0040 on]) IJ\L\.NCE ,I?" i\, 1~ OH D I TILl \.1\1' C i. ~ r;,"z ()7 Ii"", I1<rC} .F! OF(, r)E \.; Ii\Iff ClJT1' I]\JG r:e }JJ:'{ OlJGfI STT'HF.t\.Cr.;';',"ITTiI1J THf'~ erry () CoT .\,CKsr)'f\\\TI,LLE, .t\.}U(/\.l\fSt:lS [)E I'r B'Y TIlE CITY C01J\JCIL OF THE CITY O:F' Jj\~CKSONV ILLE: SECTION 1. Whereas the City and vvhe reas the C it~y' stre~t~s repairs; @f" Jack:s (}T1Vi 1 ]t~ are in a sad state rn()re xp~,ns e s th~~ln it c r,t!l af~forc1; of deterioratiol1 "firtth lirni.ted strE':1et fun.ds f{)r N()"V~' TTJEREFOIrE BE: Iff OH.I}{\.ItJED: t}lat anyperSO!Xl or OC)Ulpany 'VIIi to the su,rface af any i:rrrprovod street t install utilit;y eennectio:ns, or fox" 8J:1Y other' rEH1S€ln" :m.ust secure frOHl the Gilt;>, Clerk, said cost a:nd s ~J,lct t "'Nt 1J be i.SS1.H:~d aft~e shoVlri.nr; tl'le are[)~ tC) be d isturb(,d has been s1,.lbrnitt(~d to the City ineer ()r <p~)rso:n de City' Cou~nc il, sh 111,11tlber ~r Sg'LU:l1"'C: feet ~f surfu..ce c)f t<) be i said Engirleer (i1r pt:1rstT,n shall estilnate thf.~ eest (Jf replEte or said stlrface and :tTlust t}~el1 post a. suret~{ bond i.-n double the am,ourrt of estirnated cost of' :neces 110 c;:3.se S hall bond be Ie s s t,han .00. Said SllYfO S llfl1 1 l)e r (~l(jEt sed tlpO'!l Si1ti of' the City' En~:;ineer, or person. -. <:-. S.'. ECT 101\T. 2.. p.. ~.j. nal .. CIa.use ..... .' F. a.i..1."'U. r, to... tC).. ... sc..cu.r.e.'j, . SEt., 1. ',d..'. . p.e :r.mi t '..I,d._ .]."' J... b 6.. 0(./'.11 S idered. t.i.... Ini.S. delnea:t.'l~r." .. f.9r.., 1. d . '~.".' c:::v mui1ty parties sha 11 be sUf.mno:n(,~d into eOl1rt and sht:.;\.11 st bond for st::ceet s a det~t'1rnli.ned b,t Cit'ti Erjw'i!)<:'~Ar or Y')Eiirf:ton in "ldc:.lj t"j (~~n t:"i '1 f-ly~e of .J,wt-~J:1. ( dol1(lrs Bn.c1Pj dH..V J,..'h9t COIld 'ltj 0 eJ J 'Ct;" ,./- , ,.> .t'.1 i:),... .""- \... ,........ '"-'-". f ( ......... .'" VJ.. 0 . .._(,.0 ....1.... -f} V~,~I. J .. ,~,. q , Sht:lll continue -en exist slJall be con s idered a. S e (1ffense and vi. a la:tioIl flC:Ltt(;:3 ii:le SECTIOl'J 3- It is YJecessary to the hfHlltb 1=lYld v;elfn,ro of that an ernerC;Efnc~l bJk dnelarer:! to ex:is-L and tlHlt th:is from and after its passage. Lh4') it i nanca shall take PASSED:_Apr~l 9, 1 .i'\.P]?BDVED: . ,Kl~j\,~r ON -"ljt.~~ Y6R-~-~-' ATTEST: ERVIN LINDSEY ) a~;' Rf"ER '-'-"'-i" I h .. ,i:/~v-- ~--e:L.~,4 '../..-"", (...,., ','- / ~/ (f"' (:); 3 /L1'iIE ND "::'./[f; N'l' TO OIfIJ INANCD: NTJNfBl:;I{. BE IT 01<D I:f'JE[in~{ TTfE CT T'<f{ C nTJl\! C IL OT":I (; T T Y OF <J./\, 'j,::':'; or'TV ILl! , I01Q OF OP,DI1t:\1~C IS /\.l\'LEl'j'DED TO HE.AD jI .AS }i"I('JLIJO!NS: That any pl.'rso", any of' any ir st Ie 'IN:ith to the C the ear por 3.t i OIl. or s t~ 1'" e c: t () r sid eVVD. 11( i 11, t,he Git Tncer a , sha,ll 81.1 rn or .. 00 , for a. ap;(}rlCY de i r t. 0 rnak'f\ cut [;) the Ci of Jacksonvi Ie, of tbf~ Gut to be rnado i:nto or ass ~~,) a y o m.ake t:. h e The pr:rson. or D.:1:;eney rE;qe th~lS amount of monAY necessary to fully arnou:nt.\N:i.ll be .00 pE~r l1rlearfoot in width, If the C ineor earns it i t rE~ , "but; ill n e"(J nJlt 81'1 (l11 jt o it; 'wJtl.l the C the t:he cut. Tb.i s '.rIot t,O ex,eoed " the D.rnOUl1,t of Li.ne Font. It S 0" rC(iujrern(~:nt 0'(' t'hl~) Ordinance cut is made j 11 d l.t, '\ii[j.1J. 'bo 1es an extension of time is on d e: p 0 s t s d (j S G r i In +,Jl i s f1 \..1 Tn 0(; r D,Cie et tl] tlt ad d i.t j J"(J Gult in :i.lT.nle(~ (> J p':' r i od of' Ei rno:nths 1lI .;:tt t: e end if reoa:irf3 bu.v'e F::l i lUl"'E~ to AT) (}PT 'F: f'i /\ 'Nf) 0\,.7 I!;J:i : ~f) <4:'\ \)'{1\ "~k.- ({), fJ: . /iR / :elf Cd ...:..,,,._v_".,:...:-1-~, :t~. V\~i:.:Y~_~_.,,;^, ~"'~M_""~,,__ ...._._,~"' 'i'! i\. "<./" OH ATT IS :", T :