0003 .1.J.:J.i.\.lnu \/J.~ ~aJ...LvJl .lll~J voll. 1. "V.l.1J1J n~lil:JJ.. Vr..1 AJ\JIJ T~l!l,i A.h'.AANl:j,A~ YUVVl:~.;}-{ ANi) LIG.fiI.1 COMPAI\TY SHALL FtIHNISH ELECTRIC S~HVICE TO Ttl~ CITY ESTABLISHING AND FIXING RATES FOR SUCH SERVICE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND AGREEMENTS IN CONFLICT HERE1NITH. Be it enacted by the Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas that; Section 1. Arkansas Poeer& Light Company shall make available to the City of Jacksonville electric service for lighting of streets and alleys of said City and shall furnish electric service for said lighting described as follows; Size of Lamp All Night No. of Lamps' Charge per Mo. per Lamp Part Night No. of Lamps Charge per Mo. .P~~ Lamp Multi.ple: Series: 15 $ .90, I, <~ if ~ I 1;;; 1..... z, .,1 100 VJatt -_\~;;.. Section 2. Upon request by the City, the Arkansa.s Power and Light Company will supply additional electric service for street lighting purposes in excess of the number and size of lamps stipulated above, however o'verhead line extffnst"On.s fo'r street lighting purposes shall not exceed 300 feet per lamp. The city shall not require the Power Company to make any capital investment in the City of Jaoksonville for additional whiteway or ornamental lighting ins~allations and underground circuits unless mutually agreed upon. Section 3. Power Company will supply and City will take and pay for all electric service required by City' for lighting of streets end alleys of said City in accordance with rate schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof, but no monthly bill for electric service will be less than $13.50 during the term of this agreement or any extension hereof. As provided for in Section 2 hereof addi tional lamps which might be installed at the req'uest of the Ci.ty shall be billed in accordance with the attached rate schedule. Said rate schedule is subject to suell changes asma; be lawfully made. Sectton 4. Power Company will supply and C~ty will ta.ke and pay for all other electric service required by' the City in accordance with a.pplicable rate schedules now on file and as they rray in the future be filed and approved by the Departnent of Public Utilities, State of Arkansas. Section 5. All bills for electric service hereunder viill be rengered montlb.)j_ are due upon presentation, and are payable within ten days from the date thereof at Company's office located in Cabot, Arkansas. Section 6. All other ordinances a.nd agreernents, a.nd parts of ordinances and agreements, relating to the charge for electric service to said City are hereby repealed and this constitutes the entire and only a.greement between the P01ver Company a.nd the City 1Nith reference to the subject matter, hereof, and supersedes all previous under- standings whether written or oral. Section 7. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 1944 to Janua.ry 1. 1949 and shall be automatically extended for succesi've periods of one year ea.ch until terminated by written notice given by one party to the other not more than six months nor less than 3 months prior to the expiration of the original term or any anniversary thereof. Section 8. Said Power Company shall have thirty <;lays from B.nd after its passage and approval to file its -wiitten acceptance of thi.s Ordinance with the Ci tJr Clerk, and upon such a.cceptance being filed this Ordinance shall be considered as taking effect a.nd being in force froIfl and after the date c f its passage and approval by the May'or. Approved this 1st day of August, 1944 Attest: Signed: o. L. Hudson, City Clerk AP .Pl<OVED : Signed: C. H. Hudson, Mayor aRD INANCE NO .3B. .AN ORDINA~NCE FI]{ING AND ESTABLISfIING TIlE AGGREG.A.'rEA110U1~T OF LICENSE FEES, CHARGES AND SPE:CIAL TAXES DUE THE CITY OF JACKSONVILIJE FRO~.~ ARKANSAs PO'VVER A~ND IJIGIIT C01~[PA1\TY, 'VVIfIC}I AM01JNT WIIJL BE USED BY THE CITY IN LIEU OF ALL SUCH TAXES EXCEPTI~IG AD VALORE!