0033A Al/rEl'JDll~D Ol{1)IN.Ai\JCl~ ~tJ j\.l~ OHDI'N.l:J\TCE ENTITLED n J\.N IIF:G1JI.J,,\.TING THE T:JI.A.KING hJ,T1J FILIl\TG OF PLi\.11 S rr 0 TT-IE: CITY' 01,1 f.I:\.CKS ONVILLE.t Ji.I{.f( BE 1 T F~ 'NA err E; 1'1 B v rr tHY": C I:T'Y co rH,fC IL OF' .t l:~.T~l(I\J<! S AS. SEGTI01\1 1. Tha.t all pr shall bo accurately only such prop~rty as is real estate Jl0W' used for her e aft (~111 "t C) 1) C S lJ \:'')(1 i \Tid e d ~Ln. t 1,8 0 f tJ a c}{ S OIl vi 11 e , A.rl<~ an s bU3 r~~ st~ered before sueh saTe. sub-di'visiorl is rntide. Trult stablisrled surv8-;/ s11all be incl'tlded iYl th.e and that S 0 r 1n.rl'l i. c h '1 S Yl CH1-e xis t e 1.1 t; S tl all. not be i!] c 1 ud E~ d i Yl the SECTI01\J 2. align with streets streE)ts s 11[111 be of a roin imulll \!\ridttJ near as ical. ~j.,nd s lUi 11 ("''"1. 'it, to'l' o ) 11. ..L. TIlfti.n t~.~n.ance of s h.a.l1 forI either S\ 1 ,,:r i e Ll t 1.1 i. tie s. o:r e a s e 11:1en.t s s hall .n 0 t b e c1istriets nor 1(; s tha:n ti1\Jen (20) feet. in "bu elauses" lot Axt.e:n,sioTIs, etc*" shall be rnade ~~aSe1I1.E}n-t~ r or th.8 in.stallat i011 an d Ie s t naIl t"Ne l~ve (1~:~) feet .in tIle ss distriets. No el1culIlbra:.nces vvi dth ij:J, res such as restrictive designated. 8t an~l street or so (c) .:\.11 S s}lal1 include or be ac "b:l a dedicat;io:n H.nd alleys t() public use as l1erei:nafter set forth. dedicat such. SEcrrIOl\J 3- (@,) No plat for an addition. ilvitl'lin th,e City' of JacksoXl'\lille J or ~i"rlY ad(li-tio:n an the Ci.t:l of Jaclcso:nvil1e, n1i3..y be tlpprov"ed b:y the Ctt;1 a.u"thorities o:r i1 cornrnissi(.)'l':l u:nless adequate pla:ns hE~""\Je been rnade for the instal1atio'u of approved liliC1.ter and S€fiNer serv'ice., a..~nd for the installatio:n of fire for the said fl,rea. ro'\rt,d \f\!ater arid Si~1."re:r services shall he those services 'whic}l 'vvl11n1eet with ttle ap of the State Board 0 IIealth. fire protectiC)rl shall be tb,a:t:. fire ction the ./'\,rke,nsa,s Sta,te lTire !vla:t"shall. (b) In no case shall p~ statndard residentiEll l':i't be lesD thB"Il hundred thirty (130) feet long, exclusive of any street or a ar feet 1l\ricle one en:e rtt~ a.I'ea). ( c ) J:j 0 lot ~t s s h 0 \l\rn S G a 1. !:; or [:;; shall i 1'1 e 1 u de ElnJT sb.~~,11 include o:nly such propert:y as is lr'ee for the ().V\rH:~r t s use" sectio11 of s treets o~c ast~ 0 e aserne:nt r all f~Jr s, but e (d) Lots ~~(j,al1 be :numbered consec'utively (:ill rnanner, or direction, each block, a separa,te s one of lot 1. ines iXl a c1.ockvvise l,lvith lot :nurnber aIle (1) (e) Blrcks shall [)O I1UTIlbered cOYlsecut:i.\re near as is practical) then,ce t () the ri of blocks, etc. Only nun1b~Jrs 8118.11 be used :in COIYler block(or as back to the left on t~he second r01!l SE~CTIOI'J 1+. .Addition YH3,JneS shall be f:1S cal a,s posslbletl the su:rn,arre f the persoTl t he ad d it~i 011. S hnJ.l be \lS f~ d. If 'LViFO P t:Ht s ()n s arf) P 1 Ei.t t, th.f? aeJ it i orl the s Urn8.1fe S of each sllal11)e used. Dif'fer:::;:trt add,i-tio:ns peJ"sons of the SFlil1e surrlEune rnay be desi t~ed initials of t.he persons so the adcLiti.oIl. UpOl1 the approva,l of the C Courlcil. SECTION 5- (a) Streets arid aI. , but 110t easeTff~nt r s, Ina~r bE; "tJ'Llcated nance of the City Counc 1.1 and lNhen such vacatioI1S are rnade and re S [l,re rnEloe iX1Cl of SUCt1 v'f;l.oatod strBetfJ or al certified copy of' sued} ord i:nancf~ sl'lal1 B.(;COnlpBxlY vvilen E\,n:r street or al is "\TB.Cfi,ted, ease:me11t ri s for t.he utili.tie s are :be reserv'E,;d for thE.; utilities by the City of Jacksonville, (b) .All s shall eo:nfoI"!n to the req"Llirerne:nts of lats as set OlXG hereirl. SE CTI o}'~ 6. blnck: El.nd .;Jl1"lite, PIa t 81'1 all be rnadE:.: on, illked trac ezalide, etc. shall be used for fil is t\.nd rf-"3produced S f3U ch Elf.) int s, . SECTI(}N 7- (a) Plat inforrm:d:::ion to deed record arId tl.ll aCetlrat<:;; d an aCGurate (~eseripti.on of ty:,e 1 i:n€~ crt 'tl"e of of the t1Jld i:n a.s Sl~ r''f,reYE} 8U eh , . Ie (b) l~ver~r 10"'&, b 1 ()ck ()r s 5 e c t:U1 1;6 TCHid i t~ .... $J ftnd ,\:, 'hrJt eo:.n re fer tl:tfJ stlch pro ora c Y' 0 S S f:~ U e h t r ~:;. ct. transfer of' o ;:) tur (d) Tbe erH'~ ine;er 'who hus 7'(lE\ d t'he FPJ.r'Vt.ry ref: i s t rat i 011 n 1. ) Inbe r . t S;.'l a.ll s ID..t rtnd }). ~is (3) The f3hould c for T~ t~tp 1):ro V~.~ 1 0 f Ch~).. ir aIlc:i clark f ere tJ':e Cit ~l COlIY1Ci 1. N'ort }'1 Po.i ;)t fJ f' :::':p f r space if arl~l, or . ConLn.~i s s ion, (a) Tl~lree c Pa{.?;e ~~ "'... re tho p but lnu t stcLte ill t}-le C it Y' srH~t 11 :fi 1 e ono co P:i 0 f tbe the t. Passed i:lnd .!\TT1~~ ST D.i ':..1' E : o I. \Yl \:~.n t ]:li s very Gl 01"k.. i' a. t, r;h 1 be f i 1 (1 (3. v,:i th. t, h.e TllC CC)U I1C i 1 Lhc 1. t;l~le ~refor* rettlr:n tV-TO apprCj VO C 1,(; J Deoernber, c .;II-PI) }.~ 0 VB D