0007 A.~~ND~\1h~ lfl T 0 ORD I'NA.1\TC'E :117 A,N AlviEND~Jffi~NT TO S:F~CTIOl\Jifl OF OR.Dll\JAJ\fCE#7 PHa- 11113 IT ING fl' HI~ I) I SCFf.A.H.G IJ\JG VfI1: IiIJ\J TIlE CITY L 11JfIT S OF .A ill. HIFIJES, 13 J GtrNS, I"ELLET GtrNS OR .A.IJY '1' Y.PE PIsrOI-J OR. RIFIJE USIJ\fG C~ OR COMPf"(.ESSED .A.TH. AS A. P.HOPELIAl~T, AND FOR arIiER J?tJ1~POS:r~S. lfJliFJH,EA.S, it has com.e to the attention of~ the Ci.ty Council t.h~lt Ordinanoe if~ 7 does not adequ9.tely prohilDit dischar[je vfithin the City Li.mits of air rifles, 13 13 guns, Co 2 J?ellet pistols and rifles, and, Vv1IEREA.S', <iue to an increase in population within the City IJimits.. the Council tl1i.nks the provisi':)TIS of Ordirutnce ~J~ 7 s]1oul~ be amended to prohi'lit 'lYe discharge of a.forestate~ weapons, 1'JOlfl, T Tn~m,EFOH,E, Blj~ rrr OItDj~IT.'JgD EY r1' IIg CITY C O1r~rCIL aT? rr liD CIT Y OF' t.lJ\ CKS Or"NII.lJ~}, JiTU<'.A.1~SA. s: TJIAT the existing Ord.inance if: 7, Section 1 be arnemded and the following; lie aided a:nti become Paragraph 2, of Section 1: IT SHA.IJL Ig lTNLA\VF1JL FG~ .A'NY .~l:~I?SON TO D ISCTIi\J~,GI~ ANY A.IR Tt 114'lJ~, 1!1~ GlJl\T.. PELLFIr Gtn~., F)]~~LLE~T R IF'L:E on. .ANY T YIJ~S eFt Ty})'g OF' :B.IFLEJ S OHPI~)T 01.~S lYSING CO2 PI~LLErr S OR COI\~1J1~~ESSl~D A.IT< PJ.S A PR.O.PELL1\.NT, VvI~I'ITIN TITE: CIT"'f I.JIMI11'S OF t-JA.CKSONVILIJ~~" PtRKAl\TSAS. :PERSON' OR PH~HSOJ:rS V'IOl!ATlrlG 1'Illi; I>HOVISIONS OF TffISE~.HAGHll.PI:I VrILL EE sum J'c"lCT TOPE' 'F^ I'rr 11:.'8 DP ("I CI' IT'Irrn TJ'T S'l.'" "f1' I or' 2 OF Q'" D I'\'I.T^ 1\j CE. -1[- 7 . Dt. .i.1. . ..L"U.t.J. .l:..t r!Jo .I ',. .oj~J.iJ . .\!~v . .....'J , .' , .t:.\J.t';..11 .I.~.A "it . This amendment 'bei.ng; necessary for the imrreelia:te :prese'vation of the pUllic health, safety and peace, an emergency is declared to exist a.nd this amendlnent shall be in full force and effec't from and after its passage ancl appro'val. m SSED, rfE'IS 24TH DAY OF" .Al~IL, 1~5S. A PP.R OVIJ;D : 1\.TTEST : ./" / ( // /f /I.~/.(~~./L" '1c;/"t/;!, ..1 /L,/ RE C ORtJER"'-'-r--' 11IA. Y CR \- \ ~7 ORDINANCE NO. ~~ AN ORDIN,ANCE PROHIBITING T.t1,~; DISCHARGING OF FIRE ARMS AND FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE IJIMITS OF THE Tovm OF ~JACKSONVILLE, .ARKANSAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY Tti~ CITY COUNCIL OF JACKS9NVILLE_ ARK~~SAS: SECTION 1. That no person shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol or firearms of any desoription, or fire, set off or explode any squids, fire crackers, torpedoes, bombs, Roman candles, or other things containing powder or oombustible or explosive material, within the corporate limits of the Town of Jacksonville, Arkansas. section 2. Any Violation hereof shall subject the party to a fine not to exoeed Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), or a jail sentence of thirty (30) days in jail, or both. SECTION #=3- That the Ordinance shall take effeot and be in full force from and after its passage. ATTEST: NOVe_20, 1946 \ " /I l Attes'~: ,//' " ' . ',,/. /7." J ,/ r-: APPRO VED : Si~ed : J. Ee Croft, Mayor , I " /' ( f ;~, ? '.. j' 1 !, e \ ' I' I