0024 ORDINANCE NO. _ ~ 'I l\N ORDINANCE FOR. TIlE P1JRPOSE OF' ESTi\.BLISfII}TGA LICI:~lqSE F'E~E j\.J\TD OTIIER. M.ATff:ERS PERTj\Il~Il\TG TO DOGS lNITIII!,J 'I'l-IE CITY OF' (JAJ~KSONVILLE J l\.RF.AJJS.AS. BE IT ORD.A.II\rr~D BY TfIE CITY C01JNCIL O}' J.ACKSOl'rVII.JLE" 11RI{fU~S.A.S: SECTION 1. A license fee of one dollar($1.00) per year shall be pa.id by the OVl.'Tler or keeper of each, and ever:y dog kept within, 'the incorporated to'VVYl of ~Jacl{son.'Tille!l Arkansas.. provide that each license or tax shall expire 1J\rith the calendar year; and f\lrther pro'vided, for each dog; brought into the city after (July 1st "l-;}1e Qvvner, or k~~eper, may pay fi.fty cent.s (0-50) for the remai:nder of t11e calendar year; and it shall be unlawful :lor any person to keep a 1)\rit~lli:n the limits of the City of Jacksonville, .t\rkansas without payin,g such licexlse or tax. SEGTI01J 2. All dogs whicll are l(no.WYl or suspected of be .\Jiciol'l.s must be in a:n enclosure or st~cu.rely' tied ar1d fasterled, rnuzzled and chai.ned if l1ecessflr:l to restrairl said arli:m.al, arld Inust be restricted to -the o~J\1J:1er's premises, a:nd i.n a.rlY' :.notices s11al1 be COIlS-' piciousl:y displa.yed" V\ihe same InflY' be seen pas persons irl th,e ,ricini of vJht:lre sU.ch anin~tal rna:/,' be k..ept. Irl a.ny' case v'V'here a d shall b:tte or it i8 believed he shall have 'bitte'n an:, person, or lIvhen. rllnning A.t larl~e and is suspected of being diseasod" such shall be taken into custodJT and kept. for observation for any rea.soru3.ble of time v"v}1 s(> ordered the t01;m health of ricer, or person serving under hj,..8 d.:i.recti.on" VJ'hen sue1-} dOG shall found to 'be !),f:'lj cted with rabies, or any other dtsea j said shall be ordered killed the health officer$ or those perscrLs servi.ng unoder }1irn, and enipOV\'BrE}d; suey}, shall be killed in a hu.m.an fashion b~l the POUTld officer for the on of the ic beal ttl arld .. SE~CTI01J 3. All person,s n.e.vi!1g vT:i.thil'l the incorpora.ted to\^JIl of Jacksonville, Arkansas shall be reolJired to c011flrle bjtc~hes, the:l OVvTl or }),ave custody 'trler(;)of, duri11g tl1e breedirlg season. SECTI01~ 4. Impoundrnent and picl{upfee of u:nlieensed and norl-~Tacei11~lted dogs srlall be as follo1/Vs: One dollar ($1.00) penalty on delinquent licenses. Dne dollar ($1.00) ir.:lpoundrneJ1t fee. Fifty Cents($O.50) per day ratJ..,on fee. SEC1rr01J 5- dog 'which. she..ll be irl of tl1e reclairned by the O'\Nrler, or keeper, 1r.rhiche'ver th{~ case rnay on.e dol1a.r ( .00) orl delirlquen..t ree, and one dollflr ( ($;0.50) per daJ-r ror it's keep by tl1e pouytd:me.ster, and sho'uld 01'V!1er refuse fail to call for said alli'ITlal s.fter a ppriod of five (5) front the in custody, the pouIldnla8ter 8b.al1 dest.roy said animH.l as here:i.n,before be fee, fee to pay SUC}l of it's first date ed. In all cases v'ln'len anJT anl.rna.l shall be identified a cit~l license or vacc:1.!la.tion tag, the pOtrnclrriB.ster shall n,otif~J t.