0001 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE LEVYI!~G FI\TE 1!ILL AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL OF THE PJ'I.lt{SON.AL AND REAL PROPERTY , OF TI-IE' T01fJN OF JACKSONVII.JLE FOR Tl1.tt; PRU'POSE O]:t' DEJ.41-U\YING THE T01J\JN GENERAL EXPENSES. .BE IT ORDAINED BY the Town Counoil of the Town of Jaoksonville, Arkansas: SECTION I. That a levy- of fi ve mills on all of the real ~1nd personal property lying within the corporate limits of the Town of Jacksonyille, Arkansas, be, and the same is hereby levied as an ad valorem tax for Town general expenses. SECTION 2. That all ordinanoes and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be. and the same are hereby, ~epealed, and that this ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED TfIIS 6th day of October, 1941. SIGNED. J. H. BAILEY, MAYOR ....~ ATTEST: P. W. DUPREE, RECffiDER