0002 ORDINANCE NO. Z AN ORDINANCE GRANTI~TG TO TIlE ARKANSAS POrvER AND IJIGHT COIvlPANY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. THERIG1:1T TO ERECT. MAINTAIN, EXTEND AND OPERATE A SYSTElvI FOR T~ DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY TO T~ TOViN OF JACKSONVILIE, ARKANSAS, AND THE INHABITANTS ,!'HEBEOF. BE THE ORDAINED BY THE TOVm COUNCIL of the incorporated Town of JacksonYdlle, Arkansas, as follows: SECTION I. That the Arkansas Power and Light Company, (hereinafter termed the "GRANTEE") Its successors and assigns, shall have the exclusive right, privilege and authority intha pre~ sent and future oorporate limits in the To~ of Jacksonville, Arkansas, (hereinafter termed tB "GRANTOR") and the additions thereto of ereoting, maintaining, extending and operating over, under, upon and across the streets and alleys of the Town of Jaoksonville an eleotric dis- tribution system for the purpose of oonveying, selling and distributing electrio energy to the GRANTOR and the inhabi tents of the Town of Jackson viIle for light, heat, power and other purposes for whioh electricity may now or during the life of this franchise be used and the GRANTEE for such purposes may enter upon any and all of the streets. alley" avenues, bridges and public ground belonging to or under the control of said Town for the purpose of ereoting its poles, wires. stubs, anchors and all other apparatus and appliances and the stretching of its ~~res and laying of conduits. No special inspeetion tax. occupating tax, or other special tax shall be levied by the Town of Jacksonville against the GRANTEE for the privileges herein conferred ~pon said GRANTEE. SECTION 2. All poles, wires, stubs, anchors and all other apparatus and appliances shall be located as directed by the Town councilor its authorized representative and shall be placed in alleys as far as practical, and the Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall replace and repair at its own expense, all streets,- alleys, avenues, bridges and public ground which it may enter upon for the purposes herein'contemplated, and shall restore such places to as good a oondition, as they were in originally. SECTION III. The right and privilege hereby granted shall exist and continue UJ{}]lXlOf.!1ll J2fifi~~lI~31~~~XD)2ihGtJDJxJ2txJJJA.:Jxmttt>>~ unti 1 terminated. SECTION 4. The rates which are to be charged for electric energy hereunder shall be fair and reasonable and during the life of this franchise the Town of Jacksonvillle shall have the same rates as are' applied to tother tOv~llS of similar size and nature served fronl transmission system of Grantee. SECTION 5. In the constru.ction, repa.~rl.n,g and operating of said electri c distribution system, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall use every reasonable and ~loper precaution to avoid damage or injury to persons or property, and shall hold and save harmless the said Town from damage, injury, loss or expense caused by the negligence of the Grantee, its successors or assigns, or their agents, servants or employees, in construoting, repairing and operating said system or in repaving or repairing any streets, avenues, ~leys, bridges or other public grounds. SECTION 6. The Grantee, its successors and assigns shall at all times keep its poles, wires, conduits, stubs. anchors and all other apparatus and appliances in a good state of repair, and shall conform to such pra.ctices and install such safety appliances and equipment as may be in keeping with the beat usage and practice in cities o! similar size in this sta.te during the life of this franchise. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in full force an.d effect from and after its publication and all ordinances in conflict with same are hereby repealed, pr ovided that the terms of this ordinance shall be accepted by the GRANTEE within thirty days after its passage and publication. PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF !Lovember ' 19 4~. ' by followin.g roll call. S IG~TED BY J. H. BArLEL MAYdR ATTEST: P _ 1V. IUPREE , CTTYRECORDER