0565 ORDINANCE NO. 565 /() AN ORD~E ADJtJsrllJ(; 11IE 1979 APPI~OPRIA'Il~";iJ GENEI~ FUND BU[X;t,.r, AIvli~NDI~; ORDINANc:t~ NO. 529 I rli~T.Jf~rING A $32, 100.00 SURPLUS OF ANTICIPA'112J RJNENlJES, DECLARING AN E1\1ERGflJCYAND FOR artIER PURFDSES. V'-7I-itlillAS, the City COlli1cil of tl1e City of lJackS()nville, Arkan&::is, approvee1 the appropriated bLdget for 1979 for tl10~ Gene,ral FW1d; and. MIEREAS, the City Counc ilh2is detemil1Erl for varic)us reaSOl1S, and to conform to trle needs of the Ci ty, i.n keeI)inSJ wi th the ci ty revenu,es aVclilable, a need to adjust aforementioned budget; aIrl VVlIERFAS, the City COW1cil deems it nE~c~essa.ry, at thi.s tin1e, 'to rE-;adjllst the 1979 General Fund Blldget. NOW, TfIERt1:'ORE, BE 11' ORDAIN1:1J BY TI1E CI'r'y C()UNCII.J OF 'Iln~ Clr~r'i OF' J'ACKSONVII.lIIE:, ARKANSAS : SEL"l.'ION 1: That f,rC)lll and after the passage and al)I)rOval of this Ordirlance the 1979 General Fund Budget shall bE; as follows: GENERAL FUND UNANTICIPA'11~1J REX:EII~PS 1979 OFITG INAl.J ACCT # CIASSil"ICl\TION: BU[X;l~.l': ($) 4010 4030 4090 4095 4120 4140 4160 4170 4180 4210 4220 4330 4350 4380 4400 4550 4560 4570 4610 4710 4750 4760 4765 4770 4780 4820 4900 4920 4930 4950 pro:r;:erty Tax State Tax Turnback Privilege ~rax In lieu of taxes General Telephone Ark. Povver & I-light Co. Arkansas-I.Duisiana Gas Co. First Electric Coop. Ark. Cable 1'elevision Building Pe~llLits Electric & Pltnnbin(j Permits [X)<j tags and fines Fines (court) Sani ta tion Fees Water & Sewer AsseS~lent Revenue Slnr ing Police Grant-Selective Enforce. CUIllLl1ll1i ty I:>evelol-llent Family Services Interest Incl)Ule Ambulance Billings From old oond issue ~(J1iLiJL1ter Services Reimbu.rst=uent Engineering Services Reimburse Purchasing Agent Services " Rentals am I~ases ~1iscellan~us Inculle Mechanic Salary /Pts. Reilnburse Mechanic/Gas and Oil Reserves 192,000 380,500 50,000 -0- 166,000 247,000 50,100 1,500 10,000 29,000 17,000 5,000 270,000 310,000 67,500 466,500 43,200 4,000 7,000 3,500 24,000 9,600 500 20,500 5,050 1,800 18,000 33,000 -0- 40,000 I~STI1'1l\'l 't~LJ UNAJ\1TI C~ Il)A~rEJJ ACYIlJA1J: ($) DI111"tJ<ENCI~:: ($) 192,000* 3BO,500 50,800 600 170,000 234,900 50,400* 2,000* 8,200* 22,600 13,700 6,900* 363,000* 280,000 67,500 486,500 49,400 4,000 7,000 6,000 18 , 9 OO"'~ 9 , 600~k 500* 20,500"" 5,0501:' 1 , 800~' 10,000 42,000 -0- -0- TOTAL l.JNAN"rrCIPA:,l't1J REa~IPI'S........... . .. .. . to .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . -0- -0- + 800 +- 600 + 4,000 - 12,100 + 300 -t- 500 1,800 6,400 3,300 + 1,900 + 93,000 - 30,000 -0- + 20,000 + 6,200 -0- -0- + 2,500 - .5,100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 8,000 + 9,000 -0- - 40,000 + 32,100 *actual APPIJICATION OF UNANTICIPA'l't~D I&vtJ\JUES (Nl<.J'l') TO EXPENDI'IVRE A(~COtJNTS EXPENDITURE ACeI'. # 101-010-5380 101-010-5780 101-010-5785 101-029-5120 101-007-5130 EXPEND1'.l'URE TITlE Police Pension Court Cost (Acct. #239) Account #713 Gas and Oil Vehicle Repairs 'TOTAL UNANTICIPA'l'.t;u m:;'\l.r.;NUES ......................................... Ai'1()tJNr ( $ ) -.. 3~'lOO 4,000 6,000 8,000 11,000 32,100 00023 1- ORDINANCE NTJMBl'.;!