}l(~ OJ}\J11c.rr to alai If. said anirl1al:J a.nd if uYlclairned af.ter fi"V'1'e df,,~l s notice, said. aninla1. sha11 be gj.ven a,1AT'Fi'Y or de as heroinl)ej:ore SECTIO~T 6. A,ll dogs J10t proper approved be subject to seizure the dog catcher, design,ated person. and turrll?;.d over to trle poundnlaster. in proper upon their bodies shall , rnarshal1, firenlarl or any other SECTIO~T 7.A,n,y violation, vvilful, of a.ny of the above pro"J'lsJ.ons of this ordinH,nce shall cll,arged as a misderneD.nor, and a.rty perso:n upo:n conviction, shall be filled n,o+~ les five dol1.ars ( .00) 1101" rnore tharl fift~l dollars (~~50.00). ~~a~ ~J[ (1,( 61 health" effect SECTI01T 8. Arlc1 this ordinance beirlg necessar:y for the irmnediate preservation of the peace and sa.fet:y, Rn err1erg:enc~t i8 flerewi th cleclared 2t11C) the sarne shall be in fu 11 force arld after it's passage. f If I r ../" '\~ RECORDER /1/ a-/iJ~~",.,~", 'Nl.l ~ .c' " .' ...... , '''', I, ' ".,. , .' ,. " " l.J1A. Y OR l\PPEOVF~D : A.rr T~~ S T : / / I, ": .! A)VIENI)l\~~gl\JI' 41:1 TO OftD It~\}JGE 2LJ. AIr ~ 1\~'I\rr)1\,lf'r;'l'\'I'm rp 0 SE1CT ION. jbl 01:;' O:q]") lNA 'I\PC 't.'\ .1.01. R".\E'I'QUIT.7 ITJG 'll"lIt"., ~ .h.lv'!',D.~ ,1'JlJ'J 1\J.L .1.. .;j. n. l. ,,1.. .. . ... I..:J 7tc...Lt ",' J... . .J! .'< ...\.' 11.t'~ .L DOGS IvlUsr :HA VB Hl\J3IE~S VA C CI1Jl\T ION" I~~\jrUNlZAT IOl\f ~EFORE eIl' Y DOG LICErJSl!; liJA.Y BE ISSlTED, VOIDING OF CITY LICEl-JSI!~ VACGI:NA.T ION INI!\1UNIZPAHT ION gXPllUU' I ON I)l~trE; fl{ O~lIDIl\JG F'OH, IZE Il~SI"l~T'E:ME'1\r.e OIi' LICEl'rSI~ "\"rIT IIIN 'rBr~ C.A.LEND1~.H. Y1~~R.; AND :F'OH 01' BER P1JRPOSES. BE IT ai,DAINED ~y TBE CITY COtJNCIL OF 1'1IE~ CrflY OF Jl\.CKS01\NIlLE, AHKA.NSA.S. Th~:'t Section ://:1 of Ordinal1,ce '1(24 be ameneled 8.:no, th,e followin{.~ a~ded. to a.n€! hecoDle l1'ara- brnphs 2 and, of Section 1: PARA.GJZAPTI 2. It shall further be required that e~lcrl mvner or keeper of each arl<< every doe~ within the corpore,te linlits of the City of Jacksol1vil1e, Ark'ansas, shall present a. Certificate of Ra..ies Vaccinatioll IUlliluniza:tio'n sif~ned 19y a practicing Ve..ternarian, in order to ebrtain City License. Said Certificate rnust~ indicate date of V"flceinatio:n an~. of t ilne iltJiltun i zat ion is effeotive. PJ.~R)-GR[', PIT ~. City do€; l:iconses shall be voim im.rn.ecl.iately upon tJle date i.:mrnunization expires. License will be re-instatecil within the calen.dar ye~~,-r upon prese11tation of amove descril>>ed Certifica.te. 'No charges will be assessed to re-insta.te a license vQiaed in this manner. This J.~mendment being necessary for the immediate preservation of the publio health" safety ana peace" an emer[~ency is declare~, to exist, an<< this amendm(~.nt shall 'be in f'ull force am effect from B.nd after i.ts passage an~"1 approval. PASS}}D TIIIS 24TH DAY 01.' liPRIL, 1'~58. A PIF.R OV}JD : ATTEsr