0000 ORDI1~Al~CE NO. 0 AN ORDIN,ANCE lIPt\lING F'OT{ ITS P'URPOSE TEfE; T-{EPE.AIJ OF C}~RT1\.Il~ N1JMBE1~ED ORDI1\fA.1JCES A.IJD TFrE RE-1TU1v~~BERI]qG OF' I{EfltA.I1Tll\TG O~RDItJ.l\'NCES }'OR T1IJ~ CITY OF tlACKS O}P1Il,J.JE, .l\.t?K.ANSI\.S BE IT ORDi\_II\n~D BY TflE CITY COUl~CIL OF THE CITY OF tJl~Cl<;S 0INILL}l~, AHKj~NS1\.S: SECTION 1. That the following numbered ordinances shall be repealed: u b ~~ 4 5 / 7 8) lr ]] 12 17 l~ lL 1'7 ]0 10 01 ~2 ~7 rl 28J 20 20 21 z~ %% t~11rrl er 0 , ,0, , J .U, ,,""A.' .j, j, C), . , ..Cl, -.J,(;....,c..'c.),c:.LJ-, , ., <;I') "J ,:;;c..''))I 3ll, 35, 36, 37,38, 39,W.+, 51:1 52,53,5[4.,55,57:1 5e, 59 and 61. SECTI01~ 2. That tl1e follovvinL~ nurnbered ordinancE;1s she.,11 be ren.uTIlbered as follows: Ordinance nUluber I-I, 2-2, 3.A-3A., 3B-3B, 9-4, 11.+-5, 2,5-6" 26-7 27-8, 1.1.0-9, 41-10" 4.2-11, 4.3-12" L~5-1;1' 1~6-14, 47-15, 1+8-16, L~9-17, unurnbered ordinance dated October 1.1.., 1951 shall becon-Ie ordir:ulnce nlunber 18, 50-19, 56-20, 60-21, 62-22" 63-t23.t criminal code ord:i:na:nce Number 23 shall become ordine~,nce * 27, Ordinance 7~~70 she.II become ordinance ~H::28. SECTION 3. For the irnIrediate preservation of the public peace, healtrl arld (](3c1a.red to exist aYtC this ordi:nan.ce sha11 have full effoct irrnnediatel:y' aft.er and publica.tion thereof as provided b~y 18.11'1. an 8U1.Srgency is passC1,ge tb.ereof PASSED: J~ ~... 19 .6~;;" · ~~...... . ~~v Jf ~\ iT) ,,~L.Y ""d. ~~\IT iT ,F: S ~r - /