0037 o H I~ I :N,/\.}T CJ~ //:= f~N OEI.I j\L:,.NCI; Dl~F'INING PT';;,3T,~\UI~..:\NT J IT IT{E'HI~.1\rT H l~; S T A. U lC\J\f T, ET/~ PL C)'t'E 1:', UTE.: N S T ll;, H E;;\.I./I'n n F F I C:U:R j E T C J HI ~N n :P}~T{N; I T;3 }' eret T TJE,~ 0 F'!..; J{f-/j"< I (} ]',;' 0 F STJCn ESrlABIJISPNLC'IJT:::;, I)F~.OIIT HTT II\rG frIll-I; S"".I.J:~ (\;F AI';:lJl/r-.Li~n.I\.lrE[l, 'u}r;'.~iOl.Jl<SOT/E;, t)Ef, J\!\TS iJH.',~J\rf'}EU FOOl{ OT-? nr~ INK J I~.Tj:G1JLILTI1\JG 111TE INS 'FE err TON, GT{/\ T) Ir~G /\}rr) I)L.ACI~}o{DIN'(r O}l' snell I1\rST I'TlJT T01\fS, THE ENFOHCgt.:fF.i;trr 01i1 TIlTS 01)DINi\lJGE;, A.Nl'.1 TBJ::~ }i'I]CIN'(} OF P.t~lT f\.L T IE: S . BE IT OHDj~bI}\JE:D BY THT!~ CITY COU:NCIL OF' THE CITY' OF' tJJ\Cl(SOl'fVILLE J ~tLEIC1N.S,AS: SECTION 1. Definitions: The fol ord inance : de .f:in i -t j 011 S S 11 a 11 a p irl in:t e ion and enforcerrent of this ITE~.[ 1. R.estauraxlt: The ter:'m restaura,rrt sha.11 lnean restaurant, coffee cafeter short c)rder cafe" lun,cheonette, tav~3rn" sa:ndvvieh stand, so(:a fOUl'ltain, clubs, .board houses.. al1.d aJ.l other eat or drinking estahlishwents as well as kitchens or other s in Wllich food or drink is pre- pared for sale else'where. ITE1\.~ 2. (a) It"1 Y10 r'j.,nt He stal2.ra.:nt : ternporar~l peri ad in oonnection, 1t\d.th p;a the rlIl[;. Thet~o:rrn it ine rEU1 t c aryl. ~L v [:\'1 , c rnstn,urant h.al1 mean orl.e ope exhibition or o.tb.er s inrilar for ITEM 2. (b) New Restaurant: tl1at no rt:~ staura:nt ha s l)ef:::}r:r opel' for D., perrnit. J\. rf:~stal1rant for l)usiJleSS for the first tj..nle, ,3.:nci at t h i. s 1 () e a. t i 0 :n, .f' () r t h r e (-) ) rno YJ t}l S p yo (:;! C e e d the ITE~;l 3. i orl or ser a roo Tn Je n l!\ih 1. c }) food or The te:rrn e 81"1a11 r~1.ea.n any llVl1. 0 eOt!k3 s iXl C o:ntact vvith any e rink is prepared or served. T)e rson '\t\lho lland Ie fo od or drink uten si 1 s or Vi~10 ITENf 1~,. lJte:ns i 1 s : U"tel1S 11 S :.3ha.11 in c 1.1:td e ::U'l~Y ki toh,er1\Vare, et)nta1.rlerS, or othe '/. i t: 1-"1 ioll food c in se ITEIV~. }I{~alth Of leer: The t(!:;rrn lIealtll off'icer" dhul1 me?~;,n, the l\ealth, eJn,(;ks ()llvi 11e, HS f)r hi B ut. ri zed reprE:t sent at:1:v!::;. of I rT1 ep;~\iT T h iil) (>r d. r S('\ I1J; co c;ra.tl ()l' 00 S:SCT ION' 2 e Perrnits: It shall 1Je u:n.lavvful fo}'"" "vvho (:; O~j S rl(;t r)('jS fin S f) fJ"J.t unre'\Tol:-ec:: ~;j.nJt pf~r :n '\-:.0 operate f3v rest~~:urr':.rrt iIl th,e nity c.:f tJael::T;ori .f."lroxn tb.e heb,lth officer. SueLt nrit s'L\i:ll1 1,euost!7.d n a. 'the requirernents of' th:i,f) Ord co sl~'alJ l)C c,(tt -tIed an it in.