0031 ORDINANCE NO. 31 liJ~ ORDIl'J;\}JCE TO PB.O'V;rDE FOB. THE J\.DOI)TIO'\T BY REFDH.E1J.CE OF T'llE NA.T I ONI\.I.J EI.Jf.{'~ err HI C CODE OF' TlJII; ]\TJ~'T I ONI\L BOi~ltD O}' THE J?IHE UT\TT)ER.11~j}tITJ~;HS FOB. ELECTHI C ~:";'Tl(r!\'IFi /~iNI) }.\.,PI?AJiATU S F'Or? T:-JJ~ CITY rF JACKS()~rVILLE F'OB. CI~.Ej\.TIN(} THE Ol?~'IICE OF ELECTRIC,AL INSPEQTOI1. 14'OR LICE'NSING OF ELr~CTHICIA,NS j\JlD FOP. OTl.IE~H. PUT:POSES id\iD R.EGTJIJATING TIrE ~Il\JST/\.I,L,ATI()N' OF 1~LEC1~-r?,IC 1,",:1111 NG .A.J.JD J\.P?l\.IU'\.T~JS A ~)D 01'IIE'R PUnT)OSES it BE IT O?DA.il\TED BY THE CIrry COUNCIL 011' Trrtl; CITY' OF' tJ.ACKSO!\!'VII.JLE, L"~n.KJ:'j,,[\J;:)~~1S~ SECTION 1. ions of Th~t there is here ad by the City of Jacksonvillo for the [)urpose of est.a.1)lis~} and OrlS ,for the eonstrttction, ~1.1:t(;ration, rem,oval a:nd lna"irrtf:rnae of e 1~:: c t :r i C 'vv1. r' 1. Y1f; and in c 1. u d P f) r H1 its a .n6 i e s , L 11. at c e rt ,~'1 in e lee t r ice 0 c1 e l{fl 0 "\Nn r:l S the National 31ectric Cod(~ Stel.ndard of the National Board of Fire TJn.dervvri tf3rs" be part the lS51 n6'i tion thereof and the vklole thereof, sa"\re anJ.1 such ions 8.S are flereinEl tel" dtJleeted 'mod'if'i.ec1 or anlended, of iivrlich not less than tl1ree) s ha:ve been, an(] :n01Jl! are filf.:3d in the office of the City. Clerk of the City of ~Jael(SOIT\lil]E3 and the saIne are he adopted Li.l1d :inca as f as i.f set out at herein, B.nd frorn the df;lte o'n 'which this ordirlance 8)-18.11 tr,lke effect, tbe sicrns thereof sba111)() (jc)lTtrol1 in t~\-le c.oJ'Jstr't.:1 alt,::';rnt:io'n, m~:Li,nt.enance or rernov~;t1 of all. 81nctr:ie "T'~J'ir'inG a:nd :18 v,rithin, the (.~orpora,Le lirrdts of th(~ Cit~/ of Jackso"Cvi.lle. SECTI()~J 2. IruTpeetor. Thero is b~~reb:y crettte(j the off'jet, of I'.:lectri.cal Inspector 'vvho shall "be by the J\J~ayorJ sub:jeet 150 the ocrnf1 rmatj on, of tho Ci Courlc:il. The Electr~1.cu,l Inspector she~ 11 have hEld at least two (2) years experience a s an electrician,,, 81'1l.:\,11 'l.le of r;ood moral ehar.~lete:r, st'l.all ~be versed in tJ1C approved rnet'hods of electric~-~,l cox)struction for s of 1 ife tJ,nd prope t)~nd the I'Jationa.l ;~leetrict:~J. Code. lIe sr1t),1J rOGe:1.ve c ion to one half of rhhe electrical perlllit .fee (see attahl1ed schedule) includ the fee in Section 9 hereof. ~ 8ECTIc\;"r 3. Duties. Thf~ l~;lectric(:tl Inspector, 'who for the pur~:)ose o:c tllis orcLirH3xlce shall t 1'} e C 1 t Y F~ 1 (:) e t r j cia n , and her (: r t err e f' e r re d t () fl S S 1: a 11 have t h~: (~U t ~l tfn d ish f~ r (3 e PlP(YVi;r:~ re~; an( ~ (~5 ro ctec] (1 ate a,n(~ de t(-j I'Flin,e t ~;e 0 f e lectr.1 C \IV 1. re S 0 r 0 the r ttp for e l(~ etr '1 c 1'2 ,:;ht s, heat r pov~'e r j,n the C of tJ'acl.