0008 ORDIN1\NCE NO. ~ AN OB.DI:N1\,NCE lI.A:VIl'!G FOP IT '8 I)1JRPOSE TrrE.ANNEXJ\-1~IOJJ OF CERTAI1J TEHI1ITORY Iro TIlE I}~COR_PORATED CITY IDF Jl\CKSONilIIJ"E, .A.R.KA1JSAS BE IT OR.DAI~f~D BY THE CITY COU1~CIL OF Jl\.CKSOrJVILLE, ARKj:1-l'JSJ\.S, SECTION 1. That the following described territory be annexed to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas; Ttle lNest llalf (1JV:~) of Sections E:igh.teen. (18), Nirrteen (19), an<l +J1i.rtJr (30), irl Three (3) North (N), Rance Ten (10) West (W), and all of Sections Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Twenty-three (23), T1J\1entJr-four (214-), Tvventy-five (25), and TVJen.t~l-six (26), in rr01\7:rJ Three (3), Nortl1 eN), Ra.rl~~;e gleven (11) lNest (VIr). SIi~CTIO}J 2. And t;J:1is ordin.ance beir~g necessar:l for t.he imrnediate preservation of tb.e ic heal th.$ safety and peace" arl ernergenc:l is hereby' declared to exist an,d the s a.me shall be in effect upon it's passage. C () . c;: j APPROVED: .A.TTEST : RECORDER