0010 .."._~...'<<._ - ~..... J11 ....,........... .4~.......... .L.L.!.'!""..I .L..; 'q',V ..... J.. ,J.V.LL;JJ.~.J. \...'.L~ BUILDINS, IN' THE CITY OF JACKSONVIIJL.E SPECIFYING THf~ M.l\TERIALS AND MANJJER OF CONSTR.UCTION OFI BUILDINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND FIRE PLACgS IN SAID CITY: REGUL1\.TING T1:ft; STOR.AGE, HANDLIN'G ~~ND DISPE~JSING OF GASOLINE AND E}~PLOSlVES: REGULATING GAS .APPLIANCES AND CONNECTIONS: PROVIDING FOR PERIODICAL INSPECTIONS BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THERgOF: REPEAI.ING CONFLICT ING ORDIN.ANCgS: A.1ID FIXI NG THE TI~.1'E .AT lPvlIICI1 SAID ORDINA NeE SRA BECOME EFr~CTlVE. BE IT ORDAIrffi~D BY THE COtJNGIIJ OF THE CIT'Y OF JACKSONVILLE AS FOLLOVifS: ARTICLE 1. FIRE LIMITS AND PLANS.AND PERMITS Section 1.' FIRE LlrJfITS. The following shall be and a.re hereby decla.red to be the fire limits; beginning at Center of Section 30, 3 North, 10 West, Extending East 1 mile to center of Section 29, 3 North, 10 West thence North one half mile to the North East Corner of the North West Quarter of Section 29, 3 North. 10 West, Thence West. One quarter mile'I/Thence North one half mile, Thence l,n[est three quarters mile to Center of Section 19. 3 North, 10 West, Thenoe vJNorth One and one half miles to North ea.st Corner of the North west Q,uarter Section' 18, 3 North, 10' l1vest, Th.enceVvest Two and one half miles to North V{est Corner of Seotion 14, 3 North, 11 west (or Gate Ne~~~+Nine) Thence South Three miles to the south west corner Section 26, 3 North, 11 West, Thence East ~ and one half miles to the South east corner of South West Quarter of Section 30. 3North, 10 West, Thence North one half miles to Center of Section 30, Township 3 North, Range 10 West to the point of beginning. SECTION 2~ PERMIT REQUIRED. No wall, structure, building or part thereof shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered within the Cj~ of Jacksonville until a plan of the proposed work, together with a statement of the materials to be used" shall have been submitted in vvriting in duplicate to the Chief of the Fire Departm.ent (or other designated offioial), who shall, if in accordance wit1-l the provisions herein contained, issue a permit for the proposed construotioIl.. The permit~ herein required sha,ll be made in duplioate and in such form as may be adopted by a sesolution of the Ci tjt Council a.nd one copJr thereof shall be kept on file in the offioe of the City Clerk.. No building shall be moved until a permit has been obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department or other designated official; and such official shall not issue such permit if in his jud8ment the proposed new location - would seriously increa.se the fire hazards of the surrounding buildings. When any wall s~ructure, building, or part thereof shall be oonstructed within the limits of the City of Javksonville, without a permit,' or contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall be taken or torn do'Wll or removed, and the expense incident thereto shall be r~covered of the owner of said property by a suit in a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 2. CONSTRUCTION ,AND EQ1JIP~dENT OF BUILDINGS IN GENERAL SECTION 3. INCOMBUSTIBLE V~ALLS, CORNICES AND ROOF COVERING REQUIRED -VVITHIN FIHE LIMITS. ,'SECTION 3. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits as set out in Section 1 shall be enclosed on all sides with walls construoted wholly of stone, brick, hollow building tile, concrete, or other equivalent inoombustible materials, and shall have the roof, top, and sides of all roof struotures, including dormer ~1ndows, covered with incombustible or fire retardent materials. All cornices shall be of incombustible materi.al. Buildings with. wooden framework clad with sheet meta.l or stucco or veneered with brick or its equivalent shall be classed as frame buildings. SECTION 4. PERMISSIBLE WOODEN AND ALL METAL STRUCTUR.ES WITHIN FIRE LIMITS. no frame or wooden