{ SO'Ct 'Ii l1e an(~ to (; i, use (,111 S Lie h 'v',:i rf~ s, or ~:lPl,;t:tl'a.Ll)S to be aced, D()1'1struct(,:d Clr'l(~ suo,.r'c:ed u,s riot 111.'1:: or ~~)roI)(~ a 1':1(1, to bc~ eo:n.~rL!'u,ct.ed etS t (\ ke ep or "tlte Cit,y E1c (tr~i ~ i:U1 to (~n.forcf; 11 pc (nr'i. 3ic"r'I~J 0 :t' to ':')uild:i.n~,:s in t!":e of Jo.c}'s(ynviI1e c. f 11:1 s ':1 11 t 'j e S b {::; t. 1/, e C IJ ~'.. ;' ,n +,J 1- ') f; 1:1 n~ 1 t 8 0 r :c E~ D. S n 7.1 , des 'Led pours, ~\. .. ~'11 e L~ ~l(~ r~ j \1 ~~,~ IJ e E 1 ~~ (' t r' i c ~j fl. n m,a:y f' n t e r b ll1.1 d {;: 1. f~ C t X. 1. e r rna:n,ufa,etllre or i!H:;uf'J'icient i~'~sulb 'tiO'~l or fur hYIJ! ot}H:~r r(:> a S 01"1" 1i f": 81~~ D,ll. n t n rt n e fj;LU::U::J t ;v} r (' friO <~n\ 1. 0 f t h(-~ C'J V':l'\f' r s u f s u. ch 'v.r j r i ]1 :'::!J a p p l:i 8. nee 0 r s ~~ err ION' 1 t 4> b iJ. 1.1. ~"~ i, n t~ () r (j J" (3 C1l1 :i. pt: rrl'.i t s . IT () -l. n.staJ.1 at 'i or'!_, s t r l)' c t :,,; t' f:'i ,~~t 1. tc; I'D, C>rl or r C:'r\,() v:.~ 1 sh ~J.ll '!>e or t',o 'i'n(~l"ec.tr)e t.t'lC Ina{~ :.j t r u (; t 'a r 0 :. ) (: 1 \' i r' (~ d f n r (1 1. e (; t; r i c of ttnJ' thc; per8cn, ~)., P le e t r i e (\.,1 P f; r :'1" i t, t 1 ! e r (-~~ for e fi rn' L}'Jt,:. Ie c t.r i C~J 1. L i 0 ~n S 1 (, ;;1, (1 e t), '1 ("; r n t n ~; t }'l 0 L t Ll:tl '] Lc r ,yt i OIl (~1"" Do> tt ~1C}'jA d r ':,.t t~ S C} I ed u.le . SECTION 5- TnSDection. ,~ .. ./ "h eat J ! .' r c ere ;,~) J" f.:~ t :i, (i n ;") v'.i n =-~; o.c ~j lJ C 1'1 t c, possilJlo, :~ n~~pnct :'1Jch '\1]'1 r~i_n~;, ins'tn 11~~,t1.o:rl, eonstr' ctcc: i':.1 iSlnce vFitb the per.!:,tt t:~tnd in i r Ta" tl'~e rule s ~3,C r~~ T I OJ.'~ f~; t Hn,d ;) r( ~ ~:: .. :,:;;,. P p;J. r Ct t 1,), s usn c: .I r: '\r.:~ t''.l.t t~r':e C'). nP (Jc'H~l: ~';nn -11,1 c. nh:'\ 1" :; t) () '3 ,A cur r c~ rrt ."":}} (.~ I'L 1l'} C 1". ~?~ ~,s T",\tl"ee: Q,'(j(" Sf) 1_,~:~ r!~,: :,.:tl,t8 eo', l i l'YriJf'~ n t t)L:: :rl 'r 1 J C rd rd, n tun ';VI" l.. C !-', "I c~ ~'; ~1 .l>..:-~ l' ,,~: r :11': t j r:,; -\., t,: n E. p~~ (j j ",,1 't\T~':(~ re no ec s s ary [";b a 11 f' 01.] OlN fl ':': r y r::1 s '~() n the coc]p j n L~ l),l...t tl\be r n J' s e our 'j Jl(,~: () r"() i c -1. :j,1. i nte Sl~,; C~T I () r-..r 7 ~ of f~lectric:~], const:ruetion or pe son, o 1'" t l':l f.) 1. n s t (3..11. L~ t :i 0 Tl, ()f tJf)., c k S o:n ',ri 11 e.J n':'l e,,11 ,!