0038 OI~DINA}\rCE NO. _.~3 8 AN. 01?,DIN~\.lJCE CHE11l.T ING ~;'\!~D T~';STABLI SIIING .AN OFFI CE O:F' CI-'lIL DEFF~N'~)};~, P~~:O'IInING FOR It DIJfECTnH_ 'I11IEB.EO:Fl, PHB SC}~(I .BINT} THE DrJT IE S G:R\t!T ING C'f;H'l'.AI1\f 'PO\'Yli~H"S .ANT) FOn OrlII~H. PTJHPOSES ~ 'i\}IERE.AS the C Council of t.he order to insure that ,pre ~ ons the Cit~r of Jaeksonville irl E:~vent of J:::\.ck:s orl\Ti.lle, FJu 1 ~:tS ki f\rka:ns as deelns it ne ee s i:n are made to ction and aid to persons and in of disast:;er result front enelny' ac~tion or fronT natural C~;tUS(~S, l~o~!r"r.. TnT~ PI~ F()HE, BE I T or:J}i~~,INlSI) BV frI'!1~: CITY C 01J}JC II; ('IF TIlE; CIT Y 0 F lJ,i\CK~30~J\lIIJLE" PTJL.l\.SKI COUJ>JT Y".t JilI{K.hNS)~ S : SECT IOl,J 1 - PolicJT aJ1d ( I') B .. ~ a e'" .- " 1 0 f -t}....~ ...~. -t" ..t q 1-. '1 1. ~ }'} "'f- {} '\'''' .~"' () f~ L~ ;/ r (,; ..) U r. . J 1. t,;.', \.:~.::} \, .. ~) .L .;;, f k:...J. 1. 'c,J . ~~::~~ b; lity of s:hO occ~r~~~: r ()~ o~;~~,=t::;t ~~n u:~r;;'~J:;jd;~~:~~, s ~~;:e, nd , t ornad 0., or otber natural eaUSf~S a:nc1 in order to insurf~ tl'!7:;\t io:.ns of tl'le of Ja.cksOIIV^ille ad to tlcD.l "with suel"l disasters a.rl.d c:e-nc 1:::.0 clefor the uOnl1HOn clc'fe:n,se the publie peace, healtl'l' ftn,d;:;eneral "v'Jf:Jlftiro 'to preSE)r"re tlle lives p:rope peo of the Cit;y of lJL\ok'son\lil1(~, It is 'he: found and d ala.red to 1)(:3 :nece sa.:c~: Jet I'Lirbt:\.s 1.1:1 t }'.I,1 r; ~vi.,C Hnc; r()ason of the (1) To create an Office of Civj 1 Dc;ferse. 1: confer as fl:re up 011 t lItE: () l' E~d herein a:nd upon Otlld r axe \J'Li he u,d S o:r tl10 ae rtairl xflerGen,c:1 po\\'er s (3 ) T (} an.tJ cent iguous of eoo pe rat i o:n ft.n d !llU'L u,~'\1 if1, 1. f n(-3 ce sar";l' t () StlrI' Ol.)rlc1 ~i t i G i11 s u 1:) d i '\l i s i. 0 II S O]~ t l~te stat e . (B) It, i G fUlr'the:r cleo 1 (3d that; all C i~'il De ferlS(:':' rll.S CLG.te T~o 1.:i.e r fUJ1C t '\'Fi tl'l e oTnpf~.ir n.1J 1(~ rU.IH~ti orl~) of ", i 'V i i r; 1"'1 S t ~~ reo :f a 1'1 d 0 t-. }.\ ,-, the Y'} (; t b t ville ~;'I 0 0 1. v/ltll ()c(~ur ~ c i t:l t [~maJlp()'Ne r $ r~ SOl) r(5e s 3ECT ON 11 - Definitions H C 1. v'j ].. erne Z" C; e :tle:/ ,rep'~l i r fll.net i011S ref? die (;..1 and. lIe (31th il1e identa, 1 to SEeT ION 111 .- Organizatio:n T1'j(;';: sa:td Off ice 0.:[" C:i.v.-tl De fen Defens~~ an Advisory Counel Defense and such other st of the Di.I'e ct or of C i "\li 1 the Director of Civil t.he e ne(~ded SE eT I01\T IV Duties and Powers T :.-J. () vis 0 r J'''' C () Ur.i e iI, C T' e u~t e d ,..- Iv'! pC\, yo r n h a 11 a.(~ v' i set h G (") r n.:n d tJJ3 Defense and Civil Disast;er Relief. forcsaid and compos rJ.tJxriber of IneTilb e r s de t e :r,rn:1 :no d 'thE; Di:r~~(3t~or of Civ'il T)efe.nt1e o:n a.11 1m';';. .pe rtal.n 'CO C viI (b) Tl'~'~f~ shall r:.av'o responsible for the c rry g; e.l'}e:r~)]. direct ~J o:n D.nd cc:nt, 1'''01 otrt (1 f th e 1) 1"ov']. S j or1 s ()'f t ce f' Ci viI. D(:;:fen SI?: and l)e e. (0) In. per his duti.. s un.der thi sore'! ce.ll 1.