0009 "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE JACKSONv TLLE VOL1JNTEgR FIRE DEPART1~ENT AND FOI~ Ol!I1.t!at PURPOSES" 11 I BE IT ORDAlNEP BY THE l~AYORANr' CITY COU:f\TC IL OF THE T01NN OF JACKSONV'ILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: That there is hereby created a city volunteer fire department to be officially known as "TI-IE J.ACKSONV"ILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPART}lENT". SECTION 2: That the JA.CKSONVILIJr~ VOI,UNTE,~J.{ FIRE DEPARTJv!ENT shall consist of the Fire Chief assistant fire chief, Captain, Truck Foreman, Secretary and Treasurer, and such number of b(/ hosemen a.s the Cit;{ Council may order, but not le ss than a total of 20 active men on the depa.rtment. SECTION ~~3: That the Fire Chief shall be appointed by the City Council and shall reoei va ? a salary of (per month, and he shall be directly charged vdth the responsibility and accountabilitJr to the city for all equipneJ.J.L and have control and management of the orgainzatioIl. He shall name and select, with the appr oval of the City. Counci 1, the members of the depar tment, and shall direct and control all the work of the department. (Chief may be paid on ca.ll th.e sarre as the men, if desired.) SECTION 4: That there shall be held not less than one meeting each mOllth of the department for the purpose of instructing and training, and that all members shall attend unless ex- cused for reasonable ca.use, .,tlle ret!,ular meeting to be held the fourth Monda.y night in each month; that the JACKSON'lIILE VOLUNTEER Fm}~ DEPARTI~!:ENT shall adopt such rules as may be deemed necessary for the proper functioning; of the deparLuJ.ent, but that all such rules shall be subject to the approval of the CitJr Counci 1. SECTION 5: ; , That all members of the JACKS(),N\rILtJ~ VOLUNTE'~'R FIB.E DEP.ART~JJENT, who have been ~ selected and approved as herein provided, sha.ll receive the sum of $2.50 for attendance upon and for service at each and every fire, service at each and every fire being deemed to have been performed when the circumstances of such fire are such as to require the necessity of unloading ,/ and connecting the hose to the fire hydrant_, Members are also to be I?aid $l.do for each drill. SECTION 6. That the Fire Chlef shall keep a record of the names of the members who attend the mont)):ly. meeting and who perform service a.t each fire, and that he shall submit a full statement ~ ...;~ [' ~l ,cY of the number of fires attended by each member each month to the !J:>Wn Council at its next .~ m" regular meeting_ SECTION 7: That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordin.ance 'being necessary for the protection and preservsation of the public welfare sha.ll take effect and be in force from and ~fter i.ts passage, approval, and publ ication. '\ ~ I /] \.... ~;/- //g' /,,/ //:/<: '\,.....' ./' ./f,{.'.., .// ..- // ...~"."'~' ~ /71./ ,,/' .... ,/' ./ ( /~L s. 'BRE1. . , MAYOR .J /// ~/' ATTEST : M!RoN-TRAnoif; CITY-RECORDER PASSED: September 1, 191+8 l' I /, ".,J \ ! ~) .." It) l () I, , ( I ,./ -.f. iF,,,, i "( ( J j \~f, c) i't (}/J (-"(:. /.:.. ( ~ 1"" f::~ (. V"',":j ;1 '--J _.~ --~.~1 t A WIE 1\rr) 'l\li}i; NT T' 0 nT'lIT) IN.l\.lTCE ",'"HIE P E /\ S, t be C i of Jacksonvil,lc, Pulaskj C Arkansas, has a du act {,..~ . "Ire S tal ion and rf:~ E;-u lar r8tained personnel therein; , tl~ore is aVlell-.trainGd ~~rour:) or or zed re ,1' jur o'p-ten fr orn f1. 'Yro l'IJntc: L:r ou , aile: j as a PI' result of t~e functions of such za~lon and its volunteer re nc1 0W11ers cf~ tJ:e C1 I",P ,) .J., (J ac; 1<:8 Ol'l"yr::J,11e , I~ r l~: FJ. n f3 oy [3., reasonab Ie e:n-'lic't.b Ie fire l~ate OIl ,fire 1\10':/,/, TTIEPEFOItTl,; J , the C Council of t.he C ()f' tJ'flG ks c:r1,Vl. l1e, Ptll(:.ts ki C 1\rk'o.,:(.1 S, ~'le revv"ith end o:r se s a.TO r i1' e d for st service rendered, and ~erein subscr5he ourselves in to Two Dol Jars Evn,d Cents ( \ ) , 'TO ],unt.er' r f1rernan i.ei i any call 0 retrOftC t"\Te to 1 Pi\SSE:DANT) i\.r)'FRO~;Il~r;: February' lVf.AYOH ATT EST : "-{\fL .._~~~"i _;__.._ _ .5-~:_~C ORT1ER \ \,i ,}