0022 ORDI!\T1\NCE }10 " 'l~ ~2' A1\T ORDltTt\,},JCE EST.ABLISHI1~G Al~ OCCU'PJ\.TIOI~ Ti\.X TO BE CIIA,RGED PERSONS, FIRlvlS OR CORPOR- .ATION'S EN'G.AGED I~J THE BtJSI~rgSS OF' DISTI{IB1JTI1~G .AND SJ~LLING .AT RET,AIl, l'JA.rrTJH.AIJ GA.S iiVITIIIN TIrE COH.POH.A.TE LIJviITS OF Th~ CITY OF' J1\.Cl(SO}J11ILLE" .AbRFJi.NSI~S A.1-JD F'OR OTIIER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIl, OF' T}IE CITY O~., tTACKSONVIIJL}::, .A.RKANSAS: SECTION 1. The business of distributing ant) selling natural ga.s to domesti.c" COTIIDlercial and industrie..l COllsumers vr.i thin the 6it:)r of Jacksorlville, Arka.rlsas~ is hereby decl(ired to be a pri vi. lege, and all persorls, firms or corporatiol1S so engaged shall pa.y an a:nnual license tax of $250.00 for th.e pri'tilege of engagi:ng i.n such business within 1.;he oorporate limits of said City' of Jacksonville, A.rkansas. Paymellt of licerlse t.a.x shall constitl.lte aIld be cO!lsidered a.s complete payrnent a.!ld dischtlrge of all license fees, ctlarges, inlpositions or ta.xes (otl'lsr than automobile license fees, special millage taxes and gen.erfll s.d valorum taxes) 1A11ich D1aY be imposed by' tria City of <<Jacksonvi.lle, Arkansas. under authority conferred by law. SECTION 2. All licenses under this Ordinance sf1a11 be for a period of o:ne year and the annua.l license tax: of $250.00 shall be due arld paya.ble in advance during July of each year, beginn.ing in. July 1952. Passed this 9th day of Ma.y.. 15152. .mP.PHOVED: 14EI:-{1~ W. F. GR1\.NIER !JIA.YOR U ~ ~ I .. '