0018 OI{DINJ\}JCE l'JOf; 18 J\.!\T ORDI1'Tj~NCE PI~OVIDIT\TG FOR. TliE CHEA,TI01~ OF .!~ CI'\TIL SER'JICE CO:nJrMISSIIDJ FOR AtiLL CIVIL SER'VICE E1\~PI,OYEl;,~S OF ~rI-tE Crrry OF J!l.CKSO~JVILLE P1JH.SU.Al~T TO A.CT 326 of 1949, DECLARING .A.:rJ E1,ffiRGE1\TCY, l~T\rD FOIt OTBJ~R PlfRPOSES. 1r.JHEREi,AS , The City Council of Jacksonville, Arkansas has adopted for the City of Jacksonville, a Civil Service Comrnission consisting of five (5) upright a.n.d intelligent eitzens of the City of Jacksonville to serve as a Board of Civil Service Conunissioners for the Civ'il Ser'vice employees of Jack:sonville. :f\T01JV THE~REFOR.E, BE IT ORDA.I1TED BY THE CITY COTJNCIL OF J,A.CKSO~JVILLE, AP,K!\JqSAS: SECTIOl'J 1. The follo'vifing named person,s are hereby appointed as Civil Service Corn,missioners for the Civil Service employees of the City of thckso:nville, .A.rkansas for the term as specified after their respective names: J. P. Campbell, who shall hold office until the flrst :Monday in April of the secon.d y'ear after this appointment. Vf, P. Bacon, who shall hold office until the fi.rst lv10nday in April of tl1e fourth year after t:his appointment. GtlS Griggs, vm.o shall hold office un.til tl1e first Monday in April of the sixth year after this appointment. R. IA- ~wqunson, \liTho shall }lo1d office un,til the first l\1onday in April of the eight11 year after this appointment. Dr. Oscar Gray, wh.a sha.ll hold office until the fi.rst 1~1onday in A.pril of the tent:h year after this appo intrrent. SECTIo~r 2. It has been deterrni:ned by the City Council that t.he above mentionEJd indivlduals meet all tfH~ requ,irenlents lfrhich are set forth in said }~et of a.nd are duly q'ualified to perfor:n1 the d ut:ies a.nd 110ld t.he office of Civ'il Serviee Cormnissioners of the Cit~r of J~1.ckson.,Tillc3, and they are hereby charged vvit11 the fa.ithful perforrnarlce of such duties in 8.11 inrpartial and unbia.sed ID.anned a.s are no'Vv or maJ, hereafter be imp()B(~d upon theln by proper a'uthori ty. SECTI 01T 3. The a.bove nam.ed cornrnissioners shall. serve in such capacity "INi.tJlout salt=3.ry_ S~E~CTION L~. This ordil1ance shall be in compliance Yvith 11,ct of and shall be made 8.1ne11able to t118 pro,risiol1SJl by-lf:t\vs, rules a:nd ons a.s C011tairled and S!:1t forth V\lithirl the A.ct )26 of 19)-4-9. ,1\.n'J' contetnpltl:ted ordil'la:nces, or portIons of ordinances in corlfliet herellvith shall be subject to appeal and u~nless the provisions of this ordinance are pllt into effect inrrnediately" the p'ublic peace, hea.l tl1, and safet:~T of the citizens of trle City. of Jackson'\;r:tlle 1lvill be ad,versely aff.ect~~:?d; th.erefol~e" an emerGency is herebJT declared to exist Find tlll.S ordil1axlce shall be in, full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: October t~, 1951 / I~TTEST : Doyle Th.oropson City Recorder