~i ~crn 0 r 'F;i:r .j n,,,~) 1)efore , (i r :=' () \NC~ r i :1:'1 t }"j e for vJi II e 11 S I 3. ,;:t ll, 1) e . ,.:' 0 per T h j;.: ;~te 8.r v,:""" i ell S 1 \ n 11 1)(;) fU,:~, i (] irrtc,; f(~e ~3hal1 be i:n. lieu of tl1e~ S;- , (111 lie C 0 -r~ e e f' f' E:) G t i \TO ., ~:n~;CTIOl\f 8. Failure to <,'>J'<Y r o:n., :e'lrr;', c:c enr,:>.~rD.L.io:n w1'\c' ~~~~'lall f!;1.11 to eorrl~3ct aX1J feet. or "Jefeetf1 :Ln h'1 s or !1f:~r wor1<" C:t' to Tnefrt, L}r~e rc;:qqirecJ BtDX1(~n.r(~ 8 after ho:v5 '!'It'~: ~;~'i,v'el1 notice c1' the l.Jn!~~ i t: eo r'Id i t j on l;~ 1 e e t.r i c j, c~n, v,~:l t}~ :",\, [\ 1'.(~ f-~!; ~;~ 11 l){-~ r(.:~ f'lA S (') d a':'l~1 r p f; rp;1. t. l)nti.l :~ncL (~e:teut~ f'eets hn })~1f:nl oor:cnctCH~ :;'Lnr:' sh 11 1)e ct to ro'/oeu ion l:ic~en[jE) :f'or c('Jrlt.ilTiJal clef)ectivt'~ "nork~ or upon COi'}T:L<;-Liol1 ,for '.'iolcltion 01: ElIl~' of -t'~-le ;;J'o'\'Jision 0 t:Lis or(in:.l~lGOc; SECTION 9- Upo'n failure to COTllJ)ly 'v\r:i.th tl;is ordint::lnee, tl'JO Cit;IElectrieian ~)hall l1a.lle after due notice, to order tl18 eleetrie current in the property coneerned cut oft"'" For eaC}'l re..... insJ!ect~ion after the ~J.J,te;ratioD. is lTUlcle -I")lere f;ha11 be a furthpr of .00 to be by the person, or firrrl in of the el(-;ct.rical constrt,lct:iorl. SECTIOl\j 10. PenaJ.ties. A.ny person" firm, or co found Ity or vi of this ordinance shall be subje t to a fine of not less than ten dollars ( h 11'n (1 red 0 0 11 a. r s ( ;t;.l 00 . 00):1 t r 'vd t. h the C 0 s t S 0 f s u. c h pro see uti OIl" 0 r exceed ninety (90) days. an) of the sions nor more than one onrnerlt for not to SECTION" 11. LiceTlse to individua.l. j~rlY in.clividual des to perforrnhis o'wn. eleotrical v\iorl{ personally shall not be reouired to obtain the reouired license, but shall be required to obta~ the regular permit for that particular job. Such ,oork by an individual TIllst be done by him personally on his O\~1 particular property-. SEOTION 12. Confli ordinance Repealed. All ordinances or an:l of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. of ordinances conflict tJl.r}, t 11 SECTIO}T 13- 'lalidity. rrhe irlVali(3it:;l of any seetion or pro'visi.on of this ordinance or of the code hereb~r adopted shall not inva.lidate other sections or provisions therE30f. SEcrfrOl\T lL~. EJnercerlcy Cla,use. It is fou:nd as a rnatter of fact that all ernergency' exists and that it is necesSary for the ilnrnediate preser'v.ati.on of public he(:\ltrl, safet~y and iJvolfare of the inhabita.nts of t:hc Ci t~l of c.Jackson'vil1e, that -this eleetric eode be i.n full furce and effect fronl and after its passage. Passed this / ~ _day , 19~)2 A.ttF;S J: _Approved: {; II ~ j FIXED BY DROll AleE Jo. 31 f nspection of electrical work within the City of J icksonrille, Ark. 1 to 8 Outlets ___n. _________________..