(;rant restaurant shn 11 ;.:.\.180 1:::'e c ious nn t() re cci \re n.nd reLf~t lD llC..tl ::1 to secure a permit. Such a L)e rrni t rn~;'),y be t enrp()X" 0.1'" v.rl:;!' () ,:C l:1i ,:~'3 t e XOInG 0 r 't}l i S Tn f3,.n c e "or upon serious or r violations. 'L he he Ct J,t }'j of) C.i c e J~ up 0 :n 'vi 0 1. at i () 11 t,h e h old e r of r8'voked t'1.fter f:tn f a 1'1E: tht3 tJ1 off'i.ce:r SECTI01\1 3. or I)u b 1 ~L e D i t 1'.1 1'.1 f) ;)" 1. tLL 0 f of (}rL'tc:1 c }lo-L i Ge : 1-.~v'C: ry r f~ S tn \ 1 r rrn t tl-}e 1th 1. 11 t. irncl s, 'LlJe i:n la.ce cJ e Ei i i':~na te l~ esta.blishrr.le:nt _/ (;er n.otioe of tme SEC'fI 01\f L~. E:sanlinatiorl an,(,l c(Ynd(:;n~yu~rl~ioD of TJrJlul"inl.c d 'Lll te r[t te c F'c) ~:\(~ 0 r Dr :i..Il,k. Of.LJcor ch :i s un'who le~) ()rj.E; Sr!~ eT I O~~ 5" I!'J':) p'!" {jT T O!\:! OF '~::s T;\TJIl'i~T r ~) : , IT ;'.) S U. i t 8. b 1. (:~ IT:;:;.~T',/f [). L~D}j :C('Y\ ho r-'i IT S di of. s, lutiO!l I T .[;'~ I; 1 () . F' 0 0 (~. IJ:L D"y S : F c~ ('"('j -1.:, , ~j l:rlfc}cti on tj 1\T 0 ~:tr1 :iln~11 s C ('nt' 1 S ~l'J (uncolorpd) insecticid s 0r 'v\r}'I f r il'Tlc rVt3 C, ~ 1,J 0 i [j or) :L ou l,e CtSOeJ.. h E~.n 1 lTL S 1.) ~J..11 01:: food \II ITEM 11. .1\,.1 sr:'; err IOJJ 6. 1Jlsease Control: l~oper so'n 'jirl'J.o i :'If:Cc:cted 'V'ith arl:l i af f;uch i s(~e.se 1 1,~.ror irJ. b.n:i :rf;~stau:r'ant, anej no re staurruTt l:;c af'fecte(: \,l\rit an~/ i GO C a eor'J1Tltl.nlc bl rl~:1.tur'e It If tJle '~r:i ee 11as c ontaete(~ ell1:? :is ase t.n ornrnUIJ icb 1e rn he It}). officer D:L OJJee. stE1UrU!1 t be SECTION' 7. .A.II per SO.ns , or , sh h f.l"V'e r.1e t;t, It h befor l:!6 h ir(~~d iI SECTION 6. Penalties: ~)er t;f\ n '\~dl 0 vi. 0 1:,'; te s and uport COll\riotion tht?}reof shall be violation of this ordinance shall be s ion of L1\:ts or ',irlflrlee :3h a 11 00 110r (j,ee:med of' or, ve r~' f i11ed Xl Clt 1. est ha.Il a s offense. :rn.o rc t h (:,U), SECTION 9- Unconstituti Clause: Should any section, unconstitutionctl or inv'E\lid for a!l~Y re son, thereby_ Clt::luse, or se of this ordinan.ce b declared t;he reJnaj.nder of said ordinancf~ shall :not be effected lJ Unless the sions of this ord.ll1al1ce are iTl effect irmnediatcly, the heultb. f'l.:nd of tIle eitizens of Jac~kso11v'ille vvill be a,frected B.dvor illThere an. eIfler'goney' is declared to exist and all prov'isiorls of this ordina.rlco are here i:n effect from e.TI.d after the passage hereof. i:\.Pr:~:, OVE D ;;?J/! ~ ~ Signed th is day of , 1 ;) ,{~ ~ 1/'7"A~,-~,~~ 1 ~ ~ ~-:-.., . RECOl~DER ,_/