0027 OI{DINA~JC'E NO. l\J\T Or{DINj~}JCE H-1\. \!IN'G F()I~ ITS J?URF'OSE TfII~ EN1\CTM]~NT OF CRlr~1Il\T.AlJ LAT']S F'OI{ TIrE CITY OI~ Jl1.CKSONV'ILLE, ARKA}JS1\.S. BE IT ORDllINED BY TFIE CITY COl}}JCIL OF TIrE CITY' Or"\ LT.ACKSOl'JVII,LIG, ARKj~J\rSAS SECTION 1. That the criminal laws of the state of Arkansas as defined and set forth in .Arkansas Statutes 19L.7 of the state of .Arkansas, a.re here'by adopted and enacted as the criminal lavls for i:~he Cit:>, of Jaclcsonvil1e, ,Arkansas. SECTI01J 2. That the sam.e pelHllties as set forth ir.l .A.rkansas Statutes 1947 of the state of ,!:\.rkansas for violation. of criminal la:w's is hereby enacted and l:1..dopted bJ~' the Ci t~l of Jacl{sonville, .Arkansas. S~CTlor~ 3- For t:he imrr~ediate preservation, of tho public peace, healt.h a11d SaffJt:l an enlergency is declared to exist and this ordinarlce sllal1 take eff(~ct i.rrrrnediatel:y after the passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED ~J\ f\ \~S~ , \;, / ' RF~CORDER APPRO"\lED: l\.TrrEST : /