or all-metal struoture ShEllI hereafter be built within the fire limits as given' herein" or as they ma.y be hereafter established, except the following; and a.ll roofs plaoed upon such buildings or structures shall ha.ve an incombustible or fire retardant covering; (A) Temporary. one-story ~uildings for use of builders. (B) Wooden fences not over 10 feet high. (C) Piazzas or balconies not exceeding 10 feet in 'width, nor extending more than 3 feet above the second- story floor bea.ms. No such structure shall extend beyond the lot line, or be joined to any similar structure of another building. (D) Bay windows when covered with incombustible materials. (E) Small detached frame outhouses not exceeding 150 square feet in area and 8 feet in height, and not within 5 feet of any lot line. (F) One story sheds not over 15 feet high; pernlanen.tly open on the long side, with sides covered with incombustible material, with an area not exceeding 500 square feet, and not within 5 fe~of any lot line. ( ) .. / G One story all-metal buildings With no wood 1n wall or roof structure, with an ea not exoeeding ~OQ square feet, and not ~1thin 5 feet of any lot line. No frame building shall be moved from without to within the fire limits SECTI01~,. REPAID ING Il'RAME BUILDINGS 'VVITHIN .fIRE LIMITS. ,Any existing frame bu ilding within the fire limits not in conformity with this ordinance, which may hereafter be damaged by' fire" dece.y or otherVlise to an amount greater than one-half of its present value, exclusive of foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. SECTION 6. LIMITS OF AREA VVITFIIN FIRE LIMITS. The floor area between fire 'walls of non-fireproof buildings shall not exoeed the follo~~ng; ~hen fronting on one street, 5,000 sq- ft; when fronting on two streets, 6,000 sq. ftj and when fronting on three streets, 7,500 sa. ft. These area limits may be increased under the following conditions as in~icated; For non-fireproof buildings, fully equipped with, approved autoTIlatic sprinklers, 66 2/3%; for fireproof buildings 50%. SECTION 7. WALL T}IICKNESSES. All exteriC?r or devisiorl wal;l:s of buildings hereafter erected in the fire linlits shall not be less than twelve inches in thickness, except buildings of the dvvelling house class; and one story buildings not over 15 feet in height not exceeding 750 square feet in area, may be not less than eight inches in thi.ckness. For buildings exceding one story in he~ght the walls of the upper two stories shall be not less than twelve inohes in thickness, increasing four inches in thickness for eac11 two stories or fraction thereof' below. In. all buildings in the fire limits party walls and fire vvalls \'\!hie!l serve as bearing walls on botrl sides shall be four inches thicker. Reinforoed concrete walls with the steel rein.forcemerlt running both hoizontsylly and vertically' and 'Weighing not less than one-half pound per square foot of wall, may have a thickness four inohes less than that prescribed above, but in no ca.se shall they be less than. eight inches in thickness. No two-story itlcrement shall exceed thirty feet in height. ----~-, Fire walls shall be continous from foundation to eighteen inches above roof level on buildings of three stories and under; thirty-six inches on buildings four stories and over, and shall be coped. Every building within the fire limits having an area of 400 sq. ft. or over except churches, 8wellr~gs , tenement houses, dormitories and lodging houses, shall have approved fire doors, shutters or wired glass in incombustible frames and sash on every exterior opening in any side wall except where such wall faces a street at least 40 feet wise. Oooupau~Ls of building shall close all exterior and interior fire doors, shutters and windows at the close of business each day. SECTION 8. SMOKEPIPES. No smokepipe shall be within I8-inches of any woodwork or any wooden lath and plaster partition, or ceiling. Where smokepipes pass through a wooden lath and plaster partition, they