0041 or:.D1:: 1,iO~ J\IJ O:"\JJI1.l:\J,T CEV.LCl\T Il'JG ,A;.:;;\}<rI)ONIN"(} TTlAT F'OF~T ION O:F' 1.:J\1 A.IJJEY I.lY'ING IIJ BLOCK , ~e01!\~T OF ~J.A.CI{8 '\rVII1J~~, l1.ND SITtJ.A:rED ITOR'rrr l:iND 'V'TES'r OF TITg 1\HKJ.\.NS,/\.8 AJ'TD I\~ISS GlJB.I FIIGIIV'}AY <<>> l~iEREAS, a Petition en the day of {1 e so r i bed 1 tll1d J to-11\ri t : fi led vv-ith the T efwn Ctwurlcil of tb.e T tfV\l!l of the T (~1rJrl Cou no i 1 t (') '11aeat(~ a:nd aba.ndt.,)Yl tlH9 ()!1vil foIl That oortion of tlle a xl(.;1rth and west of .thJ:~ of the I\.ik rin sas (~~: Mi. 11e :I Stilte of ,Ax"kaTl sas, said al1e-;1 be des Clerl{ and, Ex-officio (.) I\ [1" B.G (;orde r (] f filed for reeord arId Pulaski Arkansas, Yl0Vf appea.r in Plat Book ill t }:le of fiee of the C:tr CU. it; 2 at p;'li~~e . .vv~REl\.S, after dU.e notice ~.lS req'uired rn.erltio"(.lec :in said J1otice, rlC ard [-1,11 pc?rr5()llS trlat the portiOYl of" said herei11aefore use a. S a s t re t:; t; tl1, at 0 f s ai d ~l arid mo res peG S 1.10 t bee nus e d 1 C of the Plat;; that o.f th€~ OV.frlers of said ~~ll to be 4V'ac(;:\.ted ha:ve fi led 'liVi tb, the CQUY1C 1 abtlnd of11'nerlt.; tb.1::tt J 0 iIrt.~ ere st or 'V\H.:3 1.\7i 1.1 no t 'be ~3.d'!er o~ the on of said hereinabove described alley~ the T o\l\,ln 1 }lD.S at the t ilYJe El:nd dt'JS to be b.8arc3 orJ the questioxl, and described has heretofore been dedicated NOV:i, I1'TIEH"E.FYJP}; I BE IT (rR.DAI1\l};r~) B'Y T}~IF.~ ~r(r~:~N CC>t)f',TCII.J OF 'rITE TO';:'\rN OF !(JA.CKSONVIIIJg, JlI{KJ\I~SliS: SEeTI01-} 1. it s r s ~ land, to ......,Hi t : The 1: crVVll r VJi tb o ~n~71.11tt~, l\.rk. as, he s of the lie gene , v'aC~:i iXl and .to t:he Tl1at porti()n of the ()f tbe j\rk~\n eas ()f ~Ja(~k8 or1.'/i lIe, north and west of the ri in Block Town State of Arkansas~ SECTIOt'J 2. j\ oop~y of this OrdirlfU'lCe of t.he Ci:r~cuit Cler1'~ ~~,nd Recorder or Pulaski said Cou't"ty. th.e Cle rl{ stl Ell ~be led i!l t;;he f,Ci ee ,tlI"J{HrlStlS, arid reeorded irl the det:~d rec0rds ef SECTION' ~\. , This e~t(~i~nanee all take e .ffe et arlC~l be jJ:l fc)r eEl f rarn and r :its PH,SSS{;e * P.A.SSED: A,PPH(rVE D : i,\ ~\P.\~ .. , ,.." ,~, j .-1 q S 2 "p ~ . 1\.TTESTE1) : t1/ 0 o/~) / '-;r::- I L:1~~'J"'~'~ . ..... ~ /#