0006 ORDINANCE NO. o AN ACT INTENDED TO REGUL1\.TE BUS TRAFFIC WITHIN THE CORPORATE LI~iITS OF JACKSONVILLE. 1jj!; IT ENACTED BY THE T01fiJN COUNCIL: SECTION I. All bus companies having regular stops for piokups and unloading passengers must provide coro~ortable waiting rooms with adequate seats and proper ventilation. (~"~ection II: Bus drivers vvill be required to stop buses for loading and unloaclillg on the same side of the street that bus depot is located. Traffic must not be obstruoted at street intersection or other places where it is intended to load or unload passengers. SECTION III: Any person or company found guilty of violating this act shall be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined any sum from $10.00 to $,0.00. SIGNED: c. H. .-'HuDSON ,-MAYOR Passed: November 7, 1945 \Jif_~~d ~ r[)Jcdu)QJ7,JU...J 0 I ~ rr;ad /97/f