shall be guareded by galvanized iron ventilated thimbles at least 12-inches larger in diameter than the pipes, or by galvanized iron thimbles built in at least 8 inches of brick work or other incombustible material. No smokepipe shall pass throu{~h any floor, side of building or a roof having wooden framework or covering. SECTION 9. STOv~S, RANGES_ Illi.ATING FURN~~S OR SIMILAR APPLIANCES. No range, stove, heating furnace or similar appliances shall be pla.oed within 18 inohes of any 'tvoodwork or wooden la th and plaster parti tion. Ranges. .heating furnaces or similar appliances without legs, in which large :hot fires are maintained, as in mer- oantile or manufacturing buildings. shall rest upon 8 inch foundations built of incombustible materials supported within the thickne sa of the floor framing. Such hearths shall extend at least 18 inches in fron and 18 inches on the sides and back of the ranges or silnilar heating appliances. Similar appliances with legs, shall be set on inoombustible material which shall extend at least 18 inches in fron and 12 inches at sides and rear. SECTION 10. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. All electrical installations shall conforln to the require1l8nts of the National Eleotrical Code. SECTION 11. SA~~TY OF DESIGN. All parts of every building shall be designated to safely oarry the loads to be iUqJosed thereorl, and shall ill all other respects conform to good engineering practice. .A.RTICLE 3. CONSTRUCTION OF CHIl.!NEYS, FLUES AND ~'lJ:{E PL.ACES. SECTION 12. All chimneys, flues, or fireplaces hereafter built or rebuilt in any building in the oorporate limits of Jaoksonville, regardless of the type of fuel used, shall oonform to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 13. The walls of all chinmeys which form a part of a building construction shall be built of solid bride not less than 3 3/4 inches thick (width of a standard size brick), and shall be lined with fire clay flue lining with a softening point not lO'vvt.7r than 1994 degrees}f~ahrenheit, and not less than 5/8 inch in thickness. The masonry shall be built around each section of lining as it is placed, and all spaces between masonry anclining shall be completely filled with mortar. No broken flue lining shall be used. Flue linings shall start at least 4 inohes below the bottom of smokepipe intakes of flues, or from the throats of fire places, and shall be eft8 oontinouos the entire height of the flues and project at least L~ inche s above chiiUJ..1ey top to allow for e. 2 inch wash and a 2 inch projection of lining. Cement mortar only shall be used in chilu.uey construction. SECTION 14. ...'\.11 ohimneys shall be bU~llt as nearly vertical as possible and shall extend at least 3 feet above flat roofs and 2 feet above the ridges of peak roofs. Chimneys shall not rest upon or be carried by wooden floors, beams or brackets, nor be hung fromwooden rafters. Iron brackets or stirrups attached to vvooderl construction shall not be used to support ehimneys. In frame buildingsl chiluueys shall a11ATays be built from the ground up. Or rest OIl basement 'walls. The foundation for an exterior chiJlu.ley shall start below the frost line. SECTION 15. The walls of brick buildingsmay form part of a chimney, but no vrall less than 12 inches thi ok shall be used to support a corbeled chimney; and such corbeling shall not project more than 6 inches from the face of the wall, and the corbeling shall consist of at least five courses of briok. SECTION 16. No wooden beams, joists or ra.fters shall be plaoed within 2 inches of the outside face of a chimney. No woodworks shall be placed within 4 inches of the back wall of any fireplaoe. ,All ,paoes betlveen the chimney and wooden joists or beams sha.ll be filled with loose oinders, mortar refuse ot other porous incombustible material, which shall 'be supported by strips of sheet metal lath set into the briok work and nailed to the wooden joists or beams. l~o wooden studding, furring