0025 REVI~l!ID ffiDlNANCE l~O. 25 This Supersedes part gf Para[;rap11 2, Seotion 2, of Ordinance N<r>. Sec'ti.O!l or par~bs of SE~ctions tha:n trle described portion Shcruld all o I" ~l.r.l:'l orl of revision l)e INV.l\.LID, it Ordinance No. 25. S'ta,r.tiJ1g; witl1 Itel11 1. tTo other be affected Tlot a.ffect @trler .A.l'Ji OUJ\1'1' :t~~at IT Efv1 IJESCR I.Pl' I ()N A.mrnM 1. 'A.utQrno1)ile dealers" or brolcors, in new or second hand tl'utos or motor driven buses or .vehicles ~~50.00 2. "ltutcnnobile tires, suppli.es Qr iterns Inventory 3. .A"ut(J and 'tru.ck repa.ir S}lOpS 00 It.. DiJ..l b(,tlrds, pa~ntjJlg, posting, display'ing" firltt Qr corporatiQTl supplying or fttrnis}ling same $50.00 5- Beer deal(3TS $25.00 tJe !\ (;'iler.t~ln ag;en:ts" enol'! perSOY1, firrn o:r c6rporation engaged in cO~rltracti.ng or s(jlici-t;inf~ n('t~Telt;ies or ffi<L)ving picture slides, prograrrls, anrl~t1110elnel1:l~s.t e"bc (ci.t'y direetori,es ) .00 7- CarIli,ml companies or ple..ces vlhare e~InUSeltle:nts" S'UC}l as t!1(H3,t.E~rs~ snaIl S}101;VS, merry-go-rottn,d~;-, roller s-" flips, o-11d Qtrler anlus0171E31YCS of s~inlile.r cb.araci;er are ct'Dnduc"ted Sub jE)ct t () COU.1'10 1.1 e. '.ltge!lts-" pcrSOl1S" firrns aS8ocie.tiorlS or corp0re.,t~ions doir.tg a cle~ss of 1:)USirle~;s k'1ovnl flS srlol"t 1 Qan. business irlc all nloney lEJnders wl10 lend O~~ ()ffer t;)"f lCA9.,:n U.POl1. '\"ro.i.vers" s.s or vro.g;es er mort[~ages or! perst1):n.e~l pr~}pert~y .00 9- l\.rc:hii:;ects$ eaerl person. firm or c{)rpere",tioll ("\ r,) .VI...' 10. Auct:torleers (eacl1 persorl) .00 ' 11. ProfesnioTlal Clas opt CDT!1€,tr i st S :I a.t1~orrleys s.t law doctors, , :J'~tf~t~e:r ilIa.r ie"Y1S, lr:lI1S :J cllir cpod i~;ts, .00 - 12. J :Ba.Ylks a..rid t;rust C Qmpanie s .0.0 per anrJUIIi 011 eacll 000.00 Capi t;al S't(;Jt~k. up 13- Bus ticket office $ 5.00 1l.~. Bla.cksmith 5.00, 15. Book ,A, gents (I101y ex:c IU.dad ) 16. Ba.rber Shops ~;5.00 per cl1air .' 17. Beauty Shops ~~5.00 per cperai.~()r 18. De :If, ted 19- Card 11\fritirlg" erlgre"vin.E~ and prirltion OIl stroe't~ ~~ 10.00 per n10:rrt;rl. $ 5.00 IJer j'ea.r .00 per day'. 20. Carpenter, shGp or ac.t iVE~!I ttnlesG un.d er Schedtlle ",1\," \ Coal, Qre or S-corle Dee. ler , 'urlle~~s under Sohedule nAu 1')'1 C"" ..l . . lIouse Bu.i.lder" unless lllld(3T Sched1J.le u.A.1t 23- rc)ofers, eaC}1 (uIlless rmder Sc:heduJ.e nl~n) 00 / 23 -1\ ~ COl1trf:lctors, general (tI<JrE: tl'1is d oas :not Ct,'rer E:B c'trict:tl or Plumbirlg; COIltractors) 00 21+_ CaJ'es ~t~ 10.00 i 25- 0.$ ex,ca:vat.or s, pa'~J"ers, CO!lCrete vJ'()r1~ers .oc 2lS. COlrtractors, house Tn.overs 2"/ ., pa per , pIa GtE.a" er 8 d<<3'corators . COllfectionery' 29. _I S't ora: aIld Er ic. k 'V'for k:e r : S(?i S ~O<<f!; G o opere.. ~v'e IIoIflO c c~r s ., Pag;e ,3, H.evised Ordinance ~Tumb(:)r 25. IT E1\K DgSCRI.Pl' I OI~ 72~ rr()ttrist Co'uri:;s ft:nd cabir1.s, per urJ.it~ $2.50 per a:nnum. 73 · A'bstraet;ors 71..j. . F~ish - selling fish f'rorn si.