0026 ORDINANCE NO. 26 AN ORDINAl~CE PROVIDI}JG FOR 14.. 1vTIJ1~ICIP.AL tv.~OTO'.R" .'VEI-IICLE LltJ:ENSE l\ND FOR OTI-IER PTJRPOSES, FOR TIlE CITY OF (Jj\.CKSO~T'lILLE" Ji.RKANSA.S l~NDREPEJ\.I.JIl\JG .ALL PREVIOUS ORDIJ:lA1'JCES, 0R PA1?TS' OF ORDI}rA~~CES, IN C01JFT.JICT In~RE1nrrTI-I: BE IT OR,Dl\Il~ED BY ~'IIE CITY COTJNCIIJ O}' JltCKSOl'JVILL'F:; J AI~Kj\..l~S.A.S: Sl~CTI01~ 1. That every resident, firm or corporation, keeping and using an a'utomobile, locornobile, or motor driven vehicle" in t~he Ci ty' of Jack:son1Ti lIe, Arkan.sas-, stulll within ten (10) days after becoming the O'W!ler of such velliele file in the office of the Clerk of tlle City of Jack:sonville, .Arkansas, an application setting fort11 his 11ame and address 1,vi th a brief description of the vehicle to be registered, including the narne of the malee, factory rlunlber, style ot vel1icle and Arkansas state license number issued for velliele" upon a bla.nl{ to be fur11is.hed by. sucl1 office" and sllall accolnpany his applicatio:n '\vith' a registration fee of $5.00 ,vtlich shall be a tax for the pri.vilege of }ceeping H.nd using; sa,id vehicle in the City of Jacksonville, l\.rlcansas. SECTION 2. That upon the filing of said application in the office of the Clerk, it shall be his duty to issue, vvi.trlout fU.rther fees, to the Ol/vner of such motor vehicle a.s filed, one metal plate, or stiek:er, bearing the narne "~Tacks()n'rillen, and it s11a.11 be the duty of such ovvner to displa~l.the plate, or sticker# conspiciously. S~~CTION' 3. Tbat it shall be unla1Yful to transfer the metal plate, or sticker, from ore vehicle to another 1Ni thout first officially transf4erring St.tTIle b~r paying Ciit:'l C1e rk a fee of fifty cents for making n,ecessary transfer. SECTION Lt- Tha.t the office of the Clerk srlall cause "the l1f.irne of the ovrner, together 'Wi th the application date and license nUlnber, and o.ther data., to b~J entered alph.abetieally.. in a file to be known as the "perrn.c'lYlen't record". SECTI01J 5- That said tax shall be anl1.ual1~T on tlle first day' of each year. Eaeh licenst3 shall e~x.pire on the 31st day of Decernber foI its issuance. If such LratioTIs and licenses .,;~re issued a.fter June 30th, tllO charge :shall be one-l1alf of t}1a.t for the cal(3:'J dar :-loar. I\.rt(~1r February' 15" s11al1 beCOlnD del -n.C1uent 1 c()11eeted there011 ~:~T;; CT I ('\:0J person, rrn 0 r or other concer:r.: a rnotor velriole llE.-;roir1 deseribed in the City of Jack:sonville vlithol..:i.t socur a. license for the sarne, as herein or other 'vvise th(~ sions of t.llis ordi:nance" sh~.:tll 'be deenled {;uil of' a, rni and 'upon convict;:iO!l thereof slHll1 fl:tl.ed in any SU111 T101:; ss tl1a:n. .. 00 nor' )TlOre tha.n SECTIOi'T 7. Tha.t t110 re'venue derived frOIYl tllt:1 collection fU.na all be uSf'~d e xclus:i s and of said C of' said, tax or license fEH3, shall l)e ple.ced and kept an.d rnaiTlterlance of t~}le st,reets, aI1d a;n.,y' officer lvh.o sb.B,ll any other purpose shall be quil of a b:y fine of not less t hat Fifty dollars eacb offense. i11 the of Jacksonville, Arkansas in any of said funds for rn:isdenlcan,or arHl upo:n COIIV:icti ..thereof shall be shed .00) or Inore than Fi-v0 IIundred Dollars ( 00) for SECTIO:N~. rrhat all ordina.nces or parts of ordinances i:n conflict llere1vith shall be and the San1G are ht3reby repealed, Etn,d" v'\ihereas" there is an l1eed for funds 'wl th 'V\ihich. to maintain and repair the public streets of ~TH,ckso'D,vi.lle, l\.rk,aJ1,sa,s" an6 vvhereas, there are ll18Uff- i.ci..ent fu:nds to rrtake these repairs" an emt1ri~ency is deela.red to ex s-c arld this ordina:nee rlecessar~y for the proser-'vation of the 1.0 health., peaee tU1d s shall be i:n full force an,d effect fro:rn and after its passage en,d a:l?prova.l. ~~.L - -" PASSEr:: .... .... . ~~.', . 7/;; If'; ~ Iv: ;' Ci.ty R(~corder .!\P?I~OVI~D : w(l~ rEj~.YOR A]lm~NDNlliNl' l'Jo. 1 to ORDI!lANCE No. 26 A.1J Ml[B~lrD:MENT REVISING T}n~ A~ff.OUNT OF PEl'JA.LTY TO BE ASSESSED FOR Fl\ILtTH.E TO J:uRCHA.SE CITY .AJJTO TA.GS BEFORE DI~ADLIN}~ DATE. BE IT ElqA,CTI~D BY THlt CITY COUl\TCIL OF1 TBE CITY OF~ Jl1C}(SONVILIJE, lffil{A1~Sl~S: SECTION 1. Amend Section t" Ordil1ance 26: Penalty of $2.00 sh.all be assessed for tllS City Auto I.Jicenses pUrCfl9.Sed after 15 Febr'uary of Calendar Year. Thirty days from deadline date of 15 February of Calende;.r Year, penalty shall be incres..sed the ronou.nt of License, which is five dollars ($5.00). SECTlo~r 2. This ame11dment shall be in effect and full force from and aftar its passa.ge and approval. PAS t':;E D AJ':ID J\,J':~?R OVED : 2 February 1956. ) () 'f' ,"..-- (' ". · Jfr -, ..... -V~7~~' { E. D. SCHI\ITTT ]JIA. YOR ATTEST: ~.