0012 \,J illl .J. .i.~ .l1.11 V CI J.\J V . I'~ AN ORDINA.NCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION ANT) DISI)QSAL OF ALL G.ARBAGE lNITHIN THE INCORPORATED TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE, Pj.R Be it Ordained and Enacted by the City Council of the I~corporated TovVTI of Jacksonville, Arkansas: a,#.:l~\ ./~ , . 1. On and after the passage of this ordinance the T-owrI1of Jacksonville hereby ass'urnes the responsibility' of picking-up all garbage, trash, cans, bottles~ rubbish, brush, and any and all other items as may constitute a litter. 11' ?'''{'n 2. Ga.rbage from each and every residence and place of business within the limits of the in-eorpo'ra:tfd"""t.e-wn.. of Jacksonville shall be kept at all times in closed waterprof containers shall have at all times a fly-tight lid or covering which shall be kept thereon at all times. All such containers shall in addition be so seoured as to prevent their being turned over and the contents spilled or scattered. 3. The furnishing of suitable containers ,~th properly fitting lids as heretofore specified shall be the individual responsibility of each residence, place of business. firm. corporation or association ~thin the corporate limits of the ~ of Jacksonville. ;t, ~ 't'," \. < <) 4. Bottoms of containers, t'in cans, and e v~ry other article likely to accumulate water will 'be perforated or otherwise opened to prevent breeding of mosquitoes therein. 5. All persons. firms, corporations, or otherwise whall be and they are hereby char~ed and it shall be their duty to keep olean their immediate I,>remis'es; that premises shall mean to the middle of'the street in' front and to the middle of the alley in the rear of said prem.ises, from ttll gar~age, rubbish, cans, grass., brush, weeds, and other items as may oonstitute litter. All owners of property, lessor, lessee~ renter or otherwise, are hereby charged to ,. keePl'"olean any and all vacant grounds and otherwise,. .fre~J,from weeds, rubbish, and litter of every kind and nature provided that they' shall be' responsible for failure to?O so reg~~dless of where their residence may be; and if said owner, lessor, or lessee shall be a non-resident of the T~' of Jacksonville, a registered letter by theTp~ Health Officer shall be deemed to be sufficient notice. r It'( , ,:~;i ~ 6. Each and every resident within the corporate limits of the ~-"'of Jacksonville, Arkansas shall pay on or before th~, tenth ~lOth) day of each month a minimurn monthly service charge of fifty-oent (.50) to the Town collector of the frowri' of Jacksonville, Ark.ansas... for said garbage pick-up ser'vice. Each :and every business, firm, corporation or association within said corporate li.mi ts shall pay on or before the 10th d8;Y/I" of each month a minimum monthly service charge of one dollar $1.00) to be paid to the Town collector of the Tb~" of Jacksonville, Arkansas for said garbage pick-up service. Failure to pay minimum service charge for garbage pick-up by any residence, business, firm. corporation or association ~ithin the limits of the incorporated ;~~ of Jacksonville by the 10th day of eaoh month shall result in addition of a ten percent (10%) penalt~;and if not paid on or before the 15th dav of each month all suoh delinquents shall be sUUllHoned before the.,..~y~rts court of the ."~ of Jacksonville. 