~al1d" vva.gon" trtlck: etc. 75- Insuran.ce Co~rJ€l.n.ies, agen1;s er solicitors 76. Trallsie:nt varl1.isher, sander or polisher 77. Cott@!l Buyer 78. Stenographer, public 79. St~lve m.ills, oil Tflills, Compresses BO. C}liclcen Hatclleries 81. Ska.tirlg Rinl{s t~f) V1,.. 1\.11 S10 t !via.cllirle s" v'end $,,!ld c la, s n if i ca i.~ i OIl l~1.00 per day $1.00 per day 0r opere.tinf.~ mac11ines fJr all 'types ($5.00 per machine per year 83- IIa.,11s - (:~5.00 por t~~l)le - ~P{jol rocnts &: 'b eJ..j.. Ice Reta4ilers 85- 86. 87. Dectectiv'eAgerlCJ' .. 'io l(~ TV Repair Shops arld lvIa.irrten.arlee 89. Tra.iler ;$1.00 per t;:rn.ilor set or parlcirlg space 90. Trailer Sales 91. Cemeterys ~. Safety Consultant 93. PalNn Shops PASSED TIllS ~.4th l)PtY OF ,Al~IL, 1958. A, PPIZ O'V~D : ATTF~ST : A, I\! 01JNT Pfj.t{ A.l~mJM .00 ~t)5.00 $25.00 .00 $50.00 ;~25.00 .00 " statute). / I por ftlley Ea. per .A:nnum../ Wi. $15.00 $10.00 :$10.00 $25.00 :t~15 .00 dh- .. ~ '~:'G5.00 AlVIEND1\1ENT :11 1 ~' TO ORDIilA.NCE'1f 25 * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUl~'CIL OF THE CITY OF 'Jl\CKSONVIIllE, ,A.HKA.N'SP~S: ~rtTAT Itenl number 61 of Ordinance '~ij;25 is amended to read as follows: No person or person be allowed to gi va away, peddle, solicit, take orders, etc. J in the Ci ty of tJacksonvil1e, Arkansas, except those having authority from the City Council of sai.d City, I~l fill, IT I}TG. THIS AD~lfEND1LftE1\rrr "'NILL ~ EFFECTIVE FROM: TIlTS [lATE: 1 September 1955- APPROVED: d~ k: ~ . t'?dM~ ~ ~JLt\. y~ ATTEST: I, \. ~~~~~ ^ 1,:i'T;'\'T'Jf)' i\;rl'I~\"j\,Trp .-.f,tttl T f\ (\T.:,!n Ill'; i\ 'l\TI"'r;' J.J.l'!J!' I;, ,j -. ,: " ,,:.I " \i ..l n' r " \ ,', rl L L" J1. I.. V.....I AIT !~1\1:{';T"'JD;"ffr;'1'.l'T C Tl}J'~'~.~ If," G T ~TI~ l' ~E F' OI~ OBT,\IN'Il':G PR,IVIIJ'E(~E T/:JCES OF E"E CtT ,tlIi C II 1 TO tJA l\rt.Tj\r~Y 3 1 YJi; ,i\H . OCCTJ'[."\;\T IOl\J n' .\ "'rT" (1 J. ; V),., LJ V n:F' T;IE CA"LENnAF' 13E IT 'E~;rA CT ~"T) BY T Tn~; C T1' :{ C o'n ;"C T! I OIil T TIE C I rf Y OF' Jji. C 1\ S ('Jonr IIJ LE : 1. That pi':) rt 0'f Sect i~n 3" Orrl inn"nc e 25, r..S read s : n 1\.11 pr i\ri leGe taxes Qr occu~~.n tion taxes are C~l)e tJanuar'JT 1. c)f e:~~~"eh Calencq 8.1' Year and f~1.re 6 (.;) 1 inquent afte r Ie/rare h 1.", be tlDenc: ed t~ rnad: '/\.11 pri viI eg;e tax:e s (9r occuJ~A.t:i.~~n taxes are due Jf,lnuar~r 1 of ellch Calendar Yei:J"r and D,re c1elinquent after Januar:y 31. 2. T})l s aInenr:;rn.ent shall -L'te in effect fr~~rrl rind nfter its rHlSf:a~~;e Hnd a.pproval. P J\, S ;-: JDD A1 'D .;~\'r T? OV1~?" LT ~(" c. , '.: t) 151-;}1 D.AY OF Dl~CTi~Tn3ER. 1951:).. ./i'l.'1'E ST : $ -. Q .~ ie' ~- ~U_~r}'~~ ]VIAV()H 1,/