0030 ORDINl\J\TCE NO. 30 BE IT OHr~I\INE:E) iil'JT E1~A.CTED BY TIJE CITY C01JNCIL OF TI{E CIT~{ OF Jj:~CKS ONVILLE.. .APKt\J\TSAS: TTn~ FOIJLov,iTJ\TG OI~DIN'AlqCE TO RESTR.ICT CO:r~jT~,;1ER.CIA.L B1JS TNESS l\.'RJ:.U\.S OF T'HE CITY OF JI\.CKS01r\TILII~ J A.HKJ1. NSJiS. SectiOJ:l 1. That there shall be no eomrrercial type business ventures established within what is recognized as residential areas of the City of Jacksonville" A.rkansas . Sectio11 2. Definition or COTrnnercial Ven.ture VJi thin the Inea,ni.:ng of th is ordirl8nCe ... any business that requires bui1di.ng or s for the carrying out of St1ch venture_ Section 3. PE1Jj\.L~~Y CI.d\TJSB - .lU1Y violatiol1 of the above sections orle and two.. shall be constru.ed to be a misdenle~.or and subject to 11 fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ( .00). Sai.d ordinance to be effective upon date of passage. t/<j) 11/1.L/~ l~lA. Y O}t NrT]~ST : D.ATE :