0034 OEDIN.[~,NCF~ 110" 31~. ~\}J O~.~, D I N\l\TCE }~I~Z Il\JG 'T}J F',; o}' ~r~thlcS J'L-\l, L 0 F T IIB CIT"Y OF tli\.CKSO N"VILLTi~ J [~ld<:J\JJ'S.!:\.S. BE IT Onl}:'~~I Nl~T) EY TlfF~ CI TY OOTJ1~C IL OF 'I jJG~ c: I T~{ 0 F J ;\CKE~OrI 'II LLE /I .ld{E!lN'~~ 1:~,S : SECTION 1. rrhe s-',::1.n.r\r of the I\Larshall sur'1 or three 11U!lclred C~l:=3QO:O()) dollars per -t. il\r(;.~ Y'\ .ty Y - P l~ 'V' (.~~ ( () (') "') t' o"J 1 f;'; "y"! '1.,",:, f'1 P r "'1"~) .,...~ +- 1", r:lY1 (~ ,; ,. ...J .11. l,J .l.. V ., ..... '~"" (A..<. ,.) .(' ',if J.l,-i.~ 1J. ',..1.1 J. v J..l .i Hlo:nt.h .. of the of Jacksonville, divided hS follows: expel1ses of sas s}Jall 1)0 the a..Ylci S'ECTI01J 2. It is ascertained DJ:1d declctred of tJn.e 1<:s on '.Tille to ~r ix the s 0 f t b.o Nlar shal] fc)r tll0 [1 and "'.,fIle IfD.re o:f the in})H, bit.2:\'TtS 0 fixed. It is therefore decl.G.red that tt.n (.:nnE_~rt~one:l irn..-rnedia te pre ser\ra..t~ ion of t}l8 i.e peace J he a,l effect and tJe in. foroe JETrl U::~iI"Y 1, . t it i. H to tl\e i.nnned Le 'Iran 0 f tho C i of the C of Jacksonville, and it is necessary he C 0 f J o"c}.r. S OYl\l:L lIe tlla t said be this ordinal1ce is :n.eceSSEtr~y for tlle anCl s anc} tht:l.'l:. tl1.i S 0 rd iYlcU1Ce srlall tftke Passed t 1''}i s 16th 'I oay of De cernl)(~~ r J . .APFI{Oyr~D 1J11. 1'y1AYO}~ j~T IE :31' ~ '!l'tr