or p lathing sha.ll be plaoed against an~y' chimney, the plastering shall be directly on the masonry or on metal lathing. Woodwork fastened to plaster which is against the masonry of a chimney shall have a layer of asbestos at least one-eighth inch thiok plaoed between the woodwork and the plaster. SECTION 17- The 1Nalls of fireplaces shall not be less than 8 inches thick, and if built of stone not less than 12 inches thick. Fireplaces and chi.uu.ley breasts shall have trirnmer arches or other approved fire-resistive construction supporting hearths. The arohes and hearths shall -be at least 20 inches wide measured from the face of the chi.mney breast. The arches shall 'be of brick, stone or hollow tile, not less than 4 inohes thick. A flat stone or a reinforced concrete slab may be used to carry the hearth instea.d of an arch if it be properly supported and a suitable fill be provided between it and the hearth. Tl1e length of the trilnmer arches and hearths shall be not less than 24 inches longer than the fireplace opening. Hearths shall be of brick, stone, tile or concreteJ Wood centering under a triiUJUer arch shall be removed before plastering the ceiling beneath. No wooden mantel or other woodwork sha.ll be placed within 8 inches of the side or within 12 inches of the top ~ any open fireplace. No conlbustible SUU.tlu.er piece or fire board shall be used. ARTICI..E 4. REGULATI~TG TITE STORAGE, HANDLI~NG AND }"ISPEJ\TSING OF G.ASOLINE NAI).tlTHA~ BENZINE. BENZOL:g AND OTliEIt LIRE VIOLATILE COMBUS'rIBLES OR THEm CO]!PO'UNDS. SECTION 18. Gasoline, naphtha, benz,ine, benzole, and other like violatile combustibles or "their compounds in excess of a tota.l of five gallons, exclusiv" e of that in the tanks of automobi~..esl in com'Qustion. engi~le~.. or in approved portable wheeled tanks in public garages each not exceeding sixty ga,.lons capao~ty shall uO"; De kept (over) within any building- A total of five gallons or less shall be kept only in cans approved by theChief of the Fire Department, and any quantity in excess of five gallons shall be kept only in a tank or tanks placed not less than two feet beneath the surface of the ground and approved by the Chief of the Fire Department; or in an outside ta.nk or tanks above ground and approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, located not less than fifty feet from the line of any adjoining property which may be built upon and they shall be adequately and '., pyoperly diked wi th a dike having ca.paci ty not less than equal in volume to that of the tank or tanks s'urrounded. \"" / No underground tanks shall be placed. constructed or maintained under a public sidewalk or in a sidewalk area. SECTION 19. Smoking shall not be permitted in any place storing, handling or dispensing gasoline, naptha, benzine. benzole and other like volatile combustibles or their COl11f'ounds, and signs to that effect shall be prominently displayed in three or more places. SECTION 20. In no instance shall gasoline I naphtha. benzine, benzole and. othor like vola.tile combustibles or their compounds be allowed to run upon the floor or fall or pass into the drainage system of the premises. Self- closing metal cans shall be used for all oily waste or wasted oils. ..~TICLE,. GAS APPLIANCES ~1ID CONNECTIONS SECTION 21. All gas service pipes 2 inches in diameter and over shall be equipped with gate valve, or other positive fitting for shutting off the gas, located outside the building_ All new service pipes under 2 inches, except those for residence buildings intended for not more than two families, shall have an outside cock or valve shut-off which shall be easily aocessible for operation. SECTION 22. Gas connections to stOVt:1S, heaters and other appliances shall be madeby metal pipe, or by approved metal tubing securely fastened in place, except that for devices which require a movable comlection, approved flexible tubying may be used provided there is but one shut-off val ve, Stlch valve to be located in the rigid pipe back of the point where tubing connects to the rigid pipe, and in no case at the device. SECTION 23. Any appliance which consumes large quantities of gas, or which is automa.tically controlled an,d depends upon 8. pilot light for ignition shall be connected -to a safe and adquate flue as required for devices using solid fuel. ARTICLE~9' BUILDING INSPECTION l /i ,;'\ SECTION 24. