:ni 811 d SE;crr ION 5. For thf~ 'purpose of tl1e expense of a.dnrini r:rter l1t; an ctio:n fee oJ' pel' rn()'t:rcl'i 01'1 eD.er1 resideDOt) con.!.H3ct.iol1 therevvit.h locn.ted ill t::'le of ~Te.ek:Donvi 11e, i\rkr\.nsa,s, ti.l) e et ion fee a shovrn hE; roe in, or1 e ch. LrLlS i:n.e s Jr~cl<}) onville" :'\J'l:HD sas, ir:r.(31)eet.l:v-e 0,:[' t~he rnxrnber of 8\.lC11 :')ue h fee s sl: all l)e a s fo l1cltv"s : . t~is ordinance, there s levied auxil in sum carre to t}lli located llvithi.n. t~}le 1( ted in anyone . Class or Busi!leSS 8tb.bli shlnent ~f\3e a. .Efl7. a:tcJ 1:). f..f1ed =i.unl T~[LlZ ard c. ITa. 7 ard :i~l. 00 d. Irtdustri.al .00 rno'nt}~.l per b'u:1 1(: inL.:' v}hi c:hev'{) J" 1. S L he r SUIn~ SECT I O~T 6. j~11 rnorteys c oJ lE.~l e t~ed rat f\:rt} d t 0 ljf) kn O~~,,11 as .t h(~~ ott supp le!:!~e r;}:Lctll t,E) 1)0 dIe tilO Ltdn1 irli ~3t:r ati ore :::f t 11 purpc)se ord illarlce fi;} e ffe eti 'tl:::; th r)n.rtr:'ler: t S]~ CT I ()i\r 7. 'fl" i s or d :i. '1:18,'1':; co ~~}T err ION' T.~~Er(r~ FOHE ~ all elrje frora it: s l}flS S o,~:~~e declt1red t}'j,i,s [;11 all in full farce and af at t,hi ~~t, 1 .,"') f) t . ..-. '/~,~...d c der ~~......) OP 1) Il\~.ti,NGE II- rUeVD fV/t; # 1 ~ SE CT T C\1.J 9 r'son, .f'ir'lT1 or Orl)()r::~.t:i,OX) tl.;"i s act; ff.til to sed deerr;ed de rneal10r of this .Vt; 011 o:cd il1.''3 nee or l'u r'c': t J S CClnt i .?i ({ ...) ~~~ 1") i S f~} ~(":j ,,',I ',w n, f" iJ ~ l.l, __,. .I_~"",___,',\,A,) " _ . 0 ...._,,__ ....... _~ // () J.-.'/,/ /Ij~ } " /'7 If ~~ ~~$ ';;J'CJ it 1"';':"'i~O'~';;-"'''''-''') -"' ~/ . ",( L \.; .~,': L:.i:!J ,iI. shal,l Yl'ic:l the ie.rt lIe i:ns eti 1. htll1 JJ 0 t;. 1.1 .7/ 7J ?J -L--. -~.,,' .~::...Lrd;'t.d:d;:;/' J.'~,.,::\" Y CEo io:ns