0029 ORDIN.!\J~CB~ NO. 29 AtT ORDINA~}JCE CEEJ\.T ING 1\ lJiEA.TEH,lNORKS l1.ND SE1!tlE~R CONml~ITTEE; \r2ST Tl'JG IT "'/JITII [\.TrrrT'10RI'ry' TO NV\.NJ\GE J OPER.l\.TE J\J\fD J\KA.I]\rrJ~Il~ THE !,i1TATER-V\,"O'RKS 1\1'J1" SE'i1IER. SYf3TE~IS OF TTTE CIfry; Pf{ESCRIBIrJG OTT-JER l\~I\TTEJtS Rl~I,A,TI1\JG rr},;.gHETO; .AJ,TT' Dli~CL.A.RIJ\TG 1\.1\1 E~,~BI(GE'NCY BE IT 01?Dl\.I}TED by the CitJl Council of the Ci.ty' of ~Tacksonv'i.lle, A.rkar.1.sas: Sectio:n 1. That tn.ere be an.a hereb:y is created a. 'tYater1~tor1:s and Sewer Cornrnittee of the City of Jacksonville, .Arkansas to be cornposed of three member" a.nd D1'Vight Brewer, EdvvareJ Schm.itt and Chnrles R. Hendricks are hereby appoi.nted to cornpose said VVatervJorks and Sewer Uonltnittee. Section 2. The 1VaterV\'ork:s and Sevver Cornnittee shall. have the eustody of, and tlH~ pOl1rer to manage, operate and rnaintain the 1l'JaterVltorks und SevIer Systerns and to take 0..11 steps and do all thin,gs expedierlt, necessary or in.cidental to the proper, successful and efficient custody, nlariat.)ernen.t, operation and maintenanee of said systerns, includ 11[; the estaljlishlTl.e:nt of rules an.d re[;ttlations for the use an.d operation of said systems. Sectio11 3- The rnelTlbers of the Watervv'Orks an,d Sf:rwer Gonr<littee shall serve for a tern1 of si.x years each; prov'ided that t,h.e TIlerribers herein elected shall ser've terms as follTlliTs: BrevJer shall serve for t1l1.JO years frorn this dH,te, Edvva.rd Schrnitt s:hal1 ser.ve for four years and Charles }(., B:en.d.riel{s shall serve for six years, from -thi.s date. All vacancies on the Cormnittee shall be fi lled by the City' COU11Cil and the Counci..l rnay rernove an:l rnernber but on,l~y after a ,judicial hear shall have established just ca.use for rernoval. The defendant menlber shall. be ent,itled "to leoa.l counsel in suc.h judicia.l :hearinge Electio'ns anc rernovals of COfr-rnittee rv1eJnber1f stulll reauire a ....two-thiras vote of all rnernbers of the City Council. Section. 1.t. The Corr.lnlittee shall i:n the :m,anagerne~nt, operB.tio:n and rnaintennnce of said systems, be subject to the la"\ilJs of the state of i\,rkansas and to the provisions of R.f';solution l'Io. 2 of this City_ Sectjon 5- Trllt the Cornrnitte~ shall SUbr:lit If1.onthly reports and annual audits of ()perat~orlS to the N'ayor and City C01.1ncil and furnis}l sucl1 other a':lc1 further reports, data and information as be re- quested b:l the I\~ayor and City Coun.cil. Section 6. It is hereby ascertained and declared that there is an inc','edia.te rleed for the hereirl cre~ted and appointedV:aterworl{s a.nd Se1i\Jer Corrm'..i tte(3 to take over the rna:nagelnent, operati on ar1d control of the VJater\\Tork8 al1d Se~rer SJTsterns so that the I-Iealth and 1 i v'es of the irltlabitaIJ.ts of tlle City' be ade- quately protected. It is, therefore, declared that all emergency exists, that t;/.is Orc1iru3"nee is necessary for tlle i~mrnediate preservation of thE:1 public peace, health arld safetJr., and that tbis Ordinance shall take effect aJ1d be in force frorn and after its passa.r;e. P~lssed Nov.ember 8, 1952 Approved: 7~ (0 /JArf "t~V~,V ~2>R (SE tiL)