{ s-"" 1979 GENlli'<AL FUND (AI.VlliNDtlJ ) BUIX..iI:~.:r ANTICIPkl~U INCOME: Cormty Pro:f?erty Tax state Tax Turnba.ck Privilege Tax In lieu of taxes General Telephone Arkansas Power and Light Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co. First Electric Coop. Arkansas Cable Television Building Permits Electrical and Plumbing Permits Dog tags and fines Fines (court) Sanitation Fees Water and Sewer Asses::>1LLent Revenue Sharing Police Grant - Selective Enforc~Lent CULlLLu.mi ty Development Family Services Interest Incuue Ambulance Billings FruLL old oond issue Canputer Services ReimburseLLLent Engineering Services Reimburs~LLLent Purchasing Agent Services Reimburstluent Rentals and leases Miscellaneous Income Mechanic Sal~ry & p~rts Reimburs~Lent Mechanic gas and oil Reserves Total G~ERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: AI:l-1INISTRATION City Clerk (Dept. #01) Salary, City Clerk Sal~ry, Deputy Clerk Extra Labor Office Supplies Travel & Public Relations Printing Eql1i t!lLLent Miscellaneous Total City Council (Dept. #02) Aldermen Salaries Meeting Expenses Total Mayor - secret~ry (Dept. #05) Salary - Mayor " Salary - Secretary Stationery & Supplies Travel - Convention Expenses Industrial _0 Public Relations Office Equi~L~nt r.1iscellaneous Total ORIGINAL Burx;t.:r ( $) 192,000 380,500 50,000 -0- 166,000 247,000 50,100 1,500 10,000 29,000 17,000 5,000 270,000 310,000 67,500 466,500 43,200 4,000 7,000 3,500 24,000 9,600 500 20,500 5,050 1,800 18,000 33,000 -0- 40,000 2,472,250 ORIGINAL BUDG~.l' ($) 7,800 8,938 -0- 300 200 2,000 850 200 20,288 21,000 400 21,400 16,050 9,304 300 1,200 2,500 500 150 30,004 PAGE rrwo AIYllii\JD~LJ BUDGET ( $ ) 192,000 380,500 50,800 600 170,000 234,900 50,400 2,000 8,200 22,600 13,700 6,900 363,000 280,000 67,500 486,500 49,400 4,000 7,000 6,000 18,900 9,600 500 20,500 5,050 1,800 10,000 42,000 -0- -0- 2,504,350 AIYlliL\JD1ill BlJI)j~.l' ($) (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 20,288 ($d,LLle as Orig~nal} -0- -0- 2l.,400 (Same as Orj:gina1) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 30,004 ()0024 ORDINANCt; NUMBER 5~ S- EXPENDI'IURES : GE1\J~ FUND AI}-1INIS'l'.HATION Executive Dept. (Dept. #09) Office Supplies Legal Advertising EquitAuent Rental & Maintenance Operating Expenses Postage Municipal Lmgue Conv. Municipal League Dues Election Expense Insurance (Bldg.) Liability Insurance (Vehicles) Other Legal Expense Miscellaneous Total Finance Dept. (Dept. #11) Salary, Director Clerical Help Office Supplies Travel Printing of Ordinances .tqU.itAuent Rental & Maintenance Operating Expenses Professional Services (Auditing) Dues EquitALLent COILL,tJuter Programs Miscellaneous 'Ibtal Purchasing Dept. (Dept. #12) Salary, Purchasing Agent Salary, Secretary Supplies Travel Printing & Advertising Operating Expenses Schools & S~L~nars Dues Equi,tJl L Lent 'Ibtal ADMINIS'l'HATION (FUNCTION) Total PUBLIC SAF~l'Y Police Dept. (Dept. #03) New Program Employees Salrlries (including holiday pay) Educa tior1al Incentive Salaries D.E.C.A. Program Salrlries Auxiliary Police Electricity Gas (heating) Telephone Office Supplies Ambulance Supplies Printing Vehicle (gas and oil) Vehicle (repairs) EquitALLent Rentals Operating Expenses Radio Repair Jail Expenses Postage Unifonn Allowance Training Seminars and schools TnainingjFire Arms sub-ttl. ORIGINAL BUIXJ.til' ($) 6,100 1,000 500 1,100 2,500 300 2,200 500 2,000 10,800 -0- 600 27,600 18,410 14,027 1,700 100 -0- 2,300 300 8,500 30 300 -0- 150 4;;,817 13,484 7,577 100 -0- 300 200 400 280 150 22,491 167,600 38,000 530,550 5,900 1,000 3,700 5,500 700 8,500 7,000 3,000 3,200 31,000 20,000 5,000 800 3,500 14,000 500 9,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 694,350 7~ PAG~ TIiR.t.;~ ArvlliJ~.till BUIX;Er ( $ ) (ScUue as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 27,600 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 45,817 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- 22,491 -0- (ScUue as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- --0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 