~1 TlL'<:ESANP AUTO~kBILE LICE.n~~'S, ltND AUTHO:RIZEDRAT1~ SCHEDULES FOR STREET LIGHTING AND OTHER ~ltJNICIPAL USES OF ELECTRICITY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. VV1IER~p..S, the Arkansas Power and Light Company (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Po1Ner COIn1-1any") is duly authorized by franchise ordina.nce heretofore enacted to operate an electric distribution system in the City of Jacksonville, .Arkansas (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "City") and said electric distribution system and appurtenances thereto are used in, or incident to, the e~- rendition of electric service to the City of Jacksonville an~ the inhabitants thereof residing in said City and Wl1~REAS, The Arkansas Power andlLight Company is now occupying the streets and alleys of the City of Jacksol1vil1e for the purpose of operating, maintaining, ana extending its electric service to the City and the inhabitants and consumers residing in said City, and is supplyi.ng to the City electric service for street lighting purposes and other municipal uses, and V\JHJ:l~HEAS, The city is entitled to receive such Just and reasonable taxes fro"m the ,.A.rka.nsas Power and Light Company which Ci ty may la.wfu lly impose and the Company is ant it led to recei ve reasonable payment for services received by City. ~.- NO'V THE1<EFORE, Be it orda.ined by the Council of the City' of Jacksonvi lIe" Arkansas that ~; Section 1. Arkansas Power and Light Company shall pay to the City of Jacksonville the sum of $160.00 a.nnually, payable quarterly in advance, the first quarterly payment being due on the effective date of this Ordinance. It is expressly agreed and understood by the City that said payment shilll constitute and be considered as com- plete payment and discharge by the P~~r and Light Company of all license fees, charges, impositions or taxes (other that autombile license fees, special milla.ge taxes, and the general ad valorem taxes) which a.re now and might in the fUture be imposed by the City under authority conferred upon the City by law. The Power Company shall have the privilege of credi ti'ng such sums with any unpa.id balances due said Power Company for electric service reIldered City. SECTION 2. The ci ty does hereby expressly recognize that contemporary wi th the effecti ve da.te of this Ordinance that the Power Company will put in a new rate schedule for street light ing in the City of Jacksonvile, said rate sbhedule being set forth in Ordinance No. . Electricity furnished the City for purposes other than street lighting shall be paid by the City in accordance wi th the applica.ble rate schedules of the P01N"er Cornpany now on file and lor as they may in the future be filed by the Power Com'pa.ny and approved by the Department of Publ ic lJtili ties, State of Arkansas. It is expressly agreed and understood between the City and the Power Company if any licenses, charges, fees, impositions or ta.xes (other tha.n automobile l~cense fees, special millage taxes, and the general ad valorern taxes) be charged, imposed, or levied by the City o~ Jacksonville in the future, then in such event the rate schedule for street lighting set forth i.nOrdinanc'e No. . shall terminate and the obligation of the P01Arer Company set forth in Section 1. hereof, to pay the City the annual sum of $160.00 shall iluulediately terminate. Section ,. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as g1V1ng ~he Power Company any rights or privileges in addition to those already enjoyed or owned by said Company, nor shall it affect any prior or existing rights of the P011'fer Company to maintain and operate an electric distri bution system wi thin said City_ Section J.+. This Ordinan.ce shall remain in effect for a term or five (5) years and .for succesive periods of one year each unless and until cancelled not more than six (6) months mor less than three (3) months prior to the expirati.on of the original term or any anniversary therof. Section 5- All other ordinances, agreements and parts of ordinances and agreements in conflict with the provi.sions of this Ordinanoe are hereby repealed. Section 6. Said Power Company shall have thirty (30) days from and after its passage and approval to file its written acceptance ~f this Ordinance with the City Clerk and upon such acceptance being filed, this Ordinance shall be considered as taking effect and being in force Brom and after the date of its passage and approval by the Mayor. Approved thi.s 1st day of August, 1944. Attest: Approved: o. L. Hudson, City Clerk c. H. Hudson. Mayor (Signed) ~ ~