0992 07 ORDINANCE NO. 992 (#5-93) AN ORD I NANC~ R ~C_ASS r=y I ~G J~OP~~TY I \ TH: C: I TY 0: JACKSONVIL_EJ ARKANSASJ (GENERAL LOCATION~ P~OP~RTY ON ~O~T-EAST~~~ B:TW:~~ SAI~T ST~P-~~/S EJISCOPA_ C-tU~C1 A~D :OXWOOD DRIVE); AMENDING ORDINANCE ~UMBE~S 213 AND 238 OF TH~ CITY 0= JAC(SO~VI__~J A~<A~SAS; A~DJ :O~ OT~E~ JURJOS~Sv --------~------~-~-------~~~----~-~----------~-~~~---~------~ ----~---~----~----------~-----~-~------~-~---_._~----~-------~ BE IT O~DAIN~D BY T~~ CITY COUNCIL OF JAC<SO~VIL~EJ A~<A~SASJ THAT: SECTION ONE ~ The Zotle class i f ieat ion of trle fo llowirlg real property be and hereby is changed as indicated: Part of the Southwest 1/4J Section 16J Township 3 NortlJ ~ange 10 West J Jacksonv i 11e.l 'Ju ias < i County J Ar <onsas.l Jeing more particularly (.escribed as follows: Commencing at tle Northwest corner of tle Southwest 1/4J Sect ion 16.1 Towns ~'ip 3 Nort 'J ~ange 10 West; thence South 01 degrees 18 rnirlutes WestJ 375.00 feet.! to ttle point of beginning (POB); thence South 89 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East" 352 I 04 feet; thence South 16 degrees 36 minutes 19 seconds WestJ 574.18 feet; thence Soutl 07 degrees 58 rninutes 48 secorlds West.! 261.78 feet; t lence ~orth 88 degrees 42 minutes West/ 170 I 00 feet; thence~orttl 01 (jegrees 18 minutes :ostJ 809 ,64 feetJ to the POB; containing 4.60 acresJ more or less. The OJove described property is hereJY rezoned from C-3 to R-l. (General Location~ Property on Northeastern between Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church and Foxwood Drive). SECTION TWO ~ The map refer red to in Sect ion No. 601 of Orcinar\ce~o I 213 of the C:i ty of Jac(sonvilleJ ArkansasJ as amended by Ordinance No. 2381 and designated official zoning mapJ should Je and lereJY is amended to tle extent and in tle respects necessary to effect and designate the changes providec in SectiOtl One t lereof. S ~CTION T - ~~:: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances irt conflict herewith are hereby reJealed to the extent of such conflict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS cZti~ DAY OF MAYJ 1993. CITY OF JAC(SO~VIL_EJ AR(A~SAS (). ~ ~ -- ~ TOMMI SWAI J M O~. ~. ATT:S--: {~..~. I~~ L~ M. LEONARDJ~ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ( I' . ~v' .. ,'I ~-.,-~_ ROB T E . BAM~RG J -c ITY ATrOTmEj ~. ~, , )