7. Violation of any part of the provisions hereof shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor a.nd any person, firm, oorporation, assooiation or otherwise convicted hereunder shall be fined in any sum not less than Two ($2.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, and each and every days' violation of the provisions hereof shall constitute a separate offense. 8. If for any reson any portion of this ordina.l)ce be held to be inva.lid, such invalidity shall i/n" no wise affect the remaining portions thereof which are valid, but such valid portions shall be and remain in full force and effect. 9- All ordinances ef or parts of ordinances in oonfliot herewith are hereby repealed. 10. And this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservatioll of the public peaoe, health and sa.fety. an emergency is hereby declared to exist and the same shall be in full force and effect iJwhediately after its passage. APPROVED THIS . 5!h __ DAY OF ~anuary , 1949. { L, ATTEST: RECORDER MAYOR / / :, 'l\r'.i'\I\~D'~.lT) oro T" '[\1 (~i"r'("I-~' )J-: 1:'-,::>. .J. t.. . it; \j .t; .... " '.U.~.J _ .1 L. ....J..\ J t J tr ..... 1N ithln the Incor as follovv"S: 't.A,rl. Or("j j.nf.xncc:~ Pro'vid .for the Collecti()Tl f:ll1d TOVfn, of tJ8.ckson-\rille, i!,rl~J)-:nf-;Hs, it be rc"vised a~nd Be It Resolved: D'i s po sa 1 of ./\.11 [1rnerided to rf~as That Ordil1a:nce ~~ o:ntitled on.:D I rrj\}:r eEl/: }~N OEDIFI..:'~.;\ICE 'PB.O\TIDTT\TO F'OH TFE~ COLl.l}1.:CT Icn'~' i\.N I; T.IISPC;S./J.J e.F' GJ..I.B.DJ':~.G.l:~ ..'\.T\:rr T'tEl;i(JS:~~ r.ITJJJN Tl{l:~ CITY OEl lJ./'t C K8 r:,: l'TV IL LE J }\ !.~,:< '\J\' ~') l\.S * BE IT CT(D.."~J}::::~L .\::<]J" l~:~\riCT.l.~:n rrr ;.C:~l:; CIT'Y' CO~.r'\JCIL (1'::\ 11 'iJ:: CITY' OF ~J}1,GK8' \'VILLI~J tlLl, CO 'll ~:t; i.,,) ,:,1 ::. ~:d. sY 'J; L. f.~; I'J. \t:!. n, 1. (:} :I :c c ill. f!; Ul s ! ~ -i ,oJ L oe "'7 '; . shall :')8 OX" 4f t:; v'e 1':1 1:int; f;.~'ld 1'::.~:\ .t~'l..-t :;.'1:,:' v n.'! H r c t .1-; (:; -:1.. T 'C.~: t. 3.. i,! U r \ c e 1!'i ~^;.. S 1') e ; Cit:l of t.Jt::.C k;,:~(:'r\\ri] Ie, t,o be f,ufrici~;n'"l:, litl,er. i. ::\r<~r (,U":~d (, ',.11, "F:1.C i'\'Yi ~~, I: t' <il ;),':;.Cl '1'::, c: G lectn .~:,o o:c :>- "':,he cf J. . J.t.:\, J Le r.:~tt'(:S'i'~Ol.:Uij, of ,":- l' s; , j i.,.' $ .; \. ...J "',1 .' J. T. \...1 0 1. 1"0 S t)O~'; :t. L:' L"'; \~ ;.'J.e ctc.n u;::\], :.;\ . -;;1 7 . ~J i (; 1 a t i s i .o:d G 1'1 0 l' e () C f; ,r'1<'.'1 11 be de tf11l0 d t 0 be s don If) ::i;::'lO r ~ ~J:} d , i :(1 ~J.rr':l Py!l~!' :)e r SOIl jI f i ItnlJ c c: r 1.:; (':1'" ,:it i (111, ?',. S ~'j 00 i ttt i 0/> 0 r surn :not 1 0 r:~ th an rl' "V,:O Dc: 11 Llr s ( e'\fer:;~ , 'via lu..t iO.Yl of i',:.1.t() ~,xc ovi i::;'i()n,s he: ~te :rnnr e c 11 r.,!,~d <l""' I" \""." A 8li1 sh{),11 in 110 Rh~.t 11 be f'Jlt: renta i:n. in 1'} t) 1 d ':.,. ;~>o ;;"; u. e 1'1 i 1'1'V :.:" "t i d ons .i 1.11 (., jJl ~:'l. -r Ie EJ 1.~~-; cu:nl"l i u ~, lje rE)"wi 'l:,:,h '.~ 1"'0 r c ~fe f::,~ edit J. ", 'j ,~ ~.! Ll;:l, S oreJ.i J:'.Ct:'1C.~0 () i st ]. ic :'.'ea,c(3, in, full force 11ec..lt:l :xnc: an. c'TnerseL.cs lS ir11Jled i '':',.te1:/ E\.fter it s ~ MJ ptl~3 saGe Ii [U1d effect~ ~\.PPJ:~OvgD Tn IS ]i,t\Y Olii ..-\Jr , 1. ~.\.TTEST --I, '1 I; , '1 , .', '. ~. ~ f\\~., \ ~ \ 1 \ . J\ , tl \ I ;/ i C OWfl' 0 ()':-3l'";"1te c.. e 1\ p' 0 1'\'" 4- f: f 'C :,)'\'\111'; 1.1al B~ c; .. , on l'L; D. For e E. rei r f) :3. ell ,...t.; '.'" f.~..! tllO tb Cct Ol)E3!'" !J (. or