~) aU.thori zed; (1) To enter itlto Inutual 1 ar'r2\nz;eneJI'ts v:ith othc iticsl subdivisions of StatE} of (2) To de t:1.r1Y Etr1111i'Il st the subdelegation of any "\re steel in h inl u"n de r t i o1"'c1 iru3..nce p :rovide 1'() r (:2,')" .,1 I f ~,.:n (; 1M'll e n ne c e f3 S o.r :'l , 0 d (:: c 1. a r 0 .t~he re of. c 1 D. rn.u:t, 1. orl , state of' rGency (J,.nd t i 0 Xl ( 1 'i i ' I"T) To utilize tho services, e t,:he Ci (1f' JE:.cksc n"vi 1.] e f officers, ernp s artd person:Iel erate with and extend DBfe~nse uporl r{:lcue st. if: S a.-nd faci 1 tie Defense pur po sea tot o f 11 ~3ll eh of 'Lhe :3 of o coo p- r C iv' i (d) Tl-ie Director of Civil I)ei'ense shEtl1 'prepD"ro f:l. d 1. vi 1 ell s aster 1"e 1 ief for t lie 0 f t.J ack on'vt 11 e" ei'rl1 erensf~ a"no ei"vil d"'LS~lst~\r relIef pol.iticb.l subdivisions thereof. I)ro {:;rarn to Go'V'(:!r:nrnf)nt~t}J(:?; State of H.nd c i vi.1 de f(-:~r.~ se (E)) The r:irector of Civi.l stud ie s an,d S1JrV'e~ys ('if t11e () r tI.le oi shall ir)st itute trEt resou.rce 8 facili.ties proGram.s or th e c and c inforU1Ert ionprc>graTn,s, rn.ake :i 1'1 o:r cJ ex. to Cl s e f;~ rt E1. i n .t~ 'h. e e ti p a 1J i l:i tie to irls Ul"'(3 the of lief in tiXf.lO of !1eed. t r C-L i.:ne d LU1. (1 e e 0 ~n(] it i on a. J1 (\ t, td{ e ci'vil defensE~ a.nd or-:l steps ci.v1.1 d sn.ster (r) Th,e Di!'~ector or Civ'it T1efe:rlse sha1.] to enter irrto eOIltrr.i.cts HYHJ incur o'bl ba.ve pO'\A'er, dur Ileee s sar:/ to Po r su 01'1 purposCl s. t; im.e com, ba:t as des C;r~1.bed in Secti on 1, :r, .i:rn It edhovtev'{j r, "to aT[10u:;~t.:; S Et th.e C:tt V Cou:n,e 1.1. (g) 'The Dir t;; c.to of i'vi 1 1"al'l ;,:;' 1. s ri to a a:nd re ce:t. 'Vf!):I beilalf ,'I such - 2 - serV'1.ces, eqm.iprnent, supplies, ITutei"l:lals or funds ['01' civ"il defen~3e purpos s a.s cit:y" by the Ft"HlerB,l Government, tlle Sta,te of ArkfJ.:n.sa.s o:r any pf;rSOY1, f:i.r'n1 or cor to tern'lEi of' the offer (:J.nd rules and ons o:f the) a6~encY' the off~)r. re offered 0 the 011, su 'b at SECTION V - Liability Neither the Cit.y of J'acksonvi.l].e Ilor [JJny volu:nt:eer 'worke r or a,ii;eJ1G~', irl civil defe:nse t:1..ct:i.-vi,ties, ''\fIrhile c or atte:m 0 e '\Nith t.he prov'isions f ordinaxlce or of HllY' rule, rel~ula.tion or order issued pursuald:;, to this ordi:nEulce, shall be lia,ble to a:n~r person for ath.t injury or proper.ty da1Tlage r theref'roln. Tlle provisions of this ordi!1D.:nee shall TJ.ot Elffect the rir;lrt of" any persol1 to receive be~ne.rits or cOInperlsi3.tlon to "which het vV'ou.1d otllorvrlse be ent.itled by la\^!. SECTION VI - Severability If any iorl of tb is 0 rd ina:nee or t ll,e cat ion t'h<:? reof t 0 an~Y' pc:rs eX), or e ircu.rnst~tinCe is 1'-leld invalid, such in'v"c.lidi S11Ft 11 !1ot affect other ions or tb,e ord'ina.Dce 'whieh c be t;iven effE"~ct vd.thout the irlvalid provision or ica"tiorl, a.:nd to thi. C11d" the prcrvisions of this dance B.re decl8.red to be se'verable. SEeTIO}! V'll - Repealing; Clause 1'\.11 ordiYJarlOeS or s of ordi:.nances of tbe Cit:)T of LTacksorlville II'Jhlch are in corlfliG-t vvith the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. SECTIOl'J VIII - Effecti va Date In Vi<:1VJ' of d isturbiLtg vvo:rld.....1jvide conditions this ordi11811ce is deerned to be an elner~;enc~yr nJeasure D.n.d shall ta.ke effect an.d. be in foree from and after p~:lsSa{;e all.d 4; PASSED ;\T\!D,F'PfFYlTEI TiUS 2o~ D,Y OB' ~ . Ie::. f2.f;l.\) ~ 1 3 ;;r;r: /:/:..~ 1V1'.\. YOR .A. T r.['E; ST : rJ:.;. / ;;t::~'~ -i;p~ i !:? REtbrttiR-~ .. .~,r' . /it/ tt: