0033 OBD I1L'i. N C I,-~ 'NUP! ,if F\ILI]\~(j. CE '1'~C~ UL,:\.TI }\j'G l/LAK 11\ G ..:.d:J D ;:\.1,1 OILD I N}\,}J CE ~:~: NIT IT LE D 11.d..:N IT '\CT.~:::D C(iTTl.1CIL OF ~J:J,ct'.SCil<r v; "'l S n, '. J. t, T 11~:lt re Sllr ) ] 1i'ri d. t 1'1 e }.r 0 e Xl. C iJ:rnli ran e e or ,\1 (b ) ~'~.11 r. 10 (0) " ., L.L (~t o'n .1.. ... ~.JU t iGat ~:3 U C 11 st 1'" e e t 1 US f) C;. S l} e 1"8 i 11B. ft-;e r set f () r Jc..h .. SECTI (}f\~ 3. ) N' th,in lla,ti OIl :f.1. ro the i OIl 0 f said latted rovGl of 't Li,l" e fl . .t~'h.ose t [1 0 C i of J~J,Gl:~ S onv'1.11e be t~at fire protection ~) t.h e .f\.r It:aJ1S a,s S e Board of He S.t~n.t.e 'F'ic () IVIar ShL~ 11 .. ,hall se; rvi ce s vvh icr:! vii 11 rneet~ VI'1,t h t11.i (b) ( IT1 no cU..Sf.:~ 0) feet sha 11 s.ta11dard re s ident ifll lot 'bo 10 ss VJ:l d e O:ne l1ullcred , e:K e 1ll S '\1(3 of aJ'l:;l t re et () ra 1. are :~\. ( c ) lJ () 1 cd~ sho.l1 include S t~lO'\J~T) sea 1e 0 r n~J ctSllrcrnc nt~t) Ct11 inc 1 ude an;/" s ecti Of) sueh r):r-ope as is free for 't'lte o'wner's use" E~S to streets r 1 , but serne"nt ri . (d) Lot s 8h all rJG nUJnbere d C Ol1.se out i va Iv (ill i;;).n~r onc~ 1:1 1 aT ortiZ; lna.nner, or directioYl" en.ch block a septlru.te sot of lot Jlllrnbcrs street lines in clockwise "\Nitll lot YIUlnber on.e (1). (e) Blocl:s shall be I1t:tTI"lbered c(!nseclJ,tivel~l as is practical) thence to the r blocks, eto. Only' numbers sha 11 l)e used irl '.".fith t11e N'orthvvest eo:rrler block (or as n.ear to the left on the second rov'J of SECrrICJq L~. J:ldd:i.tion narnes S}la11 be as as possible. Ortl~y the surnarre of the persorl plattinf?; the addition shall be used. If tvro persons are the additiol1 surrlarres of eaeh shall be used. Diff~1re:n.t a.dditions by' persons of the S8.Ine surrlame may' be by irJ.itials of the persons so platting; the addJtiorl upon the a.pproval oftllO C Council. SECTIOl~ 5- (a) Streets anc: all~ys, but l],ot easernent ri.g;hts, lnay be v'acated ordi.11arlce of -Ll'18 City Council and livhen such 'vacatio'ns are I'nade B:nd re-pla.ts a.re ri1a.de ons of 5';.1 CIl vacate(~ streets or al1eys, a. certified c cPJ~ of such orcLinance shall E\.ceOJTlpany all '\Nherl a:ny street or alley is vacated, easerrle:nt r fo r the utili tic~s Clre h(jre res(,rved for the utilitie s by the City 0 f Jacksorr'\Jille, J\.rka:ns as. (b) A.llts shall Go:nforul to tIle requirelnE.~rrLs of s as set out herein. SECTI01J 6. I)lats sb.all be llia,de on, i:nk(3d trae aIld black ~inc:1 vi'1ite, ezalid, etc. shall be llsed for fili:n~;. cd 1ats suell as blue s.. SECTION 7. (a) Plat information should i:ncl'ude: 1\.11 accurate description of the land accord to deed record and an accurate description. of .t:.he property as surveyed or such exceptioI1S to the legal descriptioY1 as are fOU!ld. (b) Ever:;T lot, block or street or boundary' line 811.8..11 Sh01Al rneasure- ments so tJlat the true width, 1er1f;th or size can l:,:'e readily establish.ed. (c) Every plat shall con- ta.in a dedication staternent bearin[; the 11otation that tb.e propE3 rt:y ShOVv'Tl :hereon consists of the follcwing described propert:y to-'vvit: "Insert description as found" OuIld that the deed record of such proper-ijy is re[;istered- iJl the deed record'book nUliil)er' , PaGe in the office of the Circuit Clerk of .Pulaski Count~y, A.rl{ansa.s. That the undersigned is th'e O'NY1er of suc~n property and that he 11as caused the propert:y to be c1iv'ided up into lots" blocks, alleys, streets, eaSeTD.ents and tracts as SrlOV\ltl l1ereon and th.at all streets and alleys are hereb:y"' dedicated to the City of Jackson'lilll,i\.rl~ctrlSas .r'or perpetual llse as thorOUl?;hfares for tl16 public use aTld t:hat such easements as snovvn o:n the plat are for th,e I)'urpose of construetin.g and nlaintaining; public 'utilities thereon 8.11d that the O.vV!lerS of such property are~ barred frorn constructin.g buildings or ot:her structures of a perma11ent; nat11re on or across SllCh tracts. The dedication statenJcnt shall contai:n t.he jurat as reouired for the trt\TI.sfer of property by \l\rarraTJ.ty deed and s[lall be si by a.11 persoIls who 1Nould be required to sigrl a deed. ThE~ signatures shall be attested by a Ylotary ic. (d) The eY1e;l,neer or sur\Tey'er V\klO has mS.de the surveyor plat should 111ake a statelft:;Ilt that he has aceurately sur'leyed the follo'v\ril1g described pr to-v~r:i't: "Insert deser as found" that tJle plat as ShO"V\JY1 llerEJon is true 1:1nd G orrect aIld accord StJrvey · should be Si~~11E)d and [J,t.testod to before a ic. (e) T"e plat should con:tain a North Point u.nd a scale. tho ap of tho C}),airman and Secreta.ry for tb.e Cit~l clork for t,hA City Council. space should be provided for Connnis 81. on, if a.rl'~l; or t1:~1 DJ1d SECTION 8. (8.) Four Co:qic1s of e~\fer~l shall "be Piled 'vvitrl tlle se of CoynrnissiJ)l1., or 1pith the City Clerk:. The Counci.l has thE~ privilege of accept bU.t must str~:te irL 'VJvriti n[G it.s reD.SOI1S therefore. If appro1red 0.11(:;), ~~d the shall file 011 copy of plat vrit11 the Circ1.]'it Clerk of I'ulaskj. Count:)r, one approved copy to the person offer the a:nd shall retain. on.e GOpy for its fi1e. this .i h_day of December, 1 Pas sed and nOVED HECnr?,r<ER D ~~\.Te' :