694,350 sub--ttl. o ()025 1". ORDINANr"R NlJMBtl< Sb~ EXPENDITURES: PURT,IC SAFETY (Continued) Police Dept. (Dept. #03) Amount carriec1 fOrw;=lrd TrainingjTravel Physicals Building Repairs Building Maint. Contr. Narcotic Buy Equif:J1LLent Radio Equip. (changeover) Police Vehicles Cu L 11 L vLease Ambulance Lease L.E.A.A. Match Dept. Sub-total Animal Control (Dept. #15) Salaries Overtime Extra Labor Electricity Gas (htg) Telephone Office Supplies Auto Gas and Oil Feec1 for Animals Auto Repairs & Maintenance Veterin~rian Fees Bldg. Repairs & Maintenance Eql1i ,tJILtent Sub-total Police Dept. Total Fire DetEruuent (Dept. #04) Salaries Electricity Gas/Heat Telephone Volunteer Fires Office Supplies Vehicle Expense/gas and oil Vehicle Expense/retEirs Operating Expense/Hose, etc.) Radio .Maint. Janitor Supplies Protective Clothing Training/St:1uinars/Schools Physicals Building/ELj1Jt. !retEirs and Maint. Insurance (bldg.) 3% Pension Match Equi.tJJ. L Lent Total Civil Defense (Dept. #14) Auto Expense Equi.1:J1Llent Miscellaneous Total PUBLIC SAr~'l'Y (FONCTION) Total JUDICIAL City Attorney (Dept. #06} Salary, City Attorney Salary, Secretrtry allowance ~1iscellaneous Total ORIG mAL BUIX;ET ( $ ) sub. 694,350 450 700 1,500 2,500 3,000 5,250 500 39,800 10,345 9,115 2,500 770,010 8,948 -0- -0- 1,100 3,500 550 300 500 950 300 900 500 500 18,048 788,058 436,100 6,000 3,000 5,700 4,500 500 2,600 2,100 4,500 750 1,500 3,500 1,000 150 3,000 600 13,000 6,000 494,500 -0- 4,500 200 4,700 1,287,258 7,500 3,210 500 11,210 PAGE FOUR Al\/llil\[)ED BUIX.it;'l" ($) (Same as Original) 694,350 sub-tt1. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 770,010 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 18,048 788,058 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 494,SOO (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- 4,700 1,287',258 (Same c\s Ortg~nal) -0- -0- -0- 11,210 00026 ORDINANCE NtJMBta{ S-bS-- EXPEJ:\JD ITURES : JUDICIAL (Continued) Municipal Court (Dept. #10) SalAry, Judge Salary, Juv. Probe Off. DWI Salary, Court Clerk Salary, Secretary Telephone SUlJtJlies Printing Judge's Expense Account State Legal Education Frmd Building Rental State Police Ret. Police Pension Fund Judge Ret. Fund Mrmicipal Court Ret. Court Reporter Baliff OWl Court Cost (act 930) law Libr;:lry County Judge Eql , i !:ALlent Ordinance #436 Court Cost/Criminal Cases (1880 & 239) Act #713 FcuLLily Services Miscellaneous Total JUDICIAL (FUNCTION) Total PUBLIC "W)RKS City Hall Expenses (Dept. #16) Electricity Gas/Heat Telephone Equi1J1LLent/Rental & Maint. Janitor Supplies Building Maint. Building Insurance Construction 'Ibtal Planning CUlLllLLission (Dept. # 17) Secretary's Salary Map Expenses Chairman's Expenses Total Library (Dept. #18) Electricity Gas/Heat Telephone Operating Expenses Building Repair;i1aint. 'Ibtal Beautification (Dept. #19) Salr:try, Director Electricity Gas/Heat Telephone Operating Expenses Auto Expenses, SC::L1Linars Trees, Plants, Flowers, landscaping 'Ibtal ORIGINAL BUIX;ET ($) 21,500 10,877 10,554 13,640 2,200 1,200 700 500 5,000 450 3,700 31,000 3,700 300 3,060 5,000 7,000 900 7,000 5,000 -0- 7,000 -0- 140,281 151,491 3,800 600 8,200 500 400 2,800 1,000 2,000 19,300 900 400 300 1,600 5,400 1,100 700 300 3,600 11,100 4,500 600 600 550 3,050 1,800 3,500 14,600 :Jf PAGE FIVE M'llii'IDlV BUDG~'r ( $ ) 21,500 10,877 10,554 13,640 2,200 1,200 700 500 5,000 450 3,700 34,100 3,700 300 3,060 5,000 7,OQO 980- 7" 000 9,000 6,000 7,000 -0- 153,381 164,591 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 19,300 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- l,6,€)Q (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 11,100 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 14,600 o ()027 t( ORP~~, NUJY1J3~ EXPENDI'IURES PUBLIC IDRKS ~6S- Parks and Recreation (Dept. #20) Appropriation for p~rks Appropriation for B.O.R. Match Total Engineering (Dept. #21) Salary, Engineer Miscellaneous,' ,Office Help Office Supplies Vehicle Fuel Cost Vehicle Maintenance Drafting Supplies Schools and Meetings Professional Dues;11eetings Miscellaneous Engineering Total Inspection (pept. #22) Salaries Office Supplies Vehicle Allowance Vehicle l'1aintenance Schools;11eetings Equij!l L Lent Total :Miscellaneous Public Works (Dept. #23) Extra Iabor (City Hall) E.O.A. Meeting Expens'es Metroplan Dues C.A.P.D.D. Dues Eq11ilAuent Repair/Maintenance SchCX)l Crossing Guard Heal th Building Match Jacksonville Elderly Program :Misc. Exp. (Sr. Citizens; utilities) Total Public Works (Function) TOtal other General Expenses Sani ta tion (Dept.. # 7) Salriries Extra Iabor/overtime Supplies Truck Expense/gas and oil Truck Expense/repairs, maintenance Uniform Rental landfill Fees Vehic1es/truck/equi~Lent Billing Expense Miscellaneous Total CULILLLL1I1i ty Develo1:Juent (Dept. #26) Salaries Office Supplies Travel Vehicle Allowance Schools/StlLLinrirs Dues/Subscriptions (Rotary, etc) Equi.tJ1 L Lent FICA Retirtl L Lent Insurance Total PAGE SIX ORIGINAL Bt.JDG~;l' ( $)' Arvllil'IDlill BUDli~.:r ( $ ) (Same as Original) 198,165 -0- 198,165 -0- -0- 198,165 (Same as Or~ginal) 21,324 1,500 500 500 700 500 850 150 2,000 28,024 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 28,024 18,356 400 1,150 900 500 550 21,856 (~ame C3;$ O~igj:na,l) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~O- 21,856 1,000 1,100 5,712 1,414 500 1,400 800 5,000 7,000 23,926 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 23,926 318,571 318',571' 148,400 37,000 1,000 14,000 17,000 2,100 34,400 21,000 17,000 500 292,400 148,400 37,000 1,000 14,,000 28,000 2,100 34,400 21,000 17'~ 000 500 303,400 14,714 200 500 350 600 300 -0- 910 1,480 310 19,364 (Same as Original) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 19,364 () ()028 7'- ORDINANc~ NUl'~BR. .s-t 5 EXPEtIDITURES civil Service (Dept. #28) Miscellaneous 'Ibtal PAGE SEV.till ORIGINAL BUlX:i~'l' ($) Nvllil\JDtV BUDG~'l' ($) (Same as Original) 700 700 700 '700 city Mechanic (Dept. #29) Salary Extra I.a}x)r Vehicle Repairs/gas/oil Uniform Allowance Total 12,962 -0- 23,000 300 36,262 12,962 -0- 31,000 300 44,262 Other General Expenses (Function) 'IOTAL Sub-total 348,726 367,726 2,273,646 2,305,746 6,000 6,000 62,500 62,500 43,600 43,,600 36,504 36,504 2,422,250 2,454,350 50,000 50,000 2,472,250 2,504,350 General Fund Sub-Total UneLLLt->loyment/reimburse FICA Match Retirement i'1a tch Insurance Ma tch Contingency Total Gen. Fund Exp. Ending Balance Total General Fund 2,472,250 2,504,350 SECl'ION 2: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict are hereby repealed. SEc'l'ION 3: The City Council has detennined that it is .imperative that the City Goverl1Lllent operate in an efficient and orderly manner, and a budget be adopted and the monies appropriated therefore in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas before the end of the calendi4r year. SEl:1IION 4: flvlli.H.GENCY CIAUSE is hereby approved and adopted. APPROVED AND A1X)p 111-<1) THIS 20th DAY OF Dece.uber , 1979. ,i~)'/') e / e'J" t~"// (I,r)/;~. F f/] /'.1 'e'e~rel,C; : .....l ,i ptI, /t../l/I (I/j/ C IT!, C ~ R1< "t::'J/ APPRO\!.tJJ AS TO FOffi1: '-\)J -~ CITY A'1'10RN.t;y A~~ k1.l'EST: )1....-..,.."... _, -w-, - -- - ,- 00029