0021 ~ ~) ORDINANCE NO. . I ,,-- AN OR.DINANCE F'IXIl'IG THE TIME FOR THE FILING OF REr'1!;RENDUM PETITIONS PRO- VIDED FOR BY Al\IlENDliIENT NO. 7 TO TFIE CONSTITUTION OF TIlE STATE OF ARKJ\.lJS.AS, AND DECL~RING AN E1~~RGENCY. 1NHEREl\.S.. it is deenled adv'is8.ble that in order to know definitely V\rhe11 a municipa.l resolution \Jr ordina:nce i.s fina.l, a period s110uld be fixed limiting the time 1Ni thirl which a. petition may be fbiled to refer a resolution or ordinance of tlle City' Council; nOlrv, therefore, BE IT ORDAI:NED by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville" A"rkansas: SECTION 1. That on and after the da.te of tlle pass8.ge of this ordinance, s.ny petition to secure a referendum ele{~tion on any' resolution or ordine,n,ce pa.ssed by the Ci ty Council of the City of Jacl{sonville.. in order to be effective, must be filed lNithin tllirty (30)days after the passage of such measure. SECTION 2. T:hat all ordinaIlces Etnd parts of ordinances in confli,ct hererwi ttl are hereby repealed. SECTION;_ That the Ci tJr Council h,ereby 8.scertaillS and declares t:hat because of the iIflperative n.eed for a def:trli te tilne lim.i t beyond which mun,icipal resolutions and ordin,8~nces can"llot be attacked, and because of the fact that measures a.re pendint; which a.ffect the health and safety' of the inhabitants of the City, an ernergency exists; and this ordinance, being n,ecessaty for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall take effect and be in force i.mmediately on and a.fter its passage. Passed: April 8 , 1952. APPROVED: 1AI:t&~. Mayor