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to inspeot or to cause to be inspected by Fire Department officers or members, as often as may be necessary, but not less than twioe a year, all buildings, premises and public thoroughfares. except private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions liable to cause fire. A written report of every such inspeotion shall be filed with City Clerk by the inspector. 'fuenever any officer or member shall find in any building, or upon any premises or other place, eeBe~M- combustible or explosi va matter or dangerous accumulation of rubbish or unnecessary accumula tion of waste paper, boxes, shavings, or any other highly inflawnable materials especially liable to cause fire. and which is so si~ated as to endanger proper~, or shall find obstruction to or on the fire escapes, stairs, passageways. doors or wi:ndows, lia.ble to interfere \vi th the operations of the Fire Department, or egres s of occupants, in case of fire, he shall order the same to be removed or remedied, and such order shall be compliedwith within the next 48 hours by the owner or oocupant of such premises or buildings. ARTI elE 7. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 25. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therwith, or who shall 'violate or fail to comply with any order or regulations made thereunder, shall severally for each and every suoh violation and noncompliance respectively, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). The iU1tJosition of one penalty for any violation of this ordinanoe shall not excuse the violation, or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise speoified, each ten days that prohibi-ted oonditons are maintained shall constitue a separate orrense. The applioation of the above penaltjt shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions, as provided in Section 2 of this ordinance. SECTION 26. All ordinanoes or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the s~une are hereby repealed. SECTION 27. This ordinance shall become effecti ve and be in force from and a.fter its passage and approval. Passed and a.pprove d this 1st day of September, 1948.J PASSED: . ( ) .:J ~ / ,1 ~) V:tt/ / /l / /~.<y / 1\ nnT"'r'I,\f'V""f' iI \ 1/ /C-'~j~/\/,-f # / / / ~J ier. ':~/, dJ '-7' . . A" i-. ;;"'7" :~~L~ - ~ // / // ,A T 11"G:~ S T~, l\JVn~~ND JV/'fi;N1r// 1 ~r' n 01;'1> Il{/-\lJC j\; 10 IT IN',!" HY C TI.:C Y C O[r~:i (; T 1.1 II' T.1 }~; C I T '\' (i J~'l ~T:,\.,C Y ~::I 10\,1"';]' T IJJ }( 'j\,1 ~':, /.., S : TH.I\.T exist Ord 1 s:lon added as :f'o11ow's: T}NT,,'i:~.;'p SE,;C'l'! InN l!L~, PJil\l\J1T< ["iFT G: frT::t:me "bu i 11.1 s ht111b(; :fr orn 'v\/it.',h out to vvith t.he i:re lind.t, UYJtil prO'VLt1 thf~ C Council ()X' authorized represenative, has been Granted~ Such bu Id s sha 11 C o:n,Corrn to St,DJld 'bu i Id i nc; r)ra.c t eo s an. d C~ t, 11 r (:: (1 r (, rr f' :n t) s r 0 r e 1. e (~ t r1 c ;,."j 1 uJnb l.n -1 or1S ~ TJI\::T)ET: :~::n;,~cfr TerN ')'1.' i\.DLI .:\. (}P FT t, \\f (')vV f r i)"Jne ha v'i. etD s.t,:r l.:tC ted 1 '1 . . ,.1 htlre},8 .t t:e:ne Iflf; rlt "h ()lJ. , fe (~t or cnrE:~ r, :c:; lu:l11 s i -no C o'rll :') '] sonn,re u.nd nr' r:;t:arlcl ar'd ir:soec.t :~"8 01J 1.rf~'!T'ellts ., T IT. i\.T ,{::: In. i 1. (~freei,:' {lrorr; 1 .L ;jI J~_ FIPH OV'C D : 1 IV; 1:( J~ e h, 1.. '., , . () '. '. . r; tJ - ~ LJlv~~q- r:-~ .--.. 'TY:'--"-.1:) c t:1J1Jl-tr:(I;-'''''-''"'~jL.\,~{C1:{~' T.T1~J;~::rc: {~"~ ~'u,) ..~, . '",.___-11' ",.. '''U~''''''A'~''':'_~'~_'.___ \ ,J. E:. C! 'X:':~" ij]=.". 1;; \.\ '\\-1/1., , ~ '~I.l" ....",~ .