0020 [j / ORDINl\.NCE NUIVlBER .,:~,2, L' /0 AN ORDINJ.~NCE ~AMENDI}rG ORDI~NANCE-41 OF Tl1E CITY OF Ji\CI~ ONVILIE I ARI{l\l'JSAS. /.J BE IT ORDAINED AND ENJ\.CTED BY TIlE CIrry COU"NeIL OF TIlE CITY 01.' JACKSONVIL:U}'~ ARKA1~SAS ! THA.T ORDINANCE 41, D1\.TED SEP'l'E]J1BER 1, 1914-8, BE AMENDED AS FOLLO'V'rS: SECTIO}T 2. Paragraph. 1 - No ~ral1 structures" building or part thereof shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered ,~ithin the city of Jacksonville, arkansas until a plan of the proposed project, together with a statement of the materials to be used, and the estimated cost thereof of the total project, sha.ll llave been submitted by affide.vi t in duplicate to the chief of the fire departme:nt, or other designated official, W}lO shall, if all the above matters are carried out and performed vn. th th.e provisions therein contained, issue a permit for the proposed project. The permit shall be issued in duplicate and the original copy thereof shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. The said permit shall be subject to the follo1Ning fee schedule; On,e dollar per hundred dollars Or,8J.1Y part tl1ereof First, One thousand dollars ($1,000.00 - $10.00) Ea.ch additional one tl10usand dollars or part thereof - ~~1."50 PENAI..ITY CIJ-\.TJSE: .An~ fail"ure upon 'the part of any firm" corporatiO!l. person or persons shall subject such partito a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. This ordinance s11~11 become effective upon the date of its passage. /J~~ ({) .f/II,,~l. ...l~~ lVIAYOR DATE: ~~ RECORDER .,,, ( \". (, / tdvU:~; ~"i T) ~\/ i;: 1\1'1) J T 0 ~J1 1] E TiT :,'j.? r.1A T5Y TTr~~ C; J:liY C Orr'NG ,TL (iF C; IT''( GFi T tl/\ 'T i8t Ord inn, ri c e //. ~~() be., 1.3 rnc::rJd () d, s r 011 (Y'J".'S : S 0 rru. C }1 () f 1, re f~ : ,t T i d r' e :rrn j t s 1'1~) '1 '1 (, e ct 0 f'ol] solled u Ie : One dollar per (:i lnd ed or i r s t on e t 1'1 0 '1.1 ~') E),t! (1 d 0 11 a r s () Tj~ a c had c] it:1 0 r\ Et 1 or f:.) 01.) be amended to read: 'One do 11 ar ( , It OC) ) pe f lVE? (J 01 "j ~:ir ( tal (,: 0 \brh:i is tlle LESSER por orle thOtl fHlnd cJ 0 thou,sa,nd dollars V'. ::. (71':1 ('I "1 ] ~:. r 'I:~ ( <.1 (J' t) (j (' ') J ~-'.. c." _. , .,..:l ,I.J \ " .. '.. '.... lliI ..." ,) t h 01J S ~:;I.J'~l(j 11FtI' ( 1 01 (1 " 00 ) for each every the r eaftf~:r . ' This amund to Ord 1. b f; 'i Y1 ~,'c'et from r ate of passage and appro'val~ ;'(.)P n'VE D : 17 TvTa.. r c h $. ~ G')p (JI "dJ-- (e_,.lF) ...:J?'t~,Ji,v~\.,{M . , }j; fl ' ", TJ '~" ... S C 1: r,r-:I7f~'T~""~:'--T;fl'~(Co{;{;)Tr J\TT ;:) T : \II /I