0955 ~ i.) :IN' . ~] ;::]! !:5 (~:tt. 1 .e 1 .> C} F T 1'1 E~ (~ 1 '1" '{ E)URP()SES ~ BE IT ORDAINED JACKSONVILLE, ARKAN (~I TY II~ CI I pro:pert~l be 8.11.(1 ir ~::011e is c c'1a.ssific,ition f t oll()'w r a.s Ie t PARCEL 1: P 1118 Part of t arter arter (NE~ e tioD North" 1't~~r1 ( ) \;ve:st,~ be more particularly des .11 ) ()f t 1 D .~ rI' ()'wn .1"1 COUf.lt.y' ;Et~;:: f 11 0 '~JS : (' 2j) t a.~3~t SetS ~ Commenc at t Nort ast corner, SE 1/4, Section 18, Town h 3 North, South 209.98 feet to t po t North 88 des 49 ill te 16 feet; t CE: South~ 11B. Bl 48 minutes 19 s conds East, 116.81 feet (measur ), po t of bing; conta s, mor c: r~' () r 1"1 to t rle PARCEL 2: PROPERTY AT 1200 Part of Southeast art r ( Quarter (NE- of Section North (10) West describ lows: F:,'rfI I?I REET .~r.l) of E)AHT A.: 'N 0 r t.. ,,1 :;::;; t 1. 9., T I.) w'rl S l"~, 1 a.. :s 1\:, C; 0 ll.n t:J 'Sft .1 fl'l .1. ( ~;l :; sa,s ,'; F3eginn ing' ,it tl'le Nort of Section 19, Townsh feet West; t South North 210 feet to t tlst f2;orner () f :::?: 4:5l :~ '/Ai' est..~ t 4:30 feet,; t ,4 2; North, ~~lCl feet; t 1=)0 int of 1:; P RTY AT 12 NORTH FI A tract of 1 in t N rt NE-l/4 of Section 18, Townsh laski County, Arkansas~ a.s follows: ~::' T F' .AH1.' B:: a..s:t. eorn,er of t ~3 ~lorth.~ H1C! r' f;, };) a.r tic u lrsl.1:' "."'. 1 /' 1~:1 J 10 '~q est., B "t~' at t N rtheast orn f s feet; t e South 100 feet e North 100 fe t to the p J.~ l.... F'8.rt of 'f ee (Z1) Ark(:lrl s a.s , F~rrH El I 1/4 of ection 19, Town h <: 1. 0 '~{\r f; s t :' 1 Et;:~~: k. i (~ c~ 1..1 n d s r as follows: fi A..H(~EL ~~: AIr 1300 t tlE.,- 4: of North, Range Ten more particularly fee t \~! e :2; t () f () f t ,N I~ 10 \l~l:~St t. el ees l~orth; I~l 0 t. 0 f t~ Sout ast corn r f E)eg' ing; :30 sa~ NE 1;1,4 r.lorth.~ f et E:ast ::30 :;1 f,) f E~ e t i 01'1 1 Ei, r.r 0 l~:n s h 917.9 feet West; t 330. 728.88 feet East; t 2as .:3 feet to t 'T p~rop(:~rt>7 i y t:S\ ~:~ on f (:)111 H, .1 J?ro.pert'~l' (~ t. (j r' b () t W' e ff2;! 1"1 1~1 i :.e ;:;i t, Elec~tri. to C :1. r8..1 I.1oestic)!1: (; () op Sou th, r :.l F' . 1l31,:> ,"'" 1:,:) he 1,4 ~. l.~. f.3~ C) .f :5<1 TWO: T map referr 213 of t City of a.n c te~ No" 2 ~l8 to Section No. 601 f on,'1f1lil1e, ffi i::Sll r t::;~ IS t.r.) t cles ei~: t E~;n t a"te t respects necessary to prov for in Section e t l"t.e()f. SECTION THREE: All conflict rewith are (;onflic~t ~ an es r part of 0 ana repeal to t extent f uch l\N I) 1Q r" AL .:) _,-11.:tb I) E.R, lBEJ 1. " ~_ .. '._.,L~ TOMMY SWAIM, M~YOR ATrrEST' : ~~.it-2__!C__. ~ LULA M. LEONARD ~E . , v~ ( , 'F-";7J'-B", , E ~_._" -E:-"-'---~.1 A. M-~-E~r'" I~11 ,,' (~~'II' ')1',' v' :I" .\ . 0 . 'J, ( ~ 1 ~),w ,~~".6