____ $ 1.00' 9 to' 12 Outlets ----..__. ~..__....___..___________ 1.50 13 to 20 O'utlets .-------__.....__________.____ 2.25 21 to 30 Outlets u ____________. _________..____ 2.75 31 to 40 Outlets . .____.n_. huu_____________ 3.50 41 to 50 Outlets _...___._...______________.____ 4.00 51 to 60 Outlets _... _ . _ __ _ __.. ______________ 4.50 61 to 70 O'utlets -..-...______ ______________..___ 5.00 71 to 80 'Outlets ..-___..__.u__.___.__________ 6.50 '81. to 90 O'utlets ._..__..____u..________......_ 7.50 91 to 100 Outlets -.____, __......__._.__._________ 8.50 101 to 110 Outlets u_________. _... __~_ ____u____ '9.50 111 to 120 Outlets __ ___.., u. ___________.. ______ 10.50 121 to 130 Outlets . ___00__...__..__......._____ ._ 11.50 131 tOI 140 O'utlets ___.._. _____. ________.._________ 12.50 iii i: i~~ ~~~:~: ~~~--~~~-~~~.-~~ .-~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~ i~:~ 1.1 166 to 180 Outlets .. ______... __... ____..________ 16.00 181 to 200 'Outlets _. __________u u______. ....___. 17.00 Over 200 add $2.00 for each 50 or fraction. MOTORS 1/8 to 1 H. P. ----- . ___ _____________________ .___ .n__ $1.00 2 to, l.1: H. P.. ____.__.____ '0___' ____'.... _________.__.. ___ 2.00 4 to 10 H. P. _. __.. ____.. ___u ______H____________ .____ 3.00 10 to 15 H. P. ___________________..____. ..... u____..___,____ 4.00 16 to 20 II. P. ---..__..___________. .... u...____________.... 5.00 21 hndOver ----____. .....__... ....__ -.__________...._uu.. 6.00 Each Motor }'Iust Be Listed Separately. Si~J.1S --.-___...___.____.___.____...._ ____...____.._ 0_"_"___.",__ 2.00 Rectifiers for Charging Batteries for Autos__.... ___" uu. .__............. 2..00 Overhauling Electric Wiring ..__;._________..__ 2.00 All 1\fisc. Appliances .... .__...___..___.____...__....... .75 l\feter Loop ___.....__...__......___. __. _____________..._____ 1.00 f{,ange ---..--.--..__._ __ -.-____......_. ____...._. ________.........__ 2.00 Hot Water Heaters and 1 Other Heating Appliances .__..n_..__..____.... 2.00 h Re-Inspection Fee ---...-- ---..------...---.....--- 3.00 f F"ans Fixed Exhaust or V erltilating ____... _....__. .____.h___._______....___.. __